Naruto World, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha and other Shinobi companions were almost all speechless with excitement.

This shocking famous scene inventory video simply refreshed their cognition, and it was the first time they had seen such a handsome and majestic battle picture, and it was difficult not to become a fan of Straw Hat Luffy.

All the shadow-level powerhouses, the members of the Xiao Organization, were all in a stirred mood, and even Uchiha was shocked.

In the world of Fairy Tail, all the Demon Guide Guild is boiling, especially Fairy Tail’s fire dragon Natsu is already breathing fire everywhere, and the guild building has been messed up by him.

As the source of evil, the black dragon Akuno Lokia fell silent and did not say a word, originally in his opinion, human beings were just ants that could be blown away.

However, in the shocking famous scene TOP9, the strength shown by Douglas Barrett and Straw Hat Luffy has posed a serious threat to him.

In the world of the Grim Reaper, although the captains of the thirteen teams of the Guardian Court were not too noisy, their expressions were also boiling with enthusiasm, and they couldn’t wait to enter the video to fight alongside them.

After a frenzied action, Luffy the Straw Hat has become the hottest character in the entire anime dimension!!!

The captain of the general team, the old man Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, suddenly opened one eye with some doubt, and actually asked with anticipation.

“Why isn’t the video over yet?”

“Isn’t this battle over yet?”

Wonderful and gorgeous combos, super huge ape king gun, dazzling final fists, and various shocking battle scenes made his old heart rarely burn.

So, after this, what else?

As the general captain’s voice fell, the attention of all the captains of the Grim Reaper also shifted to the video again.

After Luffy defeats Barrett, the mountain seal on the island is lifted and all the pirates are fleeing.

However, the warships of the navy have already surrounded the island in an airtight manner, and more than a dozen vice admirals use the moon step to step into the air, and they definitely can’t even fly out of the fly.

“Luffy !!!”

The pirate emperor on the shore, Boyahan Cook was looking at the sea with great concern.

At the same time, there were many surviving naval soldiers standing next to them, but they ignored this pirate female emperor, which also made the audience understand more about the meaning of the title of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.

As a pirate, he was able to act openly and wantonly!!!

But except for the female emperor, the other pirates are not good, all the pirate ships are in a hurry to avoid the navy’s shells, looking very embarrassed.

Obviously it was such a critical moment, but Luffy had just experienced a big war, and he couldn’t use the slightest bit of domineering.

Other pirate supernovae are also very weak after being beaten by Barrett, and can only be unilaterally passively beaten, and the situation is very bad.

“Oops, it’s a yellow ape!!!”

At this moment, accompanied by several terrified exclamations, all the pirates nearby turned pale and looked up at the sky like a mourner.

Admiral, this title is simply a nightmare for pirates!!


With a flickering light, a middle-aged man in yellow with a scattered expression appeared in the sky, he was a general representing the top combat power of the pirate world, the yellow ape!!!!

After the appearance of this man, the tension and oppression of the pirates rose sharply, and they all hugged their heads and ran around, and they had no desire to fight at all.

At this moment, even the audience outside the venue could clearly feel their fear.

“Is this the big general Barrett mentioned earlier? Sure enough, the strength is good!! “Hokage World, Uchiha’s voice is solemn, and he can’t even see the trajectory of the yellow ape’s movement.

“What a speed…!!!!”

One Punch Man World, Sonic is completely stunned.

After seeing the sound of the void and the wild rush of the female emperor, he was already shocked, however… The speed of the yellow ape once again refreshed everyone’s understanding of the world’s ability system.

Under the attention of countless dimensions, the yellow ape floating in the sky slowly spoke.

“Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?”

“Eight-foot Qionggou Jade!!”


In the next second, a huge cross flash erupted from the body of the yellow ape, and a dense meteor shower fell towards dozens of pirate ships below.

General Yellow Ape, he actually wanted to exterminate all pirates with one blow!!!

What the hell is the speed of light?

Could he have surpassed the speed of light?

Another master beyond imagination appeared, just when the audience of countless dimensions was shocked, the pirates in the video were completely desperate.

Straw Hat Luffy’s expression was also slightly ugly, the battle with Barrett had just burned out, and he couldn’t use his domineering power now, and he couldn’t block the general’s attack at all.

“Luffy !!!!!”

Seeing this scene, the female emperor Boyahan Cook was also anxious, and she was about to rush out to find the yellow ape desperately.

Not only the female emperor in the video, but even the female emperor who was watching the video showed a panicked look for the first time, unable to imagine the picture of Luffy’s accident.

I don’t know when she really regarded Luffy as her important person.

The video continues.

The light of the eight-foot qionggou jade became closer and closer, but in an instant… It’s time for a minute.

“Fire Fist !!!!!!!!”

Saab’s voice resounded in the sky.

In the next second, with a high sound, the blazing sea of fire swallowed all the flash meteor showers.

Two huge fire roads directly separated the sea surface, and after isolating all naval forces, a bottomless fire path spread on both sides of the sea.

At this moment, all the pirates looked incredulously to the rear.

A moment later, Luffy also showed a surprised smile and waved his arm wildly towards that side.

I saw that located on the cabin, two fiery figures stood side by side, one was the physical Saab, and the other was Ace formed by the flame phantom.



When he was a child, Eszaab Luffy toasted the three of them.

When he went to sea, he was brutally bombarded by Draco, lost his memory and joined the revolutionary army.

Years later, when he saw the news of Ace’s death, his memory returned, and he and Luffy also fell to their knees and collapsed and cried.

At that time, Saab’s heart was even more remorseful than Luffy’s, and even more unwilling countless times.

At least Luffy personally went to stop it, and he didn’t do anything, like a fool in the stronghold to sleep and eat…

At this moment.

Saab personally blasted out a path of fire for Luffy.

Then, the rousing music sounded, the flame phantom dispersed, and Saab pressed his hat low-key.

“There will be a period later, Luffy !!!!”



Under the trembling gaze of countless audiences, the whole picture was gradually engulfed by the light of the flames.

[Shocking famous scene TOP9: One Piece Mania Action, Straw Hat Luffy VS Ghost’s successor – Douglas Barrett].



(PS: The new book needs support, the author is motivated, 3000 flowers plus one change, 300 evaluation votes plus one change, 30 monthly tickets plus one change, 3 tips plus one change, kneeling to thank the family!!!!!! )

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