The entire anime dimension is trembling, and trillions of viewers are terrified.

The daimyo of Lan Ran Yusuke and Kagami Shui Yue resounded throughout the heavens in just one video!!

It is very likely that this man is really above the gods….

“Lan Ran, I’m asking when exactly did you cast the mirror flower water moon !!!” In the video, Hirako Mako forced herself to endure fear and questioned.

“Then I have to ask you instead, when did you have the illusion that I didn’t use the mirror flower water moon?” Lan Ran responded indifferently.

His arrogant words made Hirako Mako stunned in place.

It’s just that at this time, Rifangu Dongshiro was already angry to the extreme, no matter what kind of mirror, he flew over to Lan Ran again, “Lan Ran!!!!! ”


I saw Lan Ran casually sword in his hand, and Rifangu Dongshiro was spattered with blood, and was cut in two together with the ice dragon wings.

Almost enough, Lan Ran’s expression became boring at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“How could it be…”

“How could it be !!!?”

In the corpse soul world, all the Captain of Death who saw this scene showed an incredible expression.

As the captain of the Grim Reaper, their strength had been cultivated through thousands of temperings, how could they fail miserably so easily?

However, what happened next was even more incredible and could be said to be like a nightmare!!

One knife, two knives, three knives, four knives!!!

With Lan Ran, he swung a few knives at random.

Hibanya Fuyushiro….

Crushed bees….

Hirako Mako….

Kyoraku Harushui….

Among the Grim Reaper, the strongest captains were severely injured one after another!!

At this time, Lan Ran no longer wanted to play with this group of ants, and according to the calculation of time, the jade in his body was almost awakening.

“It’s useless, it’s impossible for these guys to defeat Captain Lan Dye” At the same time, Ichimaru Gin, who was watching the battle from afar, his voice sounded like a narrator.

“Beware of Captain Blue’s Mirror? No, it’s impossible… Because, Captain Blue Dye is invincible and has no dead ends”

“All the abilities of Captain Blue Dye are far above each of you.”

“Especially the strength of the spiritual pressure, it is completely different!”

Ichimaru Silver’s understated words set off twelve earthquakes in everyone’s minds like thunder.

The screen turns….

The thirteenth team of the Gotei, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku fell in a pool of blood full of magma, unconscious.

Yoruichi, Kurosaki Kazushin, and Kisuke Urahara are dodging Lan Ran’s attack with great difficulty.

The momentum of these three people was much stronger than the previous Captain of Death, but they still looked weak and pale when facing Lan Ran.

Because, the indigo dyeing at this time is slightly different from the previous image.

His whole body was covered with a layer of snow-white armor, and his dreamlike posture seemed to be turned into a butterfly, and the terrifying spiritual pressure was even higher.

Blue dyeing, is there actually the next state!!!

This also means that the plan of the Thirteenth Guardian Team to stop Lan Ran has been completely dismantled, and the Corpse Soul Realm has been defeated!

The blue-dyed jade has awakened!

Previously, Kurosaki Ichigo, who was regarded as the savior by everyone, was even more difficult to resist Ichimarugin’s attack.

It is impossible to defeat, the original blue dye is already invincible!!

After the awakening of Bangyu, the blue dye is even more impossible to defeat!!!

Looking at the scene flashed in the video, all the anime dimensions were silent, and the thirteen teams of the corpse soul realm couldn’t even say a word, and the heavy breathing of everyone was clearly audible.

They saw it just now, even the old man Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku lost to Lan Ran.

And there is no one who is the opponent of the blue dye!

There is no one who can catch the sword in Lan Ran’s hand anymore!

Could it be that the future corpse soul world was really destroyed by blue dyeing?

Depression, despair, fear, palpitations.

The power of blue dye has fascinated the hearts of all anime dimensional powerhouses with a layer of fog.

Soon after, the battle ended.

In the unparalleled despair of everyone, Lan Ran traveled to the present world inhabited by countless human beings.

At this moment, the bridge between the corpse soul realm and the present world completely collapsed…


As the blue dye descended on the empty town, the entire space of the earth began to distort under the pressure, and the substantial spiritual pressure seemed to crush all living beings to smithereens.

The streets and the entire city were full of unconscious human beings, and no one could stay awake in front of this existence.

Because the spiritual pressure that Lan Ran inadvertently emitted was too terrifying, causing all the human beings in the entire country to be stunned in an instant!

“Blue dye, it’s going to destroy the world…”

“This guy is a real god!!”

In the world of Shinigami, Keigo Asano in Kuzacho shed tears of despair, and he was ready to write a suicide note in advance.

Several people, including Chadu, Ishida Yuryu, and Rukia Kurumi, were also extremely pale.

Lan Ran killed everyone who dared to fight against him, and now, who can be expected to save the world?

At this time, Kurosaki Ichigo’s breathing became more and more rapid, as if he was about to be crushed by a huge pressure.

The horror of Lan Ran even overshadowed Kurosaki Ichigo’s surprise at his father’s strength, he originally thought that his father Kurosaki Isshin was an ordinary human, but he didn’t expect to be able to fight with Lan Ran for so long.

But now, he has completely understood the power of Lan Dye.

Even if he has an experience card in the form of a bull’s head, it is not worth mentioning in front of this invincible blue dye, and it is just a ridiculous and ugly death throes…

And not only that, just like Ulquiorra was able to cast the second stage returning blade, the spiritual pressure on Lan Ran’s body was still increasing!!!

With each evolution of Bangyu, he in the picture will take on a new attitude.

Finally…… Until the purple energy beam covered the entire empty zacho, behind Lan Ran, a pair of dreamy wings slowly opened!!!

Collapsed jade blue dyeing.


“Come, come and stop this monster! Why, exactly! He obviously has no opponent anymore, why is he still getting stronger! “Pirate World, Straw Hat Luffy is shouting unwillingly at the desperate scene in the picture.

And yet….

As if he had personally faced the spiritual pressure of the blue dye, the whole body of the members of the Straw Hat Pirates trembled.

Even when facing Barrett in the video, they don’t have this sense of despair!!

“Human beings actually make me fearful…”

In the world of the grandson of the slippery head ghost, the body of the feather fox fluctuated violently, and his face was terrified and unwilling.

Although he couldn’t admit it himself, he couldn’t deny in his heart that this man was likely to have surpassed the gods of their world…

“It’s a poor world, it’s about to be destroyed, right?” Tutoring the world, in the end, BOSS Bai Lan sighed with a palpitation.

I don’t know if the oppression that Lan Ran Yousuke brought to him was too shocking, and he actually began to feel sorry for the world.

And seeing this shocking scene of the blue-dyed spiritual pressure covering the earth, the emperor-type destruction beast bathed in the atmosphere was no longer as contemptuous as before.

“It’s good that this evil guy doesn’t exist in our world!!” The young girls in the love world were almost frightened by the blue dye.

In the zodiac, countless golden saints looked jealous.

What a horrible guy….

Kurosaki Ichigo is the protagonist in the shocking famous scene of TOP10, but he can’t even do anything against Ichimaru Gin, a subordinate of Kami Lan Ran.

At this time, the disparity in combat strength has made it impossible to look directly at this disaster.

There is no doubt that this city, this world, this earth, is about to be destroyed!!!

At this moment, the weak people of countless dimensions knelt down and surrendered, and the strong people of countless worlds were forced to admit it.

Because, in the dimension in which Lan Ran lived, he was undoubtedly a true deity!!!

There is no longer a strong man who can stop this man….

And this is the shock brought by the famous scene TOP8, different from the previous violence and blood, this time is… Bottomless despair!!!!

Seeing this video, many ordinary humans in Kuzacho couldn’t help but start kneeling and begging for mercy, calling Lan Ran a god, hoping to escape!

But at this moment….

The picture in the video seems to stop for a while.

Suddenly, a calm background voice slowly sounded:

“To trade with the will of the slashing knife is to give up everything.”

“Even from now on, will you never be able to pick up the sword again and become a mortal?”

“Even so, at all costs!”

In an instant.


The most classic words in the Grim Reaper, two lines of big characters are suddenly engraved in everyone’s minds like the movement of a nuclear bomb explosion! ! !

[If I don’t have a sword in my hand, I can’t protect you].

[If I hold the sword all the time, I can’t hug you].

Immediately after, the picture flashed….

Under the bleak music that gives goosebumps all over the body….

A teenager with orange eye-covering bangs and a black robe blocked in front of the blue dye in the form of a butterfly.

His hair was a little longer than before, and his arms were wrapped around countless black chains.

At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo seemed to be about to fall asleep, and said lazily with half-squinted eyes

“Lan Ran, I don’t want to spoil this place, so… Let’s fight in another place”



(PS: 2-in-1 chapter, double the number of words as before, kneeling for the support of the family!!! )

3000 flowers plus one change, 300 evaluation votes plus one change, 30 monthly tickets plus one change, 3 tips plus one change, kneeling to thank the family!!!!!

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