Terror Three-masted Galleon, Dark Lord, inside the castle.

Knock knock!

There was a knock on the door.

Coincidentally, Leon had dinner with Perona.

Perona floated to the position of the door, and after opening the door, she saw Hogubak and Abu Salom walking in, their expressions full of anxiety.

After the unremitting efforts of the two, they finally won Li Ang’s trust.

Therefore, the two entered the Dark Domain, no longer needed to get Li Ang’s reply, including Moonlight Moria, all three could enter the Dark Territory at will.

Kind of some care for the neighbors!

“What’s wrong?”

Li Ang chewed the fruit in his mouth, looked at the two, and asked.

“It’s not good, my lord.”

Abu Salom was breathless, his expression was anxious and could not be concealed, and he quickly explained, “The sky has turned over outside, and the naval headquarters issued a notice to deal with you, so that many pirates are now flocking here.” ”

“What notification?”

Li Ang showed a hint of curiosity and asked.

“Your bounty has been raised to 500 million berry, and as long as you are killed, you can get the title of Seven Wuhai. In this way, many pirates are ready to move. ”

Hogubak continued.

“Five hundred million berry?”

Li Ang was very surprised, and said with a smile, “This is already the top batch of bounties in the Great Passage. But I wonder, the headquarters of the Navy did it to me for no reason? ”

“Sir, perhaps you think that your every move does not threaten the headquarters of the Navy. But in fact, you escaped from the Advance City before, and then refused to become Nanabukai, which has already made the naval headquarters lose face. ”

“Therefore, in order to save the face of the Navy headquarters, they must take some measures to prove that their Navy headquarters is not a soft persimmon.” That’s what is happening now. ”

Absalom explained.

“The navy of the naval headquarters, is it also here?”

Li Ang asked with a smile.

If he really comes to the Navy, he doesn’t mind destroying some by the way, so that the Navy headquarters knows that their navy is not a soft persimmon, and he Li Ang, not everyone can provoke.

“It’s not, it’s just that there are many pirate ships, all of which have entered the magic triangle.”

Hogubak shook his head and replied.

“Sitting on a mountain and watching the tiger fight? This is very similar to the style of the Navy headquarters. ”

Li Ang smiled and realized in his heart.

The infighting between the pirates, no matter which side wins, is beneficial to the navy without any harm.

“Sir, that group of pirates is about to arrive.”

Hogubak was a little nervous and reminded.

“Those who can come are rabble.”

Li Ang’s eyes flashed, smiled faintly, and said.

Although he did not make any terrible moves, nor did he kill strong pirates, let alone the so-called battle record.

However, the people who can enter the magic triangle and come to fight him are some brainless people, that’s for sure.

If you have a little brain, it is impossible to mix with this muddy water.


Some people have ulterior motives!

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, even if Li Ang’s strength is worse, he is a man who escaped from Advance City.

This move that shocked the sea is placed here, regardless of whether there is a record or not, it can show his own strength, which should not be underestimated.

And the group of pirates who rushed to attack without understanding the situation is not a rabble, what is that?

“I’m afraid that whether they can get here smoothly is a problem.”

Li Ang shook his head and thought to himself.

“My lord, it’s a little weird. I feel like they’re getting closer. Even, no pirate ship was lost in the middle, as if someone deliberately guided their route. ”

Abu Salom thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

“Oh? Navy? ”

Li Ang said with a hint of surprise.

No matter who comes, he will not be afraid.

Even if the three major generals arrive, they may not be without the power of a war.

For his strength, Li Ang still has full confidence.

“I don’t know.”

Hogubak shook his head and said.

“Let’s go, then let’s go and see how many people are coming.”

Leon stood up and said to Perona next to him, “Clean up the food on the table, wait for me to come back, don’t run around.” ”


Perona nodded obediently.

At this time, Hogubak proposed: “Sir, do you want to ask Lord Moriah to help?” ”

“Moria? No need, as a Qiwu Sea, if he helps me at this time, it will inevitably cause the suspicion of the navy, and the gain is not worth the loss. What’s more, these rabble do not need to stir up the crowd. ”

Li Ang shook his head and said casually.

“That’s what the adults said.”

The two nodded one after another and stopped making a sound.

They still recognized Li Ang’s strength very much, after all, this was a terrifying figure who hit Moonlight Moria with one blow, and even Moonlight Moria stood in front of Li Ang, and he had to bow his head.

In contrast, they are more curious.

How will the group of pirates who flock to the terrifying three-masted sailing ship die!

Will Leon lose?


The two never thought that Li Ang would lose in battle.

Because this is something that is simply impossible.

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