Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 680 Soup Interrogation

The almost tried-and-true Negative Ghost had no effect at all this time. The clone soldier was hit multiple times by Perona with the Negative Ghost, and he showed no negative emotions at all.

"Isn't it possible?" Perona covered her head with disbelief on her face, "Does this person not even have any negative emotions? Why does the negative ghost have no effect at all?"

At this time, the soldier who was recruited suddenly spoke: "It's useless, no matter what torture methods you use, we will never disclose any information or do anything for you.

Therefore, there is no use in capturing us. Your only choice is to kill us or release us. "

"Really?" Zhang Da also patted Tom's head, "Tom, tickle the soles of his feet!"

"Woof woof!" Tom seemed to not understand what he was saying, standing on all fours in front of Zhang Daye, wagging his tail happily.

"Why is this still happening?" Zhang Da also took off Tom's dog mask and pointed at the soldier, "Go ahead and wait for the execution."

Tom nodded and plucked a feather from Karoo's tail.

"Gua~" Karu covered his butt and hid behind the mast, his big eyes filled with tears. He obviously didn't expect to be attacked by Tom.

Tom waved his hand to Carew to show that it was okay, and then took off the soldier's shoes with a smirk.

"Such a child's play punishment, how could I... um..." the soldier's face turned red, and he tried his best to suppress a smile with his lips pursed, and a large amount of sweat dripped from his forehead, "Uh uh... hahaha... ha... Ha ha……"

The soldier with a serious face was out of breath with laughter. He tried hard to move his feet, but he couldn't escape from Tom's clutches.

But he still said stubbornly: "No...haha...it's useless, hahaha...we, we will never betray...ha..."

"It's no use talking, don't laugh." Zhang Da also waved his hand, "Tom, let him laugh for half an hour first."

Tom nodded seriously, he liked this job.

Zhang Da also tried to interrogate several other prisoners, and received similar responses.

'Interrogation expert' Perona was not convinced and wanted to scratch the soles of the enemy's feet: "Karu, can you lend me a feather?"

Karu shook his head decisively. How could he borrow feathers casually? What if he plucked them all out?

Perona raised a finger: "Just borrow one, and I'll give it back to you!"

Jackie Chan was alert, this sentence sounded a bit familiar.

It turned out that he would return it. Karu stretched out his wings, but immediately retracted them: "Qua!"

How do I return the feather? It’s useless even if you come back!

"Don't be so stingy, let me pull one out!"


Karu ran away, and Perona immediately chased him. The two of them just ran around in circles on the deck.

There was a flying duck on the Amber, and a Germa soldier laughed happily.

Zhang Daye was looking through the information brought back by Tidecaller from the sunken ship. Unfortunately, there were no clues in it. There were only photos of members of the Amber Tour Group and photos of the Amber, which were probably used to identify attack targets for the soldiers.

What does Gao Zhi, an old gangster, want to do? He doesn't think that these hundred or so soldiers can defeat us, right?

Shark Chili and Uncle Long were busy checking whether the Amber was damaged, while Rui Mengmeng went to the kitchen to prepare tea and snacks.

The restless Rebecca and Weiwei opened the masks of several soldiers together and said in surprise: "There are two people who look the same~ Are they twins?"

"No, it's not just the two of them, many of them look the same." Ye Yan originally wanted to collect a suitable Germa soldier combat uniform, but after the flag demons sent out opened a few masks, they immediately discovered Exception.

So Ye Yan ordered them to lift the masks of all the soldiers they could find, and finally found that there were only a few different faces among the hundreds of soldiers.

"If nothing else, these guys should be clones. There are only a few sets of genes in total, so the Germa Kingdom should have mastered good cloning technology. That's why. When I first considered Misaka's physical problems, I always thought I just want to have a heart-to-heart talk with their boss.”

"Hey~ Is Sister Misaka also a clone?" Rebecca was shocked, and then asked in a daze, "What is a clone?"

Xia Lulu gave her a general introduction to the concept of cloning, and then warned her, "Don't mention this matter to others."

Wendy leaned forward slightly, looked into Rebecca's eyes with a smile, and asked, "Rebecca can definitely help us keep the secret, right?"

Ye Yan vaguely felt that Zhang Da had said similar words to someone, but when Wendy said the same words, it would make people feel that she was trusted, and Zhang Da also said it as if he was threatening... Oh, it seemed like he was threatening in the first place. Said when people.

Rebecca nodded quickly and clenched her fists in front of her chest: "I will never tell anyone!"

"Rebecca-chan is a good girl." Wendy immediately put up her sister's music, stood up on her tiptoes and touched the top of Rebecca's head.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether this matter is kept secret or not. Zhang Da no longer needs to be so cautious.

He feels a little sorry for Wendy right now. I'm afraid that in a few years, 'Sister Wendy' won't be able to touch 'Sister Rebecca's head even if she stands on tiptoe.

"Ha...haha...kill me...ha, kill me!" The clone soldier could no longer bear Tom's 'torture', and he felt that he might die from laughing.

Germa's soldiers are all programmed to not fear death, but as a soldier, it would be ridiculous if he died laughing.

Zhang Da also ignored him. It is said that people may die from laughter, but Tom will definitely not die from laughter if he takes action - at most he will laugh until he goes into shock.

Tom carried out his mission seriously, making the tough-talking Germa soldier laugh for half an hour, then rolled his eyes and lost consciousness.

Perona, who was tired from chasing Karu, was startled: "No way? Are you really laughing to death?"

Tom was not sure, so he tickled the soldier's soles with his feathers again, but he only twitched twice but did not wake up.

Tom dropped the feather in his hand and spread his hands, saying it was none of my business.

Karu looked distressed, those were my feathers.

Perona said: "It turns out that I just fainted. Do I want to continue interrogating other people?"

"They're all the same clones. I guess the interrogations are pretty much the same." Zhang Da also looked at Misaka, "Does Misaka have any good ideas?"

As both clones, Zhang Da also thought that maybe Misaka knew something. Of course, he asked so directly because he knew that Misaka didn't care about his clone's identity.

But Uncle Long was still worried that this would hurt Misaka's heart, so he quickly said:

"Forget it, Tatsuya, instead of trying to interrogate these rigid guys, why not just ask the people from the Mogara Kingdom?"

The clone soldiers actually have feelings, and they will cheer and be surprised when Sanji and Gaji fight.

Sanji's brothers say they have no emotions, but in fact they laugh at others and get angry.

Therefore, what Germa created should not be 'no emotion' but 'lack of emotion'. It is estimated that he lacks 'negative emotions' such as sadness, pity, and fear of death. At the same time, he is also implanted with the ability to obey orders and never betray. program.

In addition, the most ridiculous setting is that these clone soldiers do not know that they are clones, even if they see so many people who look the same as themselves.

There are some places that I wrote in the main text that may not be so accurate, just think of it as necessary for the plot.

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