“Navy G4 Branch Fortress? The lieutenant general who guarded here was a lieutenant general of a giant clan named Lonzi. Moreover, this branch fortress, in the mouths of people, does not have much good impression. ”

“It is said that the nearby islands are often plundered by pirates. Many people already suspect that it is the naval thieves of the G4 branch who are shouting to catch the thieves. ”

“In this way, it seems that it is not a sin for me to destroy this branch with my hands. On the contrary, I am eliminating violence and safety. ”

Li Ang’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said with a smile.

He carried the Black Knife Autumn Water around his waist, which he had borrowed from the hand of the sword Hao Ryoma when he left the Magic Triangle.

This time, the battle to break out may mean the use of swordsmanship!

He stepped on the raft and followed the current, gradually approaching the G-4 branch.

The branch fortress is a fortress that is surrounded by high walls and blocked by high walls, which is not easily accessible to everyone.

On the fence, there are also some lights, illuminated at night, and patrolled during the day.

As soon as there is any change around the sea, or pirate ships, these patrolling navies will immediately detect the problem and issue a warning.

Although Li Ang’s own target is very small, if he gets too close to the G4 branch fortress, he will still be discovered by these navies.

Therefore, at the time of the upcoming arrival of the branch fortress.

Li Ang kicked his feet.


With a bang, the entire raft sank to the bottom of the sea, trampled to the bottom of the sea by a huge force.

Li Ang’s whole person jumped up, high in the air, looking down at the branch fortress below, and the corner of his mouth hooked a meaningful arc: “Today, let the people of the navy headquarters understand.” Provoking me comes at a price! ”

Regardless of the position of the representatives of the Navy.

Good or bad, it has little to do with Li Ang.

Even if it is a good person, but if he provokes Li Ang and touches his bottom line, he will mercilessly move to erase the other party, which is a difference in position.

Let’s say Blackbeard’s group of people.

Does anyone say they are good people?


They are outright evildoers.

But Li Ang still did not kill them, because both sides had the same position and were opposed to the naval headquarters. Moreover, Li Ang did not want to be used as a gun by the headquarters of the Navy.

So, even if it was a bad guy, he let Blackbeard and others leave.

As for how much impact and destruction the other party will bring to the world after leaving, he will not care at all.

“This is just the beginning.”

Li Ang’s eyes flashed and jumped up.

In the blink of an eye, he stood on the perimeter wall of the branch fortress.

His speed was so fast that in an instant, from above the wall, he landed on the ground, and quickly sprinted forward, standing on the roof of a towering building.

A breeze blew and curled up his black hair.

The so-called defense of the entire naval branch, in his opinion, was vulnerable.

Even, you can’t even find his traces!

He quietly entered the fortress of the naval branch.

However, those patrolling did not realize that their base camp had been invaded by Li Ang.

Next, the show is coming!

“If the branch fortress is destroyed, the loss to the naval headquarters is still very large. That’s what I want. ”

Li Ang said with a smile.

The G-4 branch was his first target!

That is, he has more than one goal.

This time, he quietly moved on the branch fortress.

Next time, he will blatantly challenge the majesty of the naval headquarters!

Whoever let someone from the headquarters of the Navy be a soft persimmon, anyone can come and pinch it.

In this way, there is a terrible price to pay!

“Go, buddy, go out and find a woman.”

“After this round, you want to run? I will definitely win this round. ”

“Who is afraid of whom, come and come, you have lost, don’t blame me!”


A group of navies still playing cards, without the slightest notice, they are already facing the threat of death!

Above the tallest building.

Li Ang stood on the edge of the fence, and if he stepped one more foot, he would face the danger of falling tens of meters above. But in his opinion, it is not threatening at all.

“Looking for a woman? Gambling? ”

Li Ang showed a hint of interest and said with a smile, “This naval branch is not simple.” The navy inside has actually degenerated to this extent, if I erase this G4 branch fortress, it can be regarded as helping the navy headquarters clean up the portal. ”

“But don’t thank me, I’m just raising my hand.”

After speaking, Li Ang rolled his eyes and scanned the towering buildings around him.

There’s no denying it.

The Navy has done a very good job in terms of construction.

At first glance, the towering building is breathtaking, and exudes a solemn majesty.

“The building is nice, but unfortunately, it will be destroyed. So, where do I start? ”

The corners of Li Ang’s mouth moved slightly, and he smiled faintly and said.

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