Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 681 Looking for the big snail

Zhang Da also felt that Uncle Long was right.

These clone soldiers who can be implanted with specific programs are too rigid and have no possibility of flexibility.

Since you can't get anything out of asking them, then ask their collaborators.

Zhang Da also tied up several clone soldiers, sealed their mouths, and temporarily detained them on the Amber.

There are many ships from the Mogara Kingdom docked near the port. Just go and touch them, or steal the people watching the ships.

Tidecaller Shark volunteered. He had a hard time dealing with clone soldiers before, but now he wants to save some face when dealing with ordinary soldiers. Moreover, this kind of sap thing from behind... he happens to be pretty good at it.

Zhang Da also nodded in agreement. This time the Tidecaller did not disappoint everyone. Not only did he bring back a soldier, he also entered the captain's room and took away a permanent pointer to the Mogara Kingdom.

"Who are you?" The captured soldier was actually quite tough. "I belong to the army of the Mogara Kingdom. Attacking me without authorization is tantamount to provoking the Mogara Kingdom!"

"Pfft, I can ask your king later if he dares to speak like this." Zhang Da also waved his hand, "Come on, put some pressure on him first."

The flag demons emerged from the Huang Yao banners one after another and surrounded the soldiers. The Jie Jie monsters smiled and showed their most ferocious expressions.

They are professionals in creating an atmosphere.

"Ah! Weird...monster!" This soldier may not have seen any big scenes. He was frightened by the strange flag monsters and almost collapsed. "Help, help!"

"Be honest, how much do you know about those soldiers wearing masks and combat uniforms?" Zhang Daye said, "If you don't tell the truth, you will be chopped into pieces and fed to monsters."

The flag demons stuck out their tongues to lick their lips in cooperation, especially the Golden Tongue Man, whose tongue was long and flexible.

Because the flag demons' acting skills were so superb, even Rebecca was frightened by these flag demons. She hid behind Wendy and asked in a low voice: "Can they...can eat people?"

Wendy whispered comfort in Rebecca's ear: "It's Brother Tatsuya who is deliberately letting the flag demons scare him."

The soldier had no intention of paying attention to them. He was so frightened that his face turned pale. "I said, I said! They are mercenaries invited by the king. I heard they are from Germa 66, the legendary evil legion!" "

As if he had not said anything, Zhang Daye asked again: "Then who is responsible for negotiating the deal with the king and where is it? What does the ship that sends these soldiers to the Mogara Kingdom look like?"

"I don't know who contacted the king, but yesterday I saw their ship. Yes, it was two strange big snails! When we set off, we also saw two snails docked at the port."

With the rank of an ordinary soldier, he had no idea who was in charge of Germa. It would be good to see Germa's big snail.

As for why there are only two snails, it may be because the country is not at a high level and it is not worthy for Gaji to drag everyone over.

This soldier didn't know much. Even if he was frightened by revealing the reputation of the Amber Tour Group, it would be useless. If he didn't know, he just didn't know.

As far as he knew, the target of this battle was only the Kingdom of Prudence from the beginning to the end, and the attack on the Amber Tour Group was not part of the plan.

In other words, the people of Germa left so many transport ships in the port alone and just attacked the Amber. It is very likely that Gaji secretly gave them some order.

"Boss." Rui Mengmeng asked, "What should we do now?"

Zhang Da also said: "Every wrongdoer has his own owner, and every debtor has his own owner. Let's go to Mogara Kingdom to find those two big snails."

The soldier was ecstatic: "Then...can you let me go?"

At this time, a loud shout came from the distance:

"The King's...Fist!"

A strong wind suddenly blew up on a certain street in the port. Countless soldiers were blown away by the strong wind. Some crashed into houses on the roadside, and some flew directly out of the port and fell into the sea.

Of course, this is only a place relatively far away from Elizabello. Elizabello's main target is the group of German soldiers who are leading the way.

After this punch, hundreds of clone soldiers were immediately incapacitated. Deep ravines were opened on the ground of the street, and even nearby houses were affected and damaged.

Elizabello showed signs of fatigue, but the soldiers around him became more energetic, shouting words such as "long live the king" and charging forward.

The army of the Mogara Kingdom was shocked by this powerful force, and their legs trembled involuntarily. No matter how much the general encouraged them, it was of no use.

In fact, the general himself was also very panicked. He had long heard that the King's Fist was powerful, but hearing about it and seeing it with his own eyes were two different things.

Now the few remaining Germa soldiers are outnumbered. The war has only started for more than an hour, and they already have no chance of winning.

"What is the principle of this King's Fist?" Zhang Da also felt that if he punched with all his strength, the single target damage would not be worse than him, but it would be difficult to attack with such a large range.

"It's probably some special physical skill." Shark Chili said, "Just like the Rao G we met last time."

There is no point in being greedy. This move is probably like the national treasure of the Kingdom of Prudence and will not be spread among the public, and it is too useless to charge it for an hour.

Zhang Da also said: "It seems that this war is almost over. Let's pack this man and those clone soldiers up and hand them over to the king later."

The situation was decided, and the Mogara Kingdom's army was retreating steadily. General Brian ordered the remaining Germa soldiers to retreat and led his team to escape to the dock.

Zhang Da didn't pay attention to the group of defeated soldiers. He just knocked one of the German soldiers behind him on the back of the head, and then led several prisoners to find Elizabello who was resting.

Prudence's men bowed slightly to express their gratitude, then continued their pursuit of the enemy.

"Are you injured?" Zhang Da also saw that Elizabello's clothes were somewhat damaged, with faint traces of blood seeping out of them.

"It's just a minor injury. I was a little careless just now. I didn't expect that the weapons equipped by Germa's soldiers are so advanced." Elizabello laughed and asked, "How is your ship?"

"Fortunately, nothing happened." Zhang Daye said, "But we have to go to the Mogara Kingdom, and I have something else that I want to talk to Germa about."

"I obviously invited you all to be guests, but something like this happened. I'm really sorry." Elizabello said, "Under the current situation, I'm afraid I can't send you off properly."

"That kind of thing doesn't matter." Zhang Daye said, "Just come back for dinner next time."

Elizabello smiled and said, "Then I have to be well prepared."

Since the war was not completely over, Elizabello and Vasco da Gama were unable to leave their posts without permission. They originally wanted to keep Zhang Tatsuya and the others to attend the celebration banquet after the victory of the war, and then formally see them off.

But Zhang Da was also worried that the two big snails would run away if he arrived late, so he refused, and the Amber set sail directly.

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