"It's nerve-wracking. There seems to be nothing we can do about this situation~" Kizaru followed Zhang Tatsuya and the others to Wendy's room.

Weiwei happened to be there too, and there was nothing serious wrong with her as Zhang Daye said.

But Wendy was in serious condition. Not only was her head wrapped in a bandage, her left arm was splinted, and her left leg was hung in a plaster cast.

"It feels so uncomfortable... I can't sleep well at all..." Wendy looked aggrieved.

She had just slept for a short while when Weiwei suddenly ran over and asked her if she was seriously injured.

It took a lot of effort for Weiwei to believe that she was not injured, but she was hit like this again by Tom.

This bandage feels stronger than the rope that binds the person, and it is impossible to break free.

"Bear with it, who said you were 'seriously injured'?" Xia Lulu glanced at Zhang Daye, and even she was forced to wrap the cat's head with a bandage.

"Woo..." Wendy was about to cry without tears.

That pitiful look made people very willing to believe that her wound was too painful and she wanted to cry, but she was holding back the tears strongly.

"Well... in this case, let's let the headquarters make the decision." After Kizaru obtained Zhang Tatsuya's consent, he called a sailor and took photos of Wendy and Zhang Tatsuya, ready to send them to the public. Return to headquarters.

"General, it has been confirmed that in addition to Charlotte Lingling, there are also Perospero, Katakuri, Owen, Daifuku, Smoothie, Strong, Snamon, Cracker, and Garrett. , Povar, ten cadres in total, total reward..."

Having said this, Lieutenant General Stoloberg couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, "The total bounty has exceeded 8 billion Baileys..."

"Then just compile the list and bounty, and report it to the marshal truthfully after the war." Kizaru was not surprised by the amount.

Lieutenant General Stoloberg whispered: "However, many of them were seriously injured or even captured by us and were only released during the prisoner exchange. Do we really want to honor them all?"

"That's something that the Marshal and the World Government have to consider, and we don't need to decide." Kizaru was too lazy to worry about it. Anyway, he didn't pay for it, and it didn't affect his salary.

"Yes." Stoloberg left. He had many things to do, and it would take time to clean up such a tragic battlefield.

But before transporting people onto the warship, you still have to say hello to Zhang Daye and the others.

It is certain that it cannot be cashed out immediately, and Zhang Da is also mentally prepared for this.

The handling method was similar to the last time in Dressrosa. Kizaru and Stoloberg wrote him a note together.

It records in detail the number of pirates, the amount of the reward, and even the number and approximate valuation of the pirate ships. We will discuss how to pay later.

"Speaking of bounties, when we passed by Cake Island before, we also cleaned up the pirates on it." Zhang Daye said, "Of course we didn't bring the corpses. Remember to count them for us when you have time to search. superior."

Stoloberg was shocked again: "You have wiped out the pirates on Cake Island?"

Zhang Da also nodded: "Yes, I was just passing by."

Stoloberg glanced at Big Mom's body and felt that the other party was not lying, but...

"Please don't talk about such a big thing like picking up a few coins on the way to buy groceries."

"Look at how injured we are, how can it be so simple?" Zhang Daye pointed at Rui Mengmeng and saw clearly, "Look at us, even the chef was injured, we didn't finish breakfast, and we haven't had lunch yet. Woolen cloth."

"Leave such small things to us!" Stoloberg took care of everything. How could he let the hero who defeated the Four Emperors go hungry?

Kizaru hesitated to speak, Stoloberg spoke too quickly.

But forget it, anyway, there is no shortage of ingredients in a place like Totland, but the cooks have to work hard.

There is a type of phone bug that functions like a fax machine. Kizaru sent photos of Big Mom and others who were killed or captured in battle to the headquarters.

Afterwards, he reported on the situation of Weiwei and Wendy, and the mission was considered completed.

Lieutenant General He was only concerned about whether Wendy's life was in danger. He didn't mention anything about inviting anyone or not. He said that it was up to Kizaru to decide the rest of the matter, and hung up the phone directly.

Because her time was tight, Big Mom died, which was the most important thing for the Navy now.

As long as this matter is communicated to the pirates on Biscuit Island, most people's will to fight can be immediately shattered, so that the war will end faster and the casualties of the navy will be greatly reduced.

As for Guernica in CP0, it is useless for him to be angry. Wendy is so injured that she will definitely not be able to help with treatment in a short time.

Now either go back early and leave the person to Vegapunk for research, or ask for help after a while.

"Finally, I would like to remind you that they can defeat Big Mom and three generals head-on, plus several powerful cadres and nearly 10,000 elite soldiers. Please consider this carefully before taking any action. .”

"..." Guernica couldn't refute, he definitely couldn't afford to offend these people.

If we act rashly, Totland might just lose a Yonko and soon welcome a new one.

He couldn't bear this responsibility, so it was better to report it truthfully.

But before reporting it, you have to come up with at least one or two backup plans.

The situation on Biscuit Island was as Lieutenant General Crane expected.

The Navy rushed to print hundreds of photos of Big Mom, Katakuri and others and distributed them all.

The aunt's children were in chaos after seeing the photos. As we all know, there is no way to edit photos, so if there are pictures, there is the truth - Mom, she was defeated.

For a time, the opinions of many brothers and sisters began to diverge - among the people who stayed on Biscuit Island, there was no one who could control the situation like Perospero and Katakuri.

So those with a more explosive temper wanted to fight the navy to the end, while those with a softer temper wanted to escape.

But how can the remaining small fish and shrimps escape the siege of the navy?

Aokiji's Ice Age move sealed the sea surface for more than ten kilometers around Biscuit Island. Lieutenant General He pressed the large troops up. Compared with the battle to capture the defeated troops and the battle to attack the enemy, it was more than one level easier.

"Then only Kaido is left." Commander Tsuru looked at Akainu and Aokiji, "Sakaski, Kuzan, how is your physical strength?"

Akainu did not hesitate: "If you have a combat mission, please feel free to ask."

Qingzhi lazily said: "If possible, I would like to take a rest. I think we have achieved our goals, right?"

Lieutenant General He was silent for a moment, and the answers of the two men were in line with their characters.

The two of them fought for almost two days and one night, and Akainu was injured more seriously than Aokiji...

I’ve only written a few hundred words for the next chapter, it’s tomorrow

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