Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 705 First, can you let me see how fat you are?

Zhang Daye said: "Don't panic, tell me the direction, we will be there soon, and by the way, ask Labu to swim towards us."

"The direction is east, the distance is about fifty kilometers, Du~ Misaka reported this."

"Misaka? How could you..."

"The phone bug uses biological radio waves as the transmission medium. Although Misaka cannot directly analyze the content represented by the radio waves, it is easy to do it by simply judging the direction. Du~ Misaka is showing off her ability in a subtle way."

Zhang Da also gave a thumbs up, and Wendy, Weiwei and Perona praised in unison: "Misaka is so awesome!"

"It's just something you can do with your abilities. Misaka pretends not to care, hiding her inner joy."

Zhang Da also clapped his hands: "Okay, lunch is suspended, the Amber is moving at full speed to rescue Brooke!"


"If you're hungry, just hold on a little longer. It'll only take you fifty kilometers." Zhang Da also subconsciously started to look around and wanted to know who it was.

But I found that no one was so hungry that his stomach would growl.

"Well, it's my stomach that's growling."

Ginny's feeble voice came from the phone bug. Her family had a long history of big eaters. She could eat more than a bear since she was a child. She couldn't bear it after being hunted for a day without eating.

"Please be patient a little longer. We have food here, and I can give you my share." Rui Mengmeng had just experienced the feeling of being extremely hungry some time ago, and she could immediately empathize with the sound of her stomach growling.

"Woooooo~ You are indeed good people~"

Ginny was moved to tears. The only person who was willing to give food to her before was Bear Cubs.

"Your way of judging good guys and bad guys is so familiar..." Although Zhang Daye didn't know Ginny, judging from her appearance, she probably had something in common with Luffy.

Brooke gently stroked Labu's head: "Rabu, you are probably very tired, but don't worry. Mr. Tatsuya and the others are here to save us. Can you just hold on a little longer?"

Wendy and Perona encouraged Rab through the phone: "Come on, Rab! I'll see you again soon!"

"Woo~~~~" Rab made a loud and cheerful whale cry, his big tail paddled the sea water, and his swimming speed increased.

Perhaps because of the long wait, Rab seemed to like it when the words 'soon' and 'goodbye' were used together.

Zhang Da is also feeling sorry for the phone bug. It can even imitate such a loud whale call. Thanks to its hard work, he will be rewarded with a vegetable leaf.

Now that he has been positioned, there is no need to hang up. The two parties just chatted and started running in both directions.

Without spending too long, Uncle Long suddenly said: "There seems to be a small island in front...or a reef? It's pitch black."

Zhang Da also looked into the distance: "Uncle Long, that is Labu, an ordinary island whale."

"That's a whale? It's so big!" This was the first time Uncle Long saw Labu. He looked at it carefully for a while and remembered the large sea kings he had seen. "It's not very big. No, it's already very big. "

Perona snickered: "Uncle Long is incoherent."

Weiwei laughed: "It's really rare."

Wendy advised: "It's very rude to talk about Uncle Long behind his back like this."

"Then let me turn around and discuss it with you face to face, okay?"

"Okay, okay...Ah, I'm sorry, Uncle Long!" (Peishi is well-behaved, Wei is well-behaved)

Bell smiled bitterly on the side. He felt that the princess had been out for a long time and seemed to have become more lively. I really don't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Woo~~~~" At this time, Rab seemed to have seen them, and let out a long whale call.

"Rabb!" Wendy, Perona and Misaka ran to the bow of the ship and waved vigorously.

Weiwei asked doubtfully: "Hasn't Misaka never met Rab before?"

"Yes, but if you don't participate at this time, it feels like you are isolated. Du~ Misaka gave Weiwei a kind reminder."

"Huh?" Weiwei was surprised, "Is that so?"

Xia Lulu didn't join in the fun and complained: "It's not that serious."

Rab swam over happily and circled around the Amber. His huge body stirred up the waves and made the Amber stagger on the sea.

Zhang Da also shouted to him: "Okay, Rab, we know you are very happy, but let's take a good rest first, and let Brooke and the others get on the boat."

"Woo~wu~" Labu murmured and stopped obediently, gently rubbing his head against Amber's horn.

Amber was so moved by the reunion scene that she wanted to cry.

"Hey, ho, ho, long time no see, everyone!" Brooke looked very happy, but stayed on Rab's head. "If it's convenient, can you help me? Miss Ginny and I have no strength."

Rui Mengmeng went to carry Ginny to the boat, and Zhang Da also carried Brooke up, and checked the old bone's body by the way.

"Wow, you're so hurt? All your bones are broken...even though you only have bones to break."

"Yohoho~ It's because my back was hit by Arashi's kick. And Mr. Tatsuya, if someone else makes the skeleton joke, I will only feel sad."

Tears burst out of laughter from the corners of Brooke's eyes. Although he felt sad when he said it, there was nothing more joyful than having a companion come to rescue him in times of crisis.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I'll help you heal your injuries right away. I'm quite good at setting bones. I've gained proficiency in the navy." Zhang Daye said, "Wendy, Miss Ginny will be left to you."

"Okay!" Wendy urged Rui Mengmeng to carry Ginny to the medical room. She had fainted and needed to be cleaned up. It was inconvenient to be outside.

"Wait a minute, I have something to say before the treatment." Brooke stretched out her hand to hold on, "Miss Mengmeng, and Miss Artoria, we have been away for more than a year, and I was seriously injured and I don't know if it can be cured, so I can't Can you show me how fat you are..."

"Go to hell!" Zhang Da also threw him off the boat.

Brooke nimbly turned over in the air, took two steps on the sea to use his strength, and jumped back onto the ship: "That's so cruel, Mr. Tatsuya! I am a seriously injured person now!"

"Get out!" Zhang Daye scolded with a smile, "You look like a seriously injured person. Are you pretending to be sick?"

Perona and Xia Lulu said disgustedly: "We haven't seen each other for so long, but we are still as perverted as before."

Brooke suddenly fell to his knees as if he was frustrated, with his face on the ground and his butt lifted up: "Ah, actually it's not all pretending, it really hurts when a bone is broken.

But...it's great to see you again at this time. I'm really, really happy. Hohohoho~ I feel like the pain of broken bones is diluted by joy. "

"You should have contacted me directly when you were being hunted at the beginning." Zhang Daye said, "Didn't I say that even if you were captured by Big Mom and slept with you, I would find a way to save you."

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