– Pirate World

On the clear sea, a pirate ship with a straw hat logo is slowly moving.


Lying on the board with interest, Straw Hat Luffy shouted a little unwillingly.

It has been a day since the broadcast of the shocking famous scene TOP10 was completed, but Luffy still can’t restrain the blood boiling in his heart.

Through some intelligence information, they also knew that this video was broadcast all over the world.

The battle scenes selected for it will be broadcast live all over the world, whether it is naval pirates or ordinary people can see it, how majestic it is!!

Although Luffy had just defeated the sand crocodile Klockdar, one of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas, he knew that he was still a long way off from the mysterious powerhouse in the video, and it was not enough to be among them with his current strength.

Next, you have to practice harder!!!

Not only Luffy, but Solon, the green algae head on the side, was equally excited.

He once thought that Hawkeye Mihawk was the strongest swordsman in the world, but since witnessing the terrifying battle between Ichigo Kurosaki and Ulquiorra, he has a new understanding of the higher dimension of combat power.

There are simply countless masters in this world, and sooner or later he will defeat all the powerful guys!!!

Just when everyone’s thoughts were different, a completely new picture suddenly appeared in their minds.

“Huh? What is it!!! ”

Luffy in doubt couldn’t react at all, and near the deck, Nami Solon Yamaji, Choiba and the others looked at Luffy incredulously at almost the same moment.

Usopp pointed at Luffy tremblingly and let out a terrified scream.

– Headquarters of the Navy.

Meanwhile, in response to the impact of that video, high-level meetings are being held on the Navy side.

In the conference room, Marshal Sengoku, Hero Karp, the three major generals, the Red Dog Yellow Ape Ice Pheasant, and the Crane Staff Officer were all there.

Several people looked solemn, and even the yellow ape, who had always been leisurely, became slightly serious.

The speed shown by the two strong men in that video is comparable to him, the key is that the move called the Thunder Spear is too terrifying, and the violent oppression is far beyond himself.

If there is such a strong man above the sea, then the situation now does not allow him to joke for half a point.

“What do you think of the power of that Void Night Palace?” Marshal Sengoku was the first to ask.

“It doesn’t look like a pirate group, but it’s definitely an organization independent of the world government. If you dare to appear in front of me, you will burn them all to ashes!! ”

Sakaski, the red dog, spoke fiercely.

Although the combat effectiveness of the two sides in the video is extremely terrifying, the red dog is a fierce man who is not even afraid of the white beard in the top war, which is not enough to make him feel afraid.

“But you also saw that the guy named Ulquiorra is only ranked fourth, and I don’t know what stronger existence is ahead of him.” Staff Officer Tsuru spoke.

“And the panic of ordinary people is also a problem, after all, it is the first time many people have seen a monster of this level.”

“This, indeed…”

Staff Officer Crane put forward several points in a row, and everyone was helpless.

I don’t know who made this inventory video, and when I think that there are several general-level powerhouses in this organization, they become sleepless.

However, Karp on the side suddenly laughed without heart and lungs.

“Hahahahaha, don’t worry, this is only TOP10. After that, there will definitely be a majestic scene of our navy, won’t this be able to appease the population? ”

“It’s so scary, it’s worthy of being a hero of the Navy, it seems that he will definitely be on the list?” The Great General Yellow Ape exclaimed in a strange tone.

In fact, the yellow ape still respects Karp in his heart, but because the tone is too slow, it is impossible to tell whether he is sincere or in the yin and yang strangeness, but everyone present is already familiar with it and does not care.

“Hahaha, that’s not it…”

Karp was still leisurely fighting with the yellow ape, but his expression was suffocated, and his heart almost stopped.

At the same time, the entire anime dimension once again received a new video notification.

The shocking famous scene TOP9 is going to be released!!!

The cover of the video is a young man in a straw hat, wearing a flamboyant red coat and a hideous X-mark scar on his chest.

Although the appearance looks a little simple, it gives people a sense of domineering in the mystery.

Seeing the young man on this cover, Karp opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

How could his own grandson, Luffy, be selected for this video…?

Pirate World, almost at the moment when the video cover was announced, all the characters who knew Monchi D Luffy, the straw hat kid, showed an incredible expression.

Selected as the top 9 shocking scenes, is the straw hat kid more powerful than the two guys before!!!?

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