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New World, Dressrosa.

Here, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, the kingdom ruled by Doflamingo.

In this place, Doflamingo, is the absolute king!

King’s Heights.

Doflamingo is talking with everyone in the family about the thing that has been boiling over recently~.

“Li Ang, this person, can shake the three major generals, and it is worth our cooperation. -”

Doflamingo’s face moved, – said.

If he can win over Li Ang and cooperate with him, then his business will become bigger and bigger in the future, and even the four emperors will not dare to act rashly.

After all.

This is a real fierce man, even the three major generals cannot be shaken, this kind of terrifying figure, even in the eyes of the four emperors, is very weighty.

Today, Doflamingo is one less figure who can compete with the Four Emperors.

If he really succeeds in wooing Li Ang, he will have more confidence to bargain with Kaido in the future, and he doesn’t have to worry about Kaido, a madman, going against him.

Now his own personal strength is still too weak, and he is among the best in the Seven Martial Seas, but if he is compared with the Four Emperors, it is simply incomparable.

The Four Emperors can do it completely and kill Doflamingo.

“The young master is right, it’s just that that monster, I’m afraid we can’t easily pull him into the group.”

The rest of the family members looked sad and said.

They did represent supreme power in Dressrosa, but, in front of Leon, they had to put away their arrogance.

Li Ang alone is more terrifying than their entire family!

Even if their entire family moves, they cannot be compared with the three major generals.

But Li Ang did it, alone, shaking the three generals.

Such a terrifying combat power, even their group of notorious pirates, are terrified.

“This, I decide, can distribute half of the benefits to him.”

Doflamingo took a deep breath and said.

Half of the interests is enough to represent how much Doflamingo values Leon.

Li Ang didn’t need to do anything, he could get half of the benefits.

And all the things left and right before and after were all done by Doflamingo himself, and he still needed to allocate a part to the family members in the end.

In the end, even Li Ang got less.

But this is also Doflamingo’s own voluntary.

Because if Leon joins this cooperation, Doflamingo will have more confidence to bargain with Kaido and his collaborators.

The benefits are far higher than they are today!

“Young Lord, isn’t it too high to give half the benefits?”

Torrepol looked at Doflamingo a little strangely and said.

Is this still the young lord he knows?

You know, Doflamingo is a famous iron rooster, and he wants to share his own interests, and there is no door!

But here Li Ang, he is actually willing to give up Yiyi.

That’s pretty weird.

“For Li Ang alone, it’s worth it!”

Doflamingo nodded solemnly and said.

He now knows more and more that strength brings

“Young Lord, Young Lord, there are great things to say.”

A young man walked in with a worried face and said.

“What’s going on?”

The rest of the family members spoke up.

Doflamingo looked at the young man expressionlessly.

“There’s something about Leon.”

The young man held a piece of paper and said quickly.

“Leon? It’s him again, what big move is he going to make? ”

Everyone’s faces were full of surprise, and the frequency with which they heard the words Li Ang recently was simply too high.

How long has it been, and there is news about Li Ang?

“What do you mean?”

Doflamingo frowned and asked.

“Young Lord, look.”

The young man handed the paper to Doflamingo.

Then, Doflamingo quickly read the contents of the paper, his pupils shrank, and even he was deeply shocked and speechless for a while.

“Young Lord, what is this news?”

Torrebol asked.

“Li Ang, challenge the Navy headquarters!”

Doflamingo gasped, something he didn’t even dare to imagine.

A single person, unexpectedly and blatantly declared, in three days, he would take action against the G3 naval branch.

At this moment, the headquarters of the Navy will certainly not be able to sit idly by.

The last scene that appears, it is very likely, is the head-on collision between Li Ang and the naval headquarters, which is stronger and weaker? No one can say this clearly.

If Li Ang had not fought with the three major generals, naturally, no one would have been optimistic about Li Ang.

But now, Li Ang shook the three major generals abruptly, and finally calmly left, which represents his personal strength, which is quite terrifying.

······ Ask for flowers…


Torrepol, as well as the rest of the family, were shocked.

He threatened to destroy the G3 naval branch in three days. Now this news, I believe, has let everyone at sea already know, even, the new world! ”

The corners of Doflamingo’s mouth moved slightly, and his tone was inexplicable, saying.

“Openly challenging the headquarters of the Navy? Oh my God, Leon is terrible. ”

“But then again, Leon, can you win?”

“It’s hard to say, his guts are really too big. Even the Four Emperors did not dare to do this, this is completely treating the majesty of the naval headquarters as nothing. ”


“At that time, the world government may not be able to make a move.” It was impossible for them to let Li Ang challenge the majesty of the naval headquarters one after another. ”


There are many opinions, but for Li Ang’s actions, they have only one word in their hearts to describe it.


They really served.

Apart from Li Ang, who else dared to do such a heartbreaking thing?

I’m afraid that even if someone really does it, they will only think that the other party is a fool.

But this happened to Li Ang, and the result was completely different.

Because Li Ang has this strength to challenge the naval headquarters.

There are few people in this world who can retreat from the joint siege of the three major generals. However, Li Ang was one of them, and he also dared to say such arrogant words.

“What even I didn’t dare to do, he did. However, it is really too interesting, this time, I am afraid that it will cause great turmoil. If Li Ang can still retreat with his whole body this time. ”

“Then I must cooperate with him at all costs. Even if I completely divide two-thirds of his interests, so what? ”

Doflamingo’s eyes shone brightly, and he let out bold words.

Having such a cooperative ally made him feel very safe in his heart.

Even if, when his affairs in Dressrosa are exposed, and the world government strips him of his position in the Seven Warrior Seas, he will have nothing to fear.

As long as he has such a cooperative ally as Li Ang, he can continue to do his business without worrying about being threatened by others. _

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