Pivot of the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 102: Embarrassing knock

Chapter 102: Awkward Knocking

Ge Lie suddenly sighed: "Wallett, you are the first of my students to become a great magician, and the future achievement is likely to be above me. I have a statement, if this person becomes your friend, If I am gone one day, you and Raphael must not neglect and despise him. "

Wallett said in surprise: "Why do teachers say this? You are already a ninth-level great magician. The powerful power enables you to have a strong life that is much longer than the average person. In my mind, you Just like gods. "

Ge Lie sighed again: "Gilgamesh showed you the letter, and you also knew my wish, it was almost impossible to achieve, I just wanted to try as much as I could. Even thousands of years later we have already No, maybe this wish cannot be realized in the world, but after all, someone has tried it. This is the meaning of existence that I seek, do you understand? "

Wallett's expression became dignified: "The teacher wants to build a brand-new city-state on that thousand miles of fertile soil, co-managed by the surrounding countries, and coexisting compatible regardless of race and religion. I am afraid even the gods will not support it. But I understand what you are for. You have foreseen the never-ending disaster of blood and fire, and you want to do your best even if you can't stop it. As long as the teacher thinks, I will give my full support, which is also my wish. "

Ge Lierong said: "From the moment I had the Nine Level Achievement, I made this vow. I knew in my heart that it could not be achieved, but I could dedicate myself to my life. As for you and Raphael, there may be another The secret is waiting for you to reveal, I do n???t even know the answer .... The younger man named A Luo Yi, the more I see, the more familiar he is, if he comes to the city of Syria, you must bring him to see me. "


Amon didn't know that Gorley had recognized him and was waiting to meet him. He still lived in the city after he closed the title deed. This time he did not look for an inn, but bought a courtyard directly under the name of A Luo Di, and used it as a foothold to travel to the Syrian city. It will probably take many trips to and from the city-state, and it is certainly more convenient to have your own residence.

After the simple settlement was completed, Amon strolled around the city of Syria, familiarizing himself with the place first. When he walked near the South Gate that day, he saw a lot of people gathering on the avenue leading to the city gate, and they all showed excited looks as if waiting. Inquiring again, it turned out that the visiting Raphael High Priest had returned.

Raphael did not alarm anyone when he left, but when he came back, the pomp was very big. The cape city-state also sent back messengers and specially escorted guards to give the high priest the highest standard of courtesy. Amon was looking for Raphael, so he stood in the crowd watching the excitement.

The goalkeepers lined up to form a neat team to meet each other. Rafael's carriage first entered the city, followed by brightly-armored soldiers from the cape city. In order to show courtesy, except for the axe and other reliance, other weapons were put away. Raphael's eyes were so good. He sat on the carriage with the hood folded away and smiled at the welcome people. He turned his head to oppose Amon's eyes, and then he nodded with surprise, and whispered to the person beside The attendant ordered a few words.

Just then, Amon felt uncomfortable. It was a sense of resentment and fear, coming from a carriage behind. The car was a messenger of the cape city-state. The curtain was hanging down to see who was inside, but Amon was sure that someone was staring at him from the corner of the curtain, and his heart was full of hostility.

Amon wanted to avoid it and quickly disappeared from the crowd. But the follower of Raphael had left the convoy and greeted him by separating the crowd: "Hi Lord, Sir Raphael sent me greetings!"

The crowd automatically separated to make room for Amon, and everyone looked at him with a look of respect. Amon had to return his courtesy: "Master Raphael has such a good eye, so many people can recognize me at a glance. What advice does he send you to teach?"

The attendant bowed and said, "Master Raphael is very glad that you have come to the city of Syria, I wonder if you have ever seen the High Priest Wallet?"

Amon shook his head slightly. "I have just arrived in the city and have not had time to visit."

The entourage also said, "In this case, Lord Raphael asked me to leave his address and welcome you as a guest. May I also ask you where you live in the city of Syria, he would like to visit in person. If you do n???t have a place, let me Make arrangements. "

The convoy was far away, and Raphael saw Amon as soon as he entered the city. He took the messenger accompanying the cape city-state to the official office, stopped, and sent a special attendant to greet him. Amon thought about it, leaving his address in the city of Syria, and there was nothing to keep secret.

The hostile look in the second car caught Amon's attention, but now he is a big magician and a big warrior, and he is alone and alone, so that he wo n???t be afraid of anything, even if he is in trouble Can not cope, always get away in this densely populated city-state. Moreover, he had wanted to see Gore, and Raphael took the initiative to find him.


The team walked away, Fayol-Judah quietly lowered a corner of the curtain, looking gloomy and lost in thought. He is the messenger of this return visit to the cape city-state, and here comes two tasks. The official duty is to lead the guard to **** Raphael to return to China, convey the greetings of the cape city-state, and negotiate business transactions after the restoration of traffic.

In addition, he has a personal mission, which is secretly explained by Julian theologian. If you find the two people who hate Amon most in the cape city, it is Julian and Judah. The reason why Judas hated Amon was simple. He had embezzled the money that Rod Dick rewarded Amon, and his actions in Duke also indirectly framed Amon.

Judas thought that Amon was just a trivial little miner, but he did not expect that Amon would later become an important figure. A little man who had been offended and framed by himself suddenly became important and made people sleepless. I wish he was unlucky again, or he might be unlucky one day in the future. This is the mentality of many people, although Amon has never offended or offended Judah.

As for Julian's resentment against Amon had penetrated into the bone marrow and sent to hunt down Amon's men who disappeared without trace, the maiden sent someone to send him a secret letter to the high priest of Burke, and then sent He was released far into the city of Syria, and Julian was bitter. As long as Amon is still alive, like nails in his eyes and thorns in his flesh, he can do nothing.

After all, Julian is an eighth-level magician and one of the veterans of the Iju Divinity Academy. Although nominally under the jurisdiction of the city's Lord Dick, his actual status is not lower than that of Rod Dick. The Empire is also very powerful. He couldn't openly offend the saint, but that didn't mean he couldn't offend Amon.

When Amon was in the Temple of Isis, Julian could not treat him, and now the opportunity finally came. Amon was sent to the Syrian city-state to conduct a secret investigation mission, and Julian heard about it through his own channels. If such agents are caught, they will not be recognized in public. They will be executed after interrogation of intelligence, or they will be exchanged privately. In short, once Amon is exposed, not only will the mission fail, but there will be a *** Lost his life.

Julian was specially arranged to send Fayol-Judas as a messenger for the return visit.

Judah sat in the car and remembered what Lord Julian told him secretly: "You went to Hatti, and in addition to performing the official duties entrusted to you by the city, you need to pay attention to another thing. I heard that Amon was taken by Isis The temple was sent to the city of Syria to perform a spy mission. If he can find his whereabouts, I think you know what to do? "

Fayol asked a little bit: "If Amon reveals his identity is seized, will it affect the empire and the city-state?"

Julian laughed: "He is going to spy on the situation after the flood. As far as I know, the empire sent more than one secret agent, no matter how many he was, but not many. The real military and political plane wanted Amon to know nothing. He was arrested and missed. The Egyre Empire and the Temple of Isis would not admit it. There are no future troubles. Judas, this is a secret between you and me. If it succeeds, it means that you are a very capable person. I don't think you want to be a *** officer forever, right? "

Judas asked again, "Why is the Temple of Isis sending Amon to perform a spy mission?"

Julian sneered: "It is nothing more than giving him a chance to be promoted again. The Temple of Isis is facing a change of power. Some people are vigorously training their cronies, including me. They are all excluded. But don't forget Even if I am not the high priest of the Temple of Isis, I am also a veteran of the Ego Theological Academy. The changes that will take place in the Syrian city-state have already made clear predictions for the Ego Theological Academy, and have been guided by the oracle. Amon's mission is irrelevant. "

On the way, Judah's mood has been a bit entangled. He knew that Lord Julian wanted to use the hand of Hatti to get rid of Amon, which also accorded with his mind, but always felt a little uneasy. Besides, the city of Syria was so big that he wanted to meet him. Amon's hope is also very slim. But as soon as he entered the city, he saw Amon. It was a coincidence! Is there really a divine guidance?

As soon as Judas gritted his teeth and made a decision, let Amon disappear here forever. After returning, Lord Julian will definitely appreciate and reuse him, and there is no worrying Amon's future trouble.

Ge Lie did not receive the messenger from the cape city-state. Governor Xiao Mo held a *** original welcome dinner at the mansion and asked the finance officer to accompany Mr. Judah in the city-state in the past few days.

At the same time, Governor Xiao Mo issued a secret order, and the entire city-state still showed people in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, but quietly stepped up alert checks to prevent sneaked spies from spying on important information. In the minds of Governor Xiao Mo and other officials, it is known that the conflict between Hati and Eju is approaching, but it is not yet time for a thorough showdown. The more so, the more the articles appear on the surface, and the more enthusiastic they are for the messengers from Eju.

Just that night, the guard captain Reis Muen, who was responsible for inspecting the city-state, received the secret report. After a secret detective from the Eju Empire examined the strategic terrain of the Black Fire Jungle, he had sneaked into the city-state to detect the military situation. It just happened to be recognized. The report also contains the address of the secret detective, who is called Arroyo. He also bought a house in the city-state a few days ago as a base for secret activities.

Before the two countries prepared for war, this kind of spy infiltration was very common. The Hati Kingdom also sent many agents to carry out tasks in the Eju Empire in business or other names. Both sides could not afford the swordsmen, and they were secretly prepared. strict.

Mu En didn't know if the secret was true, but he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately rushed to the house with a team of soldiers, quietly *** ing the junctions at both ends, and armed soldiers surrounded the house to prevent leaks. It also prevented the spy from running away in turmoil, so he brought a few elite hands down to the door, ready to catch Arroyo himself.

Mune is the captain of the Syrian city-state. He manages three pro-guards. Usually, the three team captains take turns in charge of patrolling the city. However, the senior governor has an order today. I was lucky in this matter.

Mu En's origins are also special. Two years ago, he was just a little head of a post in the Black Forest, and his men only managed about a dozen soldiers stationed at the post.

During the flood, all the stations in Duke Town and the Black Forest were destroyed. Only Meen quickly led the soldiers to evacuate to the highest nearby boulder and tied everyone together with a belt. The bush is waiting for rescue. The great magician Ge Lie drove the Blue Boat into the flood to Duke Town, and rescued them on the road. The soldiers in the group were the only survivors in the flood.

No matter when he was in trouble or rescued, Mu En commanded a degree, whether it was scared or pleasantly surprised, the soldiers under his command kept discipline under his orders, and saw no panic, and did not disturb the song on the blue boat. Lie was praised and appreciated by Ge Lie. After returning to the city, Glie deliberately recommended Mune to Xiao Mo, and he was reused.

When Xiao Mo led an ambush of Rod Dick's team, he lost a team of pro soldiers. Of course, it needed to be rebuilt. Muen became a team leader, later known as the team leader. Just a few months ago, Muen broke through the seventh level to become a great warrior, and was promoted to the guard captain of the entire Syrian city-state, responsible for protecting the safety of the governor and the order of the city-state.

Becoming a big warrior, Mu En had aristocratic status and served as the captain of the city-state guard. His status was far more prominent than that of the little post leader of the day. He was very grateful to Ge Lie. The great wizard saved him and recommended him, not only for his life-saving but also for his knowing.

Because of this, Mu En is diligent in his duties and, as a big warrior, will come to catch a little secret agent himself. The envoy of the cape city-state is still a guest here, so everything must be done in secret.

It was very quiet at night, and the location of Arroyo's house was also very secluded. The streets had long been empty of martial law. Mu En checked it with satisfaction, then came to the door and pulled out the weapon, and opened the door with one kick.

At the foot of a great warrior, the heavy wooden door was as fragile as a piece of paper, shattered and scattered without even making a loud sound. Mu En held his sword in his left hand and his sword in his right hand. The first soldier came in first. The front yard was empty. The windows of the hall were illuminated, and the people inside had not rested.

Mu En didn't talk nonsense. He took a weapon and walked towards the door of the house under the guard of his relatives. He raised one foot and gave the door of the house a fly. This foot is very heavy, the door panel is not broken, but the door shaft is broken and shot directly into the room. If someone hides behind the door and peepes, they will be brought into the room with the door panel.

Mu En's shield and long sword flickered, guards holding round shields and shuttle guns on both sides reached into the door to block the flanks. They cooperated very skillfully. According to common sense, after the heavy door panel falls to the ground, Captain Muen should spit out his name with a majestic shout, stating that he wanted the spy to surrender.

A little secret agent saw this scene, and the big warrior Mu En personally led someone to catch him. It was strange that the fart was not scared!

But the stunned thing happened, Mu En just flew the door panel to see the scene inside, and then threw away his weapon and threw himself to the court with a thump. The guards on both sides immediately lowered their arms and knelt outside the door. The armor's armor made a crisp sound of collision, and the three of them shouted in unison: "Damn your subordinates, disturbing your elderly late at night!"

The soldiers in the back showed a look of astonishment, without a word, dropped their weapons and knelt into the courtyard.

There were indeed people in the room, not one but four. An old man sat face to face with a teenager without raising his eyelids, as if he didn't hear any sound. Two other people were sitting side by side at the table, and they happened to be facing the door. When they saw Mu En's door coming in, they made a stop gesture and showed a stern look. It was the two high priests of the city of Syria. With Raphael.

The door of the flying house turned into countless debris in mid-air and flew across the ground, but none of them fell on the table or the four people. That young man is, of course, the "secret agent" Aruo who is going to be arrested by Mu En tonight, and the old man opposite Aruo is actually Ge Lie, the two are playing chess!

They played an ancient army battle beast chess. This game used various beast-shaped chess pieces to replace different arms, and arranged on a large chessboard to fight each other. It was very complicated to calculate. Can play understand. The two players' playing rules are even more peculiar. There are no chessboards and pawns at all, and there is light and shadow of the battlefield beast chess on the table. The chessboard changed and the beasts were fighting each other.

This kind of lower Famuen also heard that only the great magician can do it. Ge Lie needless to say, and the young man opposite him was also a great magician!


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