As soon as the news of the naval headquarters came out, countless pirates in the sea were noisy.

“The Navy headquarters is going to do it.”

“But then again, you can’t even find a figure, even if the Navy headquarters issues this notice?” Could it be that they could still find out that Li Ang could not succeed out of thin air? ”

Moreover, Li Ang’s ability to escape from Advance City shows his terrifying strength. When the headquarters of the Navy did this, they were not afraid that he would retaliate? ”

“Just kidding, the headquarters of the Navy is still afraid of retaliation from the pirates? What’s more, I feel that Li Ang should not be dead, and there is no news from him. ”


The recent uproar in the sea is Li Ang’s matter.

The notice of the naval headquarters has been transmitted, making countless pirates a little stupid.

What can Nanabukai do?

The power of the Seven Wuhai allows the pirates to secretly develop their strength.

This is what many pirates have hot eyes.

It is equivalent to carrying out illegal activities under legal circumstances, but the headquarters of the Navy still sits idly by and turns a blind eye.

In this way, the power of Qi Wuhai can be imagined.

“By the way, are you going to do something to Li Ang? Why not go together? ”

“This is the Seven Martial Sea, if you can become the Seven Martial Sea and develop your power, then you can effectively get rid of the title of the Seven Martial Sea and enter the new world!”

“Don’t joke, Li Ang can escape from Advance City, I’m afraid, his strength is not weak.”


Countless pirates have the idea of not using it.

All in all, today’s sea can only be described in one word.

That is, chaos!

Originally, the pattern of the sea was still somewhat orderly, although pirates continued to emerge, but at least, unlike today, it was very chaotic.

Because of Li Ang’s escape from the advancing city, the entire sea is no longer as peaceful as before.


Magic Triangle, Terror Three-masted Sailing Deck.

Near the edge of the coast.

Li Ang is leisurely holding a fishing rod in his hand, fishing comfortably.

He never imagined that the outside world was already making a fuss because of his affairs.

There are many pirates who want to find his traces.

The title of Qiwu Hai can be said to be quite tempting.

Especially for some conspirators, the title of Seven Wuhai is an indispensable thing.

If you want to shake the pattern of the new world, Qi Wuhai is the first step for those conspirators.

Among them, Blackbeard, Trafalgaro, etc., they all started from the Seven Wuhai and then entered the New World and gradually rose.

The blackbeard Titch is the most obvious.

I don’t know, now he has already fought a decisive battle with Ace?

Li Ang didn’t care about these things at all, anyway, his days here were already very satisfied.

If nothing else, with beautiful women with him, it is not a problem for him to live here for a year and a half.

Fishing occasionally, ‘heyhe’ with the beauty Perona at night.

Where can I find it on days like this?

Anyway, Li Ang himself is somewhat satisfied.


The sea is drifting, and the foggy area makes the pirate ships unable to tell the direction.

There are quite a few pirate ships foggy here, and the crew inside is constantly dying.

And Li Ang, who is fishing on the edge of the coast, can also see a pirate ship rowing by from time to time, and the bones on it are still very conspicuous.

It was about three hundred meters away from Li Ang.

In this area of the Magic Triangle, there are still not many pirate ships straying into it.

But there are also some pirate ships that will be very lucky to leave from here.

Anything, there are no absolutes!

At this time.

A pirate ship was gradually approaching Li Ang’s position, and there were more than a dozen or twenty people on board, looking around with trepidation.

“Captain, we’ve been wandering here for a day, haven’t we found a way out?”

“Don’t argue, if I can go out, will I not want to go out?”

“All wait quietly, the captain will definitely have a way.”


The pirates on the ship were in a uproar and anxious.

They are very clear that the position they are in today is the magic triangle in the production theory.

Countless pirate ships are lost here, a terror zone that can never get out.

The position in front of the plank.

A middle-aged man stared ahead with his eyes fixedly in the fog, unable to see the scene ahead.

His name is Nick, as the captain of this ship, with a bounty of 10 million berry, he is a small pirate with good strength.

“Wait, there’s someone there!”

Nick’s pupils shrank and he saw the shore ahead, where there seemed to be a young man fishing.

He rubbed his eyes to make sure that he was not mistaken, and quickly shouted: “Quick, sail over.” ”

The distance is getting closer.


Nick saw the full picture of this person clearly, and in an instant, his whole face turned pale, and he quickly said: “Go, run away immediately, don’t mother-in-law’s, change direction immediately!” ”

The person he saw was naturally Li Ang!

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