Great waterways, magic triangles.

The fog is shrouded, the sunlight cannot penetrate, it is humid and cold all year round, it is dark, and the fingers cannot be seen.

Every year, as many as 100,000 people go missing in this area.

When the pirate ship sails to this sea, it will soon be foggy and directional, so that it will not be able to escape here for the rest of its life, and eventually usher in death.

The sea is flowing, and the pirate ships that have long been decaying continue to float in the sea with the current.

On the ship, a skeleton is hideous and terrifying.

These people have been dead for many years.

Known as the world’s largest pirate ship, the Terror Three Trick Sailing Ship is in this area.

“Hey, hee-hee.”

A shrill laugh echoed on this huge ship.

In fact, this ship, which can also be called a small island, is so vast that there is no end in sight.

A very tall figure wanders here.

He had a shallot-like hairstyle, looked like a demon, had two horns on the side of his forehead, pointed ears and teeth, cross-shaped stitches from head to neck that resembled suture wounds, and wore a shirt with a bat-like collar and Gothic art.

One of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, Moonlight Moria!

“Interesting and interesting, someone escaped from Advance City again, it’s so interesting.”

Moonlight Moriah held a bounty slip, and his smile echoed around, making people feel terrified.

Beside him, followed by a fat and wretched middle-aged Hogurk, known as the genius doctor.

There is also Absalom and Princess Mononoke Perona, gathered in the castle, gathered together, and talked happily.

“Advance City?”

Abu Salom’s face showed a bit of shock, “Is that the prison that is known as the largest prison in the world, the most impossible to escape?” ”

“That’s right!”

Moonlight Moria laughed loudly and scoffed, “This group of rice buckets of the navy is simply ridiculous, and actually let people escape from Advance City.” Does this indicate that the Navy has become increasingly vulnerable? ”

“Lord Moria, what are your instructions?”

Hogubak asked, rolling his eyes.

Behind him, stood a maid similar to a puppet, who was once a popular singer who finally died, but was stitched up again by him and turned into something that is neither a human nor a ghost.

“The bounty of 300 million berry is almost higher than mine. However, I am more curious about how he escaped? ”

Moonlight Moria’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his unique sharp laughter came out.

A huge castle with a dark surroundings all year round.

The entire terrifying three-masted sailing ship, accompanied by this sharp laughter, even the crows retreated and flew into the sky.

The piles of earth, graves, stone monuments, and the dark environment make the place even more gloomy.

The breeze blows and the branches sway, like the sound of the devil grinding his teeth.

This is the moment.

At the edge of the Terror Three-masted Galleon.


The sea splashed up, and a figure actually walked on the sea, stepping on the sea.

The scene made people feel a burst of heart palpitations.

This person is Li Ang, who escaped from Advance City.

After fleeing the Advance City, he immediately burst into full speed and rushed to a nearby island.

There is no specific designated route, and before he knows it, he has entered the magic triangle.

The fog around him made it impossible for him to discern his direction.

However, under his terrifying speed, he soon found a huge pirate ship similar to an island.

Li Ang stepped on the sea, and in the next second, appeared on the edge of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship and landed ashore.

“Magic Triangle? Terror three-masted schooner? ”

He raised his head and looked at the scene in front of him, the huge pirate banner, looming in the darkness.

It’s a ship!

The area is huge, like a huge sailing ship on an island.

Unexpectedly, quietly, he actually came here!

The distance between the Advancing City and the Magic Triangle is still quite far, but because of Li Ang’s own terrifying speed and inexhaustible physical strength, he easily crossed a huge distance and arrived at the Magic Triangle.

Moreover, Li Ang’s route forward is undifferentiated.

Even he didn’t know which island he would arrive on the next moment.

Finally, we came to the Magic Triangle, a terrifying three-masted sailing ship called Ghost Island.

“I don’t know, what era is it, and has this guy Moonlight Moria been sanctioned by Bassolomi Bear?”

Li Ang’s eyes flashed, and his steps moved, walking towards the dim area in front of him.

Ahead, the forest was dark, and five fingers could not be seen.

The surrounding fog completely blocks out the sun.

Here, there is no day, twenty-four hours, every moment is a scene of night.

This made Li Ang feel a little comfortable, I don’t know if it was due to personality, he still liked this environment, the darkness was cold, and there was no sunlight.

In addition, a highly quiet atmosphere is maintained all year round.

Isolated and undisturbed.


(PS: Thank you readers, remember to keep flowers, comment tickets, and monthly passes for this book!) Thanks!! (* ̄︶ ̄))

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