In a remote alley, a huge figure stopped

""Why are you following me?"

Bartholomew Kuma looked at the strange man who followed him expressionlessly, his body entered a state of alert, and his huge body exuded an extremely dangerous aura.

He also felt the powerful aura of Higashino Arakuryu. This should be one of those annoying pirates or bounty hunters.

After he was put on the bounty list by the navy, he encountered this kind of guy a lot.

But he didn't expect that he had just landed in Dressrosa through the ability of the Meat Ball Fruit and was followed by this guy not long ago.

It seems that this guy is quite capable.

However, he has no time to tangle with Higashino Arakuryu now. He is in a hurry to find a small sailboat to go to Egghead Island. Moreover, with Bonnie, it is not convenient for him to fight with other strong men.

Just when Kuma was about to use the ability of the Meat Ball Fruit to leave directly, the strange man in front of him spoke.

"Sapphire scales can heal."

Dongye Huanglong looked at the tyrant Big Bear that exuded a dangerous aura and said calmly.

The moment he saw the Big Bear, Dongye Huanglong was ready to 'fool' him into his own power.

For this gentle man who could give up everything for Bonnie , it is a hundred times easier to handle than the Golden Emperor Tezoro.

Most importantly, it is as strong as Tezoro.


Bartholomew Bear, who had a cold face, suddenly widened his eyes, his expression suddenly lost control, and his hands trembled.

During this trip, he went to Egghead Island to find Vegapunk just to give it a try.

In fact, he I don't know if Bega Punk can cure Bonnie.

In the past few years, he has traveled around the sea and visited famous doctors in various places. He has been disappointed again and again.

Now, he heard a positive tone from Dongye Huanglong. Tears oozed from the corners of his eyes.

It's great, Bonnie can live beyond ten years old.

Bonnie in the wooden box also became excited, her eyes were filled with longing. When her illness was cured, she would be with her. Dad travels everywhere together

"Go to the island over there and have a chat. Let me see how your Meatball Fruit ability is!"

Higashiye Huanglong pointed at Greenbit Island north of Dressrosa and said, and then walked directly to the big bear.

On Dressrosa, it is possible to be discovered by Doflamingo's people, especially Violet, a woman with the ability to stare at the fruit, is still working under Brother Ming, so she has to be on guard. Da Xiong did not expect that this stranger, Dongye Huanglong, knew him so well. Not only did he know about Bonnie's terminal illness of sapphire scales, He also knew his identity and the ability of the meat ball fruit, which made him very wary.

However, he was willing to take any risks for Bonnie.

He looked at Greenbit Island, estimated the distance, and then took it. He took off his gloves and slapped Dongye Wild Dragon away with one palm. The next second, he also flew away.

The two of them disappeared instantly and flew to the opposite island.


In the primeval forest of Greenbit Island, two huge bear paw shock waves appeared, one after another, making two huge craters on the ground.

"This ability is really good! Bartholomew Bear."

Dongye Huanglong said excitedly, Big Bear now also has the coordinates of the islands of Nine Snake Island, Visalia, and Boeing Islands, which can provide great convenience for Dongye Huanglong.

Plans are taking shape in Dongye Huanglong's mind.Looking at the huge bear, which is nearly seven meters tall, Dongye Huanglong feels a bit oppressive. The big bear is 689 centimeters tall, which is a little taller than Whitebeard's 666 centimeters, and he is a proper little giant.

After so many physical transformations and secondary growth, Higashinore's normal height is only 266 centimeters, which is about the same height as Kaido's daughter. But in front of the big bear, he still looks like a child.

The ancient giant blood in his body can only be used perfectly when he transforms into the dragon form. In his normal state, his extremely unstable ancient giant form is very unstable if he wants to transform into [Attack on Titan].

In its strongest state, it is almost 66 meters tall, which is comparable to the height of three giants.

"Who are you? Do you really have a way to cure sapphire scales?"

Bartholomew Bear took off his hood, revealing a slightly anxious face. A pair of rimless glasses gave this huge body a gentle aura of a scholar.

"I know who the users of the Healing Fruit and the Operation Fruit are, and I know where they are.

I also know that there is a medical technology called stem cell transplantation that can completely cure Jade Scale."

Hitsuno Arakuryuu said calmly to Daxiong. His calm tone excited Daxiong and Bonnie, and they trusted Hitsuno Arakuryuu more and more.

"As for me, just call me Dongye Huanglong, an experimental subject who escaped from the World Government's laboratory.

A man whose goal is to overthrow the world government and kill the Five Old Stars."

Dongye Huanglong's laser-modified eyes were shining, showing the authenticity of his words.

"Now I am ready to form my force, and I hope you can join my force."

Dongye Huanglong looked at the big bear with burning eyes and said, if he can fool this meat ball fruit ability user, his new power will take off quickly.

"Are you going to deal with the world government? Deal with Wulaoxing?"

"In fact, I can introduce you to the Revolutionary Army. They also exist to overthrow the World Government."

Big Bear said in shock, and even his eyes lit up. Dong Ye Huang Long's goal is similar to that of the Revolutionary Army. He really wants to bring this man named Dong Ye Huang Long into Dragon's army.

"Do you think I would be inferior to others?"

Dongye Huanglong looked at Big Bear coldly, and his aura exploded. He would never be controlled by others.

"This is..."

Big Bear once again stared at Dongye Huanglong with wide eyes. He did not expect that this guy also had the qualifications to become a king, one in a million.

"Do you want to avenge Ginny and cure Bonnie?

Dorag could not save Ginny and Bonnie, and even Ivankov was imprisoned in the Impel Down City.

They are all your family members who share the joys and sorrows, but you can't do anything for them."

Dongye Huanglong looked at the hesitant Big Bear and continued. His words were like a barrage of bullets, hitting the Big Bear's heart hard.

This made the Big Bear couldn't help but take a step back.

Yes, he failed to protect Ginny. Even Ivankov and Bonnie couldn't protect him.

At this moment, Daxiong suddenly knelt down with guilt and burst into tears. In his life, his mother died in the hands of the Tianlong people, and his father also died in his hands. He died in front of him at the hands of the Draco.

His beloved Ginny was also tortured by the Draco and finally died in his arms. The eldest brother Ivankov was captured by the Draco. , he can't save Bonnie, who is terminally ill, and he can't cure it.

He, a cowardly Bakania, can't bring a smile to the world like Nika.

Perhaps he feels the pain of the big bear. Little Pony was banging the wooden board desperately, shouting that she wanted to come out.

She wanted to scold Dongye Huanglong, a disgusting guy who talked nonsense, and she also wanted to comfort this gentle crybaby father.

"Join my force, I will find a way to cure Bonnie, and I will definitely kill the Celestial Dragons to avenge Ginny in the future, and I can even attack Impel Down and rescue Ivankov!"

Dongye Huanglong looked at the somewhat collapsed Big Bear and continued.

In his opinion, the Big Bear with powerful power has too gentle and kind personality, which has led to so many tragedies.

Strength and personality do not match, perhaps It's also a mistake.

He should become a real tyrant!

"As long as I can save Bonnie, I will accept any conditions you have."

Big Bear hugged the wooden box tightly, comforted Bonnie, then looked at Dongye Wild Dragon, took a deep breath and said.

Although Big Bear had thought before, after Bonnie recovered, he would rejoin the revolutionary army and fight alongside Dorag.

But now, For Bonnie and revenge, he is willing to agree to any conditions of Dongye Wild Dragon, including joining Dongye Wild Dragon's forces


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