“You little devil!”

The yellow ape’s forehead burst into green tendons, and his expression gradually became hideous.

In terms of speed, he has always been very proud.

This was the first time he had been despised by others for his lack of speed. This made him proud of himself, how could he endure it.

Immediately, the yellow ape’s whole person turned into golden light and launched a relentless attack on Li Ang.

Rumble! Rumble! ……

The sea is magnificent and the waves are rolling.

A huge attack hit the sea, bringing a wave of turmoil.


The sea water set off bursts after waves, like a tsunami, splashing tens of meters in the air, gradually landing, smashing out small water holes.

Ripples, spreads.

With a smile on his face, Li Ang stepped on the surface of the sea with his feet, although on the surface of the sea, his speed was not as terrifying as on land.

But at least, it is still easy to deal with opponents of this level of yellow ape.

If he let the yellow ape know what he was thinking, he was afraid that he would vomit blood in anger.

What is it called, an opponent of this degree?

His speed is terrifying enough.

It’s just that because Li Ang’s speed is really too extreme, this makes the yellow ape chase after him, but he is also unable to help Li Ang.

“There were twenty-three attacks in total, and none of them touched the corners of my clothes. Mr. Yellow Ape, if I were you, I would have killed me by finding a piece of tofu. ”

The corners of Li Ang’s mouth hooked, laughed, and said.


The yellow ape snorted coldly, his face was gloomy, and his heart was full of grievances.

First encounter, such a flexible opponent.

It was as if he had seen the images of the past fighting the enemies he faced.

All along, he was mainly flexible, and the enemy was constantly teased by him, but he was helpless.

Now, Li Ang’s speed is too fast, anti-customer-oriented, and he is playing him around.

The most frightening thing is that he can’t help Li Ang, which is a little depressing.

“Do you dare to confront me head-on?”

The yellow ape gritted his teeth, his face was full of unkindness, and he stared at Li Ang deadly, and his voice was a little hoarse.

“Mr. Yellow Ape, look, do I look like the kind of person who lacks roots in my head?”

Li Ang waved his hand and said with a smile.

The strongest modified system has not yet given her ultimate power, and if he collides with the yellow ape rashly, isn’t he asking for trouble?

This kind of thing, I’m afraid even a fool won’t do it.

Even if he has extreme power, he still has to control the armed color to shake the elementalization of the yellow ape. Otherwise, no matter how strong the strength is, there is no sea floor stone or armed color, and it is ineffective against the yellow ape.

“Damn boy, don’t let me catch you!”

The yellow ape spoke coldly, and his tone became more and more gloomy.


He burst out his strongest speed again, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Li Ang.


Li Ang stepped back, kicked his feet, stepped on the sea, and disappeared in place.

In terms of speed, he can completely abuse the yellow ape.

“It’s not too cool to show in front of a general.”

Li Ang thought to himself secretly, in a happy mood.

Than speed?

I show you a face!

It’s just a yellow ape, compared to my extreme speed, I still can’t get on the table!

This is the moment.

The yellow ape has thoroughly realized how hard it is when the speed cannot keep up with the other party.

He was so exhausted that he didn’t even touch the corner of Li Ang’s clothes.

Not to mention catching the other party back, before the night has not yet started, whether he can meet Li Ang is a huge problem.

Recalling the scene of swearing in front of Magellan and hanging up Haikou before, now the yellow ape’s face is hot.

The words were too full for him to be self-contained.

Now it is not that the fugitive was not touched, but he did, and he could not do anything.

This is more humiliating than not touching prisoners!

“Give me death!”

The yellow ape was impatient in his heart, and the whole person was suspended in the sky and turned into a cloud of golden light.


Brilliant golden light shone on the earth, and round golden rays of light were hovering around him.

“The dog jumped off the wall and was about to launch a large-scale bombardment.”

Li Ang looked at the appearance of the yellow ape and had a guess in his heart.

“Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!”

The yellow ape’s face was cold, and his whole body erupted one golden glow after another.

With him as the central point, the photon transformed into a mid-air and fired countless dazzling light projectiles at the target, covering a sea area below and attacking rapidly.

Rumble! Rumble! ……

The sea was beaten with magnificent waves and turbulence.

The sea vibrates, constantly rolling, and hits all around.

“I see how you escape!”

The yellow ape sneered and looked down.

Seeing the large-scale attack he had created, he nodded with satisfaction.

But again, there wasn’t a single figure in his attack range.

“You seem to be looking for me?”

Li Ang smiled and his figure appeared beside the yellow ape.

In an instant, he disappeared in a flash and disappeared again without a trace.

Suddenly, the yellow ape’s lewd face became stiff, full of disbelief, his eyes widened and round.

Is the gap in speed so big?


(PS: Take flowers and comment votes to smash the author, you’re welcome!) )

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