[Shift 4 – Snake Man!!] 】

When this red figure broke through the ruins and jumped into the sky, almost the powerhouses of the entire pirate world were shocked.

I saw Luffy’s whole body wrapped around a layer of white smoke, and a faint red thunder flashed around him.

There is also that thorn head raised high, and the image of domineering evil qi instantly conquered countless fans of anime dimensions.

The full coverage of armed color domineering, coupled with the development of the Devil Fruit, could it actually increase his momentum to such a point?

“So that’s it, is that how to defeat me in the future? Let me see your strength! On the cake island of the Four Emperors, Katakuri fell into deep thought.

“Straw Hat Boy, the fifth emperor…” Tenyasha, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, Doflamingo’s gloomy face also had a hint of jealousy.

“Oh, is this the brother that Ace once mentioned? If only I could be my son!! Whitebeard’s pirate group, Whitebeard laughed expectantly.

“Luffy, unknowingly he has grown to this point!!”

Located deep inside the rebel stronghold, Saab pressed his hat with a look of relief.

At the same time, the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy, who had not yet grown up, looked longingly at the figure in the future.

If he also has such strength now, he will not let his companions cry anymore, right?

In other words, what kind of ability is the fourth grade big snake, I look forward to it…!!!

At this moment, not only the audience, but even Barrett in the video was taken aback, and then showed a rather surprised look.

“Ha, Devil Fruit ability and full open domineering, I’m afraid this form won’t last long at all, right?”

He originally meant to warm up with this group of supernovas of the extremely evil era, and the heavy start was, of course, the devil-slaughtering order on the Navy’s side.

However, the taste of this dessert seems to be too wonderful!!

“Yes, take it!!!

High in the sky, Luffy actually admitted this fact very bluntly.

Subsequently, the muscles and bones of his whole body were violently compressed, making a somewhat oozing crunching sound.

Immediately afterwards, two red arms shot out like large snakes.

【Rubber Eraser – Jet Snake Cannon!!! 】

Bang bang!!!!!!!

The next second, the sonic boom sounded and dazzled.

I saw that Luffy’s outstretched arm actually began to turn and accelerate in the air, and each turn was driven by the jet of air to drive a sonic boom, crackling and vibrating the air.

After continuous jet acceleration, the phantom caused by the speed of the fist became faster and faster, hitting Barrett hard after dozens of turns in a row.

At this moment, Barrett didn’t even have time to react, and was sent to the ruins of the island.

What was even more shocking was that before the other party could stand up, Luffy, who was in hot pursuit, attacked again.

【Eraser – Black Mamba!!! 】

Boom, boom, boom!!!

In the form of a large snake, Straw Hat Luffy’s fists frantically stretched out like a rain of bullets and rained down on the ruins near Barrett.

The incomparably terrifying fist speed rubbed the air Mars, and almost no one could see how many punches he had punched in this instant.

The rubble on the island continued to fall and collapse, and Barrett was immobilized by the blow.

At this moment, the hundred beasts Kaido and Aunt among the four emperors were solemn, the white beard laughed, and the red-haired Shanks’ eyes showed emotion.

On Cake Island, Katakuri sat on the chair like a mourner, her face was unprecedentedly gloomy.

He simulated an immersive battle scene and found that even if he saw and heard and all the fruit abilities erupted, it would be difficult to avoid the terrifying fist shadow of this snake man form.

This is the strength of the fifth emperor, Straw Hat Kid, Monchi D Luffy….

And seeing this scene, almost half of the residents of the pirate world stared out their eyeballs.

They stared at this scene blankly, a little unable to believe what was happening.

Douglas Barrett, this is a super strong man who dares to be alone against the world government, even the current Pirate Four Emperors dare not respond to its edge!!!

And in this video, he was actually suppressed by a new person?

However, although he was a newcomer, he was the fifth emperor of the new world….

– Headquarters of the Navy

“If I’m not mistaken, the bounty of the Straw Hat Kid should be 100 million now, right?”

In the conference room, the Marshal of the Warring States slowly asked out loud, and Karp next to him immediately showed some bad eyes.

He wanted to stop it, but he was afraid of revealing his identity, so he could only put aside the fool without saying a word.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for the top of the Navy to directly change the bounty.

Straw Hat Luffy, a new bounty – 1.5 billion !!!



(Family, the schedule is not very good, so I am really sorry to update so late!!) But rest assured, there will be several more later, ask for support, evaluation tickets, monthly ticket tips or something, are the motivation for the author’s update, kneeling to beg the family! )

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