Zhang Da also took Tom to find people (to play) one after another, and everyone else also found the stores they were interested in while shopping and searching.

In addition, there were more than a hundred flag demons scattering smoke and flying all over the island, searching like a carpet.

But in this kind of thing, which is somewhat dependent on luck, it still depends on Arturia in the end.

She just randomly found a restaurant and ordered a large amount of late-night snacks. As a result, there was no one among the many waiters responsible for serving the food. When she finished eating and wanted to pay, the person who came to collect the money was Yake.

On this trip, she not only tasted delicious food, but also successfully found her target. Arturia was in a good mood.

Arturia dialed Zhang Tatsuya's phone number: "Tatsuya, it's me."

"Yes, I found it. It's at the Rice Krispie Restaurant not far from the hotel."

"He seemed to be in good condition. He was probably there to receive guests, so he didn't put people like them through hardship."

"Okay, I'll wait for you here."

"Yeah, it's not that hard..."

Artoria felt a little ashamed. Although she had completed the task, everyone was working hard, and she was the only one who ate something ordinary. She felt very sorry for everyone.

She didn't know that Zhang Daye's efforts were just to play around with Tom.

When Zhang Daye returned to the restaurant with Artoria, the manager was panicked.

He likes repeat customers, but according to his experience, customers who return so quickly have either lost something in the store or are looking for trouble.

What's even worse is that he can't afford to offend these few people - in fact, he can't afford to offend even the customers who came here during the trial opening.

The store manager bravely came up to greet him, deciding that no matter what happened, he would just endure it and call the guards immediately when he turned around.

"Hello, do you need anything?"

Zhang Da also said: "Bring me the menu she just gave me."

The store manager felt a sudden change in his heart. Is this because he thought our companion had been ripped off by us to cause trouble?

But since the other party proposed it, he could only do it.

Zhang Da was also browsing the menu quickly with the store manager's uneasy eyes. Tom also lay on his shoulder and looked closer, sticking out his tongue and licking his mouth from time to time, as if he wanted to eat.

Zhang Da also thought for a while and said, "Prepare several portions of each of the desserts at the back. I want to pack them."

"Ah? Ah, yes!" The store manager almost didn't react.

Zhang Daye continued: "Also, do you have a man named Yake here? Can you invite him to come?"

"Yak, no problem!" The store manager left immediately, thinking that this big customer came back for Yak's sake?

But if he knew such a big shot, would he still need to be reduced to this level?

Full of suspicion, the store manager called Yak.

Yak didn't know what these big shots wanted from him, so he asked cautiously: "Excuse me..."

Zhang Da also took out the photo that Xia gave him and compared it carefully. He was a very ordinary man. Zhang Da also thought rudely that Langa must be so cute because he took after his mother.

"Is this you?" He showed the photo to Yak.

"Yes, it was me. At that time... I was still very thin."

Yak wanted to reach out and grab the photo, but he didn't dare to act. He said anxiously: "Excuse me, why do you have this photo? Are Shia and Langa okay?"

"Almost a month ago, we passed through Mogu Town and had a rest at your small restaurant. Their life was pretty decent." Zhang Da also handed the photo to him directly.

Yak held the photo as if he had found a treasure, his eye circles had turned red: "Really... That's good, that's good..."

"There is also a letter here. Mrs. Shia asked me to deliver it to you. Although it took some twists and turns, it was finally delivered. Please accept it."

"Xia's handwriting is Shia's handwriting!" Yake was so excited that his voice became hoarse, and his hands were shaking when he opened the envelope.

The content of the letter was just a very ordinary greeting, concerned about Yak's health, whether the front line was in danger, whether he was injured, etc.

But such a simple content made tears roll down from Yak's eyes.

After seeing the last few lines of crooked words written by Langa, Yak had already covered his mouth with one hand and fell to his knees.

Putting down the letter and photos with the other hand, he pounded the floor, trying his best to control himself not to cry uncontrollably.

They are waiting for them to go back at home, but they are trapped here, not knowing when they can go back.

The responsibility of being a husband and father is even more out of the question. Thinking of this, Yak hates his own incompetence.

The other clerks in the restaurant just watched from a distance as Yak knelt down and cried bitterly. Although they were curious, they did not dare to ask.

Zhang Daye and Artoria waited for a while before Yak slowly calmed down.

Yake carefully collected the photos and letters, stood up and bowed deeply to Zhang Daye and the others: "Thank you for everything you have done for us, thank you very much!"

Yake noticed that the envelope was marked with the words 'Second Western Army, Seventh Musketeers Yake', and knew that Zhang Daye and the others must have gone to the border garrison first, and then it took a month to find him.

Crossing two countries and catching up with the Gulan Tezoro just to deliver a letter, such a kindness was really too heavy for Yak.

They are obviously strangers...

"I just promised to help deliver the letter." Zhang Daye asked, "What are your plans next?"

Yak gently stroked the faces of his wife and daughter in the photo, his eyes gradually becoming firmer: "I want to find Tezzolo..."

"Go and make a bet with him! Bet all my debts!"

"As long as I win, I can go back to see them right away!"

"..." Zhang Da also wanted to say what to do if he loses, but this is nonsense. As ordinary people, sometimes there is no choice at all.

"May I ask, how much do you owe him?"

"Fifty million Baileys," said Yak,

"Mr. Tanaka said that Tezzolo spent 50 million beli to redeem us prisoners. As long as we pay back all, we can leave. But except for gambling, there is no way for us to make that much money."

Fifty million per person? Nonsense.

According to the recycling price of the Shampoo Islands Auction House, 50 million is enough to buy a hundred strong human slaves. This number must have been fabricated by Tezzolo.

Moreover, Sui Feng Er had overheard a meeting of Gambo's officers, and handing over a certain number of prisoners to Tezzolo was only a condition of cooperation, and had little to do with Bailey.

"No need to bet with him." Zhang Daye said directly, "I have 50 million beli here. Can you try to redeem yourself with it?"

"This...I've already been taken care of by you, how could I..." Yak couldn't go on. He definitely shouldn't have accepted the money, but it would be difficult to push back such a good opportunity to gain freedom. .

Zhang Da also thought about it and said, "I seemed to have forgotten to pay for the meal at your house before. It's been a month now, and it's exactly 50 million beli including the principal and interest."

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