"Balluia, go see how Mr. Piecro is doing." Compert reached out and pulled out a big knife from his back.

As the one who is most similar to Big Mom among all the children, Compert strives to be closer to Big Mom in all aspects, including weapons of course.

In fact, she has always wanted a sword as powerful as Napoleon's. She even thought of a name for it, called Alexander.

It's a pity that she doesn't have the ability of the soul fruit, so she can't ask her aunt to use her soul fragments to make weapons for her.

So I could only use a relatively good knife as a weapon, but I still used the name Alexander.

"I know, Sister Compert!" Balluya ran towards the direction where Piecro flew away.

Before he could leave the room, Piecro had already walked back by himself, carrying a scythe on his shoulder.

But Ballua did not look back, but casually greeted Piecro and began to shake him.

Although he considers himself to be very strong and Sister Compart is also very strong, Balalua feels that the two of them cannot handle the Amber Tour Group.

Fortunately, Snag is also staying at Cake Island. If a general is there, he can feel more at ease.

Piecro stood directly next to Compert and said in a bad tone: "I remember this is the first time we met, right? Why did you suddenly attack me?"

"We were once attacked by a killer. After many investigations, it was confirmed that he was very similar to the style of your killer group." Zhang Daye said, "After that, we were assassinated by many killers one after another. Their clothes and techniques were very similar. resemblance."

Ye Yan and the others also remembered who this person was. They tried their best to get no useful information from the killers, but they didn't expect to meet their boss all of a sudden.

Piecro showed an exaggerated smile, and with a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, he looked a little cruel:

"I see, that's what happened. Speaking of which, your heads were very valuable back then. I kind of... wanted to hold a funeral for you..."

"I'm afraid that won't work as you wish, and I'm afraid you won't even have a burial place." Zhang Da also took out his long sword, "But before that, I really want to ask which bastard is in the underground world. Did you put a reward on us?"

"That's Zhang Tatsuya's ability, right? I heard it's similar to bags of fruit, and it turns out it's true!" Morgans, who was taking pictures from a distance, was a little excited, but also a little disappointed, "Why is it not a folding stool?"

"Who knows?" Piecro didn't mean to answer him, "Since you have seen my incompetent subordinates, you should know the rules of our business, right?"

Zhang Da also looked at him: "Then there is nothing to say."

Compert confirmed for the last time: "Are you sure you want to go against our Big Mom Pirates? This is our territory, our troops will continue to grow, and... Mom will be back at any time!"


Zhang Da also knows very well that now the main force of the Big Mom Pirates is fighting against the navy. Many people rushed to support before. There are probably only three or two big cats and kittens left on Cake Island. What the face says comes endlessly.

Zhang Da also moved his feet and rushed directly towards Piecro.

Piecro waved his scythe and faced him. There was a clang, and there were faint sparks between the blade and the blade.

After all, he is the leader of the killer group, organ trafficking organization, and funeral parlor. He still has some strength. He was kicked away by Zhang Daye but was caught off guard.

No one would have thought that someone would dare to suddenly attack the guests in Auntie's castle.

Compert raised his sword and struck at Zhang Tatsuya, but was stopped by Artoria's sword.

"Invisible weapons?" Although Compert was surprised, he was not panicked. There were even invisible people in this world, let alone weapons.

"It's just like the rumors, it's an invisible sword!" Morgans excitedly clicked the shutter button repeatedly.

"Kill!" Various Homiz soldiers also rushed forward.

"The flag demons come out!" Ye Yan waved his hand, and the eight-sided brilliant demon flags floated up. Dozens of flag demons came out in response. These flag demons were all novices. As soon as they came out, they followed the instructions of their seniors and maintained atomization. The state floated behind Ye Yan and he posed.

The king's soldiers, queen's soldiers and other flag demons put on what they thought were the most powerful poses. With the green field behind Ye Yan, it felt like one person transformed into a thousand troops, which was very imposing.

Morgans was even more happy: "Is this the so-called 'watchman's' power? It's very similar to Charlotte Dafu's ability, but there are more!"

"And the shape of these smoke...is inspired by Homiz of Totland?"

Ye Yan slapped his forehead: "What are you doing, you idiots! I asked you to come out to fight, so why are you so cool there?"

"Yes, Master!" After hearing Ye Yan's words, the flag demons solidified one by one and rushed towards the Homitz soldiers.

When the weapons of both sides collided, the chess soldier on the opposite side was surprised: "Why do they look so similar to us?"

Most of the flag demons only focused on fighting and ignored each other's questions, but a few got Ye Yan's true message: "You are one of our own, I just like to dye myself green, why are you attacking me?"

"That's it, I'm sorry!"

"It doesn't matter, next time I bet...go to hell!"

"How despicable!"

A few chess soldiers were defeated by the flag demons because they trusted their 'similar kind'. There were also a few biscuit soldiers who were hit by the flag demons, but their defenses were not broken at all.

The Biscuit Soldier counterattacked, but the Flag Demon repeatedly resisted: "Damn it, I knew this guy was hard, but I didn't expect it to be so hard."

Ye Yan carefully observed the battle between the flag monsters and the biscuit soldiers: "The defense is very strong, but the strength and speed are not much different from the chess soldiers, plus they are afraid of water..."

"In general, it's not bad. They can usually be considered as qualified human shields. It's worth collecting a few."

"The Roar of the Heavenly Dragon!"

"Lightning Spear."

"Desert Greatsword!"

"Ghost bomb!"

Morgans feasted his eyes and couldn't stop pressing the shutter: "So strong, so strong, is this the battle of the Amber Tour Group? It's so exciting! Hey, kitty, is there any popcorn? Kitty?"

After shouting several times but getting no response, Morgans turned around and found that Tom and Carew had disappeared, leaving only a duck-shaped dotted box and a cat-shaped dotted box.

"When did you leave?" Morgans felt that these two little animals had great potential as reporters, so he had to find an opportunity to try to poach them.

At this time, Tom was supported by Karu to catch up with a biscuit soldier, jumped on his back, took out a bottle of milk, and poured it on his head.

Compert appears too little, so I made up her weapons, moves, personality, etc. Anyway, in terms of strength, as the eldest daughter, she can't be too inferior.

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