Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 689 Doing math problems is not in vain

If you were in Alabasta, everyone would definitely think of Bell when they heard the cry of an eagle.

But this is in the new world. Not to mention Zhang Daye, even Weiwei did not expect Bell to come here.

Weiwei hugged him affectionately and asked, "How did Bell find us?"

"Of course, use the life card." Bell took out a palm-sized piece of paper.

Weiwei is Cobra's only daughter. Of course, Cobra made a life card for her early. If he didn't take a look at the life card every day, he wouldn't be able to sleep well.

This time, Bell was sent out to find someone, which came in handy.

"Because princess, you suddenly said that the king was being targeted and asked us to be careful, but you refused to say who it was.

Therefore, His Majesty the King was worried that the enemy was too powerful, even so powerful that a phone bug might be monitored, and the princess did not dare to speak directly.

That's why I was sent to inquire about the specific situation and see if there was anything I could do to help. "

Bell briefly talked about his situation, and Zhang Da also discovered that both father and daughter, Kobra and Weiwei, had a worrying personality and were too considerate of each other.

"This is because...because..." Weiwei didn't know whether to tell Bell the truth or not, and looked at Zhang Daye hesitantly.

"You're here, let's just tell the truth." Zhang Daye said, "The person who offended us this time is Charlotte Lingling."

"Charlotte Lingling...that Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors?" Bell spat out these words with some difficulty.

Zhang Da also nodded.

Bell's eyes widened.

To be honest, as the deputy captain of the Alabasta Kingdom Guards, the moment Bell saw Zhang Daye nodding, he just wanted to take the princess back to his country.

But this seems to be reasonable. This group of people even beat Kaido in the first place. Is it reasonable for them to provoke Big Mom again?

"Okay, after the shock is over, let's rest for a while and eat something." Zhang Da also remembered that this man had been flying for two days and was very hungry.

It happened to be dinner time, and Tom and Rui Mengmeng were already ready. One more Bell would mean adding a few more dishes. It wouldn't be a big problem.

During the dinner, Weiwei told Bell the whole story in detail and showed him the photo.

Bell looked ashamed. As a guard, he failed to notice that someone was spying on the king. It seemed that his training was not enough.

Fortunately, Bell had a good psychological quality and quickly accepted the facts. Of course, it was mainly because of the usual dinner atmosphere of the Amber Tour Group that made him relax a lot.

Bell also didn't understand why these people could be so relaxed even though they had already decided to go against the Four Emperors.

"Is there anything I can help with?" Bell said, "Although my strength is not as good as yours, I can fly long distances quickly. If you need me, please don't be polite."

Originally, Bell wanted to take Weiwei back, or go back as soon as possible to protect the king.

But he soon realized that that would not solve the problem. The enemy was someone who could threaten people with the king's life at will.

The best way now is to trust the Amber Tour Group and help them overthrow the Big Mom Pirates.

After thinking about it, Bell suggested: "How about I go back and mobilize the army?"

"It's better not to do this. The movement of mobilizing the army is too big." Zhang Da also dissuaded, "Our battle plan has not been finalized yet, so don't act in a hurry."

Shark Chili stood up: "That's just in time. I've almost sorted out the information. I'll tell you about it during the break."

Everyone went to the library together. Shark Chili had already set up a white board and pasted the papers on it one by one.

Those are all the lists of Big Mom’s children. Shark Chili made various notes on them and explained to his companions:

"Charlotte Lingling, now 58 years old, has a total of 44 sons and 38 daughters, including the newborn Normand, for a total of 82 children."

"The oldest among them is Perospero, who is now 40 years old. The youngest is the 38th daughter Normand mentioned on the invitation, who was just born."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!" Perona felt that her brain was a little unable to keep up. She counted on her fingers:

"BIG·MOM is 58 years old, and her eldest son is 40 years old. In other words, she started having children when she was eighteen, and then gave birth to 82 children in forty years? Calculating...does she have one child every five or six months on average?"

Zhang Da also gave her a thumbs up: "It's not a waste of time to do the math problems. The calculations are very fast. I guess it's useful to study, right?"

Perona covered her head and shouted to Zhang Daye: "This is not the point! Isn't she doing other things?"

"No, that's not how it works." Shark Chili said, "Many of BIG·MOM's children are twins, triplets, quadruplets, and even quintuplets."

Perona opened her mouth wide, and Wendy also looked completely shattered: "Although this seems to make sense, it feels even scarier."

Xia Lulu crossed her arms and said, "Indeed, most people wouldn't do this, right?"

"Although it is unbelievable, it is the truth." Shark Pepper asked them to sit down and then continued to explain:

"In addition to Normand, there are 18 children under the age of ten, and 10 children over the age of ten but under the age of 16. Most of these have never been to sea at all, and are not responsible for any important affairs. They should not Too strong."

"According to some existing news and records, only children over 16 years old in the Big Mom Pirates will take up important positions and may also go to sea to fight."

"In addition, because Charlotte Lingling only trusts her own relatives, some daughters will also marry some people to win over some potential people or forces. These people are the opponents we need to focus on."

Jackie Chan calculated and concluded: "In other words, in addition to many ordinary pirates, do we also have to face more than fifty children of Charlotte Lingling and their families?"

"No." Zhang Da also said: "There are some 'filial daughters' among aunt's daughters. They are not loved by aunt because they are not strong enough or for other reasons."

"It's just used by aunt to 'make up illustrated books' to collect different races, or as a tool for marriage, so the relationship between mother and daughter is not good."

"It is precisely because of this that after getting married, these daughters often follow their husbands' lead and do not care about their aunt's life and death. It is also possible to stab them in the back at critical moments."

"So the actual enemies we have to face should be fewer than these."

Although this is the case, there are not many such children, so the number of powerful enemies still seems exaggerated.

"Although I have heard about it before, but..." Bell was still shocked, "This is so amazing..."

Bell couldn't even find the right words to express his emotions for a moment.

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