The battle entered its final stage, and the spiritual pressure of Ichigo and Ulquiorra collided madly, causing the nearby air to produce a violently distorted sense of oppression.

Not only the world of the Grim Reaper, but also the powerhouses of other anime dimensional worlds have held their breath and concentrated, looking forward to the follow-up of the battle.

I saw that by compressing the spiritual pressure, Ulquiorra’s double horns condensed an extremely terrifying green void.

And the bullhead Ichigo also roared and learned the other party’s movements, and a red flash condensed on the bull’s horn.

The next moment, virtual flashes on both sides were launched at the same time.


Under everyone’s stunned gaze, the impact of the collision of the two balls of light directly flattened the entire Void Night Palace, raising thousands of miles of dust.

“Such a powerful impact, several times more terrifying than the tailed beast jade!!!”

In the world of fire shadows, all the shadow-level powerhouses who had seen the power of the tailed beast showed an extremely solemn expression.

Even the tailed beasts hidden in the bodies of various human pillars were soaked in cold sweat when they saw this picture.

Obviously, they are only human bodies, why do they contain such terrifying power in their bodies?

“Who are you?”


“Answer me!”

After a long time of not getting a response, Ulquiorra also realized that it was a little strange.

This guy is probably not Ichigo Kurosaki anymore.

This power does not belong to him, but is a completely new product!!!

Feeling the continuous oppression of the powerful spiritual pressure from the other party, Ulquiorra leaned over and arched his corner, ready to condense an extremely powerful virtual flash again.


In the next second, the space was torn.

With a strange sonic boom and interlaced arc lights, Ichigo the bullhead actually teleported directly behind Ulquiora.

Then, under the incredible gaze of countless spectators, the bull head cut off the slender black arm of the other party with just one sword.

During the blood splash, Ulquiora’s pupils instantly condensed into a small dot.

Not a flash of death, but a virtual resounding of us?

This guy is a virtual !!!!!



After a moment of silence, this gorgeous scene comparable to teleportation suddenly detonated the entire dimensional world.

“Can’t capture it at all, what kind of action is that, it’s faster than the fourth generation of the Flying Thunder God?” In the Hokage World, Kakashi was slightly stunned.

“How is it possible, how can there be such a speed in the world!!!” One Punch Man World, Sonic screamed incredulously.

“Faster than our Navy Type Six shaving!!” At the naval headquarters, the brows of the Warring States were deeply screwed together, and Karp on the side was also frowning.

This speed they can barely capture, but it can be a disaster for ordinary soldiers.

It’s just that TOP10 is so powerful, I don’t know what terrifying masters will appear next.

At that time, not only ordinary people, but also most of the navy would panic.

At the same time, this terrifying speed became a talking point in almost all anime worlds.

At this point, the oppression and fear brought about by the liberation of the second stage of the Black Wing Great Demon completely disappeared, replaced by the absolute violent pleasure brought to the audience by Kurosaki Ichigo Bullhead form.

Watching the two sides collide with knives at a speed countless times faster than the speed of sound, the hearts of almost all the belligerents were boiling, and they wished that they would also turn into bullheads and beat the black-winged demons on the opposite side.

Just brushing past can crash into mountains, and just swinging a knife can smash the air.

Dazzled, the sky is shattered.

It’s so shocking, it’s worthy of being a famous scene TOP10!!!

In the world of pirates, Straw Hat Luffy was addicted, and his eyes were straight.

It’s a pity that with his current strength, he can’t be included in it at all, and thinking of this, his mood became lost again.

Not only Luffy, but also the hot-blooded protagonists in other anime worlds who claim to be kings and have not yet grown up are in the same mood.


“Thunder Gun !!!”

In the picture, the battle is nearing the end, and Ulquiorra also uses the final move he hidden.

I saw that the light spear that turned into thunder was thrown out by him with a wave of his arm, and the light of the meteor almost penetrated the body of the bull head by a millimeter, and after being missed, it fell on the periphery of the virtual circle tens of kilometers away.


In an instant, looking at the green light rising into the sky, countless viewers fell into sluggishness.

Under this blow, the black desert area with a radius of hundreds of kilometers directly turned into nothingness, and the sky and earth were shattered into pieces by the violent spiritual pressure.

“This, this, is this still human power?”

Pirate World, Empty Island, Anilu, the self-proclaimed god of thunder, has been completely stunned.

As a person with the ability of the Thunder Fruit, he prides himself on being a god and believes that there is no human being in this world who can fight against him.

However, this blow of Ulquiorra completely shattered his self-confidence, making him unable to have the slightest intention of confronting the other party.

Countless viewers were stunned, and even many modern viewers who purely love the anime world couldn’t help but kneel and bow down three times and nine knocks.

It’s horrible….

The horror range of this impact, even if a nuclear bomb is dropped into it, it can’t set off the slightest wave, right?

An incredible shock spread in the hearts of all the audience, and after a while, more outrageous things happened.

Ulquiorra actually flicked it casually, and once again condensed a thunder gun.

“What the hell, can he use this move indefinitely?”

In the corpse soul world, the conference room of the thirteenth team of the protective court, Hibangu Dongshiro, as the captain, could not help but scream.

How exactly should such an opponent be dealt with?

At this moment, despair and fear spread in the hearts of countless members of the Grim Reaper.

Unlike the characters in other anime worlds, they know Ichigo Kurosaki very well, which means that Ulquiorra is the existence of their world.

If the other party fired a Thunder Gun towards the side of the Corpse Soul Realm, wouldn’t the entire Flowing Soul Street and the Soul Court be wiped out!?

However, in the next moment, Minotou Ichigo directly told all the audience with his personal actions what to do in the face of such an enemy.


Before Ulquiora’s Thunder Spear could be fired, the bullhead teleported behind the opponent again.

In the next instant, he pulled Ulquiorra’s head with one hand and began to rampage, perfectly replicating what the other party had originally done to him, and the roles were reversed.

In the picture, the two figures went up into the sky and the earth at a speed that the human eye could not capture at all, smashed countless mountains and then fell violently to the ground, and the entire void circle of the earthquake sank.

The answer is, violence!!

Crush everything with absolute violence!!

It’s a visual feast of violence!

Filled with smoke and dust, in the huge crater, the bull head stepped on Ulquiora’s face with his foot in a domineering and invincible posture, lowered his head and roared madly, and then a red virtual flash exploded at zero distance.


Rightfully, the battle is over.

As the entire picture was annihilated by the red flames, a line of small words also appeared in the minds of everyone in the blood boiling.

[Shocking Famous Scene TOP10: Shinigami Agent Ichigo Kurosaki VS Ulquiorra, Fourth Blade of the Void Night Palace].

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