Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 678 The Amber Crisis

The super-fast duck is the fastest running animal in Alabasta, and Karu has been training with the Amber Tour Group for a long time, and even studied at the Navy Headquarters.

The most important thing is that he has been educated by Tom. Now Karu is ridden by Artoria, and with the acceleration provided by Zhang Daya, he runs at full speed as fast as a stream of light.

Even Xia Lulu and Jin Erpeng couldn't catch up when they flew.

It was reassuring to have Artoria go to support him first, but he still had to be angry when he should be.

Those bastards in Jerma are just going to fight, so why bother touching our ship?

Zhang Da also felt that it was necessary to have a cordial and friendly exchange with Jiazhi: "Perona, send some ghosts to the air for reconnaissance."

"Okay." Perona rarely gets into trouble on such important matters. If she does, she takes action first and then makes a few noises to keep her mouth off.

While running, everyone saw that a large number of troops were already gathering, lining up and running in the direction of the sound of the cannon.

There was also a large carriage heading in the direction of Elizabello.

It was a carriage specially made for him to accumulate energy on the way to the battlefield. It was equipped with many unscientific shock-absorbing devices, so that Elizabello could not be affected by bumps and accumulate energy with peace of mind.

The armies from various parts of the Kingdom of Prudence also moved quickly. Except for the necessary garrisons, they were all arranged by Vasco da Gama to go to suitable locations to defend against the enemy. The marching efficiency was very high.

At the same time, an ordinary warship from the Mogara Kingdom was closely following the Amber and shelling continuously, and some soldiers put down their boats and paddled close quickly.

The Tidecaller was at the helm of the Amber, cooperating with another flag demon to avoid the attack and flee far away.

According to Tidecaller's original plan, he would rush directly onto the enemy ship and wipe out all the enemies.

But who knew that this group of people was a bit strong. The two of them could deal with a few people, but if they had to deal with a boatload of people, they would have to be beaten.

If it weren't for the ability to atomize, the two brothers would be in trouble today.

They had no choice but to escape back to the ship and sail away.

It's just that it's a bit difficult for such a big ship to be controlled by the two of them alone to dodge the cannonballs.

But when he was about to be hit by a cannonball, Tidecaller noticed that the Amber suddenly bent unnaturally.

At the time, he thought it was an illusion, but when the next shell came, the Amber inexplicably moved forward.

Then similar things were discovered one after another, making Tidecaller completely convinced that this ship could dodge shells on its own.

Tidecaller Shark felt relieved now and left the driving seat directly to go to the back to help his brothers control the flags. All he had to do was to get the maximum power from the sailboat and let the boat figure out how to avoid the cannonballs.

The statue on the bow was about to cry, he knew the result would be like this! As long as you show your ability, you will need to do more work in the future!

That's why he doesn't want to have a showdown with these people!

Help! We are just a ship! It’s a sailboat that shouldn’t move unless someone drives it!

Why does a ship need to dodge its own cannonballs? Is there anyone who can come back quickly and save us?

The statue was crying in its heart, but the Amber did not stop its movements and moved strangely fifty centimeters to the side, allowing a cannonball to fly past the side of the ship.

The soldiers pursuing from the rear discovered the strangeness of the ship, but no one made any sound of exclamation or confusion.

They just silently did what they were supposed to do, and occasionally exchanged a few necessary words related to combat, like robots without emotions.

Arturia was on her way to the port. Her progress was slower than expected because she encountered some minor troubles on the way.

The troops of the Kingdom of Mogara and the soldiers of Germa have captured many ports of the Kingdom of Prudence, and use them as strongholds to continuously advance towards the royal capital.

With the help of Germa's clone soldiers, the Mogara Kingdom's army was as powerful as a rainbow. A powerful and fearless commando team had a great impact on the battlefield.

For today's competition, the Kingdom of Prudence has dispatched many elites from various places to the royal capital. On the one hand, it is to maintain public order and deter unruly contestants from all over the world;

On the one hand, it is also to protect the safety of political dignitaries from various countries, and also to show them the military power of the Kingdom of Prudence.

However, this arrangement also led to insufficient defense of each port. The Mogara Kingdom probably saw this opportunity to attack. The troops in each port were caught off guard and could only fight and retreat, waiting for support.

This kind of battle is very common for the soldiers of Germa 66, and they have no extra emotions.

But the soldiers of the Mogara Kingdom had some. The invincible battle brought them great confidence and excitement, and it naturally gave birth to the evil side in their hearts.

So during the march, pirate-like acts of robbing civilians' property naturally occurred.

Artoria, who was passing by nearby, frowned and asked Karu to take a slight detour, and casually dealt with several groups of people who bullied the civilians.

Some officers didn't know whether they recognized Artoria or were frightened by the huge flying slash. They didn't dare to say a single unnecessary word. They just tried their best to restrain their subordinates and told them not to do unnecessary things.

When Arturia arrived at the dock where the Amber originally docked, the ship was no longer visible. She tried to call the phone on the Amber.

"Tidecaller? Where is your location?"

"Sister Artoria!" Tidecaller was so excited that he almost cried, "Sister, please help me, we have been running away in the southeast direction, I don't know how far we have run!"

"Thank you for your hard work. Just hold on, I'll be there soon."

Artoria hung up the phone. Without saying anything, Karu had already sprinted towards the pier, then spread his wings and glided out. After landing, his feet immediately stepped on the sea to gain strength, almost as if he were walking on flat ground.

Although he can barely fly, it can only be regarded as an emergency measure now, and his speed is really not very good. Half gliding and half running on the sea like this is the fastest.

If Tom was by her side, the swimming method might be faster, but it was a pity that Artoria was in a hurry and didn't think of taking Tom with her.

The other side called Chao Jiao vowed to show his loyalty into the phone's microphone: "I must persist! As long as the eldest sister speaks a louder word, I, Xing Chao Jiao, am willing to go through fire and water!"

As soon as the phone was hung up, both Qi Yao's waist and legs no longer ached, and they felt instantly full of security.

Tidecaller went out of his way to run to the stern of the boat and yelled: "People in the back, listen, our eldest sister is coming soon! Do you know who the eldest sister is? A great swordsman who can hang up Hawkeye and beat him!" It’s still too late for you to escape now!”

Of course, Germa's soldiers were not afraid. They may have judged Tidecaller's behavior as a provocation or a sign of weakness, so the bombardment became more ferocious.

Tidecaller Shark was startled: "Damn it, why are these people jumping over the wall in such a hurry!"

The statue on the bow of the Amber wants to curse. Is this guy here to trick the ship?

What are you promising Artoria? It’s me who has to persevere, and it’s me who’s going through fire and water!

Woohoo, Sister Artoria, come on, these two guys are so slow in sailing, and they can't even turn, they can't even drift.

Amber has never suffered such a great injustice since she was born.


As if hearing the cry of the Amber, a huge golden slash split the sea and went straight to the warship chasing the Amber!

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