Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 669 Contestant No. 233, Tom!

After Ye Yan showed his hand, there were no more troublemakers, but there were two big guys who kept staring at Ye Yan, as if they had something in mind.

"Please come on stage from 231 to 235." Misaka said the lines she had repeated many times in a normal voice.

However, the five contestants this time are very eye-catching, because the big one is big and the small one is small.

The largest one is nearly four meters tall, with long curly black hair, bulging muscles, and an unruly expression. The smallest one is Tom. He should be able to hit the big guy's knees when he jumps.

The big guy looked down at all the players and even the referee, so that except for Tom and Ye Yan, everyone else remained silent, as if they wanted to wait until he finished the fight before taking action.

The man clenched his fist and hit the tester hard. There was a bang, the numbers on the tester jumped rapidly, then sparks flew everywhere, and finally a puff of black smoke came out, and the instrument was scrapped.

The whole place fell into silence. Diaz was the first to react and shouted: "What happened! Contestant No. 221 blew up the testing instrument! Has his strength exceeded the limit that the instrument can test?"

"Let me take a look at this player's information! He is Rollinger Logan from the southern Majiazka Kingdom! There is no doubt that with such strong strength, he must be the champion of this competition. A strong contender!”

There was a burst of cheers from the audience, and countless people found the bookmaker and placed bets on Rollin Grogan to win.

Rollinger Logan raised a fist to signal to the audience, and looked at Ye Yan with a provocative look, as if asking me, can you follow it so easily with such a heavy fist?

Ye Yan took out a yellow card and said: "Provoke the referee, give me a warning."

Ye Yan said that such a brainless guy could kill him regardless of whether he could catch the punch or not.

Rollinger Logan said angrily: "You guy..."

"Ah?" Ye Yan rubbed his fingers, revealing a corner of the red card behind the yellow card, suppressing the second half of Rollinger Logan's words.

He was looking for a chance to make a name for himself by knocking down someone from the Amber Tour Group, but now... what he wanted more was the bonus, and there would be no chance of success if he was punished.

Dias commented outside the court: "Oh, the referee showed a yellow card! Rogan was dissatisfied with his provocative behavior. I would like to advise all players, no matter how strong they are, never provoke the referee!"

He was speaking from the bottom of his heart. There were two special referees this year, and he couldn't afford to offend those players by tying them together.

Misaka was extremely envious at the entrance. She scanned the remaining players with her unfocused pupils, expecting someone to provoke her. She also wanted to show a yellow card.

At this time, Tom was thinking. He was not sure whether he could hit the 800 kilogram number, but he saw Rollinger Logan's advancement process.

Pass = hit 800 kilograms? ×

Passed = broke the test instrument? √

Tom's eyes glanced upward, then he nodded, confirming the correct way to advance.

So when others recovered from the shock, Tom had quietly loosened eight screws of the instrument he was facing and secretly cut a wire.

Tom looked around for a while to check if anyone had seen him, and then suddenly found that Zhang Da had been looking at him intently. Tom blinked hard at Zhang Daye and then stood up solemnly.

Zhang Da also slapped himself on the forehead.

Elizabello finally saw a good player. She was in high spirits. When she saw Zhang Tatsuya's appearance, she asked, "What's the matter, Mr. Tatsuya?"

"It's okay, no, something happened..." Zhang Daye said apologetically, "Well, I will compensate you according to the price of the tester."

"Ah? That's the instrument that player Logan broke. What does it have to do with you..."

Before he finished speaking, a series of clanking sounds were heard on the ring. Tom lightly punched the tester, causing the instrument to scatter on the floor with a crackling sound.

Tom pretended to blow his gloved fist and raised it above his head to cheers.

"Oh!!! Another test instrument was directly blown up! It's contestant No. 233! It's Mr. Tom from the Amber Tour Group!"

"I thought Mr. Tom was the pet of the Amber Tour Group, but I didn't expect it to have such a powerful power!"

The audience was buzzing with comments: "Are you kidding me?"

"That's just a cat!"

"Even if it's the cat from the Amber Tour... Speaking of which, are there rumors that he can defeat Hawkeye?"

"Could it be that... it's this cat?"

Ye Yan, who was on the stage, glanced at the broken instruments, then looked at Tom, and felt that there was something wrong with the way the instruments fell apart.

Tom immediately showed a flattering smile to Ye Yan.

Ye Yan understood instantly and said loudly: "No. 233, advance!"

There was no way, this was Ye Yan's most trusted tailor, he had to be coaxed, he was the one who decided to take this black whistle.

Only then did Elizabello understand what Zhang Daye meant when he said he wanted to compensate, and he said generously: "It's just an instrument. It was expected that it would be damaged during the test. We have a spare instrument, so there is no need to compensate!"

No, you don't understand. Maybe it can still be used after being assembled... Zhang Da also looked at Tom's cheering look and reluctantly stopped talking about compensation.

At worst, they would have to ask Tom to assemble it back for them quietly.

The guards came to the stage to clean up the remains of the instrument and carried the new test instrument. It took a while to complete the preliminaries.

In the end, the only ones who could 'break' the instrument were Rollin Grogan and Tom. The two tied for first place, but Logan was a little unhappy. It was just a cat that was not as big as his palm. Why should it be tied with him?

There is another person who has far better results than the others, Kelly Fanku from the Kingdom of Mogara. He seems to have a very irritable personality and can't wait to fight Logan.

The eliminated contestants still have another chance to participate in the speed test, but after seeing the power of blowing up the test equipment with one punch, almost no one wants to fight for it.

They don't feel like their heads are any harder than that instrument.

"Okay~" Dias made a voice to attract the audience's attention to him, "Then the qualifiers are now over, and there are a total of 65 players qualified to participate in the main competition!"

"There will be a ten-minute break, and the lineup for the main match will be announced in ten minutes!"

The losers left the stage one after another, and those who advanced, including Tom, all went to the lounge.

The auditorium also became lively. Some people went to buy snacks, some went to the toilet, and some took the time to place bets.

Among them, the most popular ones are Rollin Grogan, Kelly Fanku and Tom.

However, Tom's odds were much higher than those of the other two. Many people gritted their teeth and placed bets, wanting to give it a try.

Zhang Da also went over and took a look, but he didn't dare to press him. Tom's uncertainty was too strong, and he was really unsure whether he could win.

Bored Zhang Da also counted the proportion of selected contestants on his fingers. After a simple strength test of more than 300 people, only 65 remained.

The quality of the registered players seems to be a bit inferior. Is the prize money too small and not attractive enough?

Or is the target group for boxing matches too small?

Zhang Da also estimated that the latter accounted for a larger proportion, but I heard that Vasco da Gama said that holding this kind of competition for the first time was just an experiment. After gaining experience, he would hold sword fighting competitions, indiscriminate fighting and other events.

However, if Zhang Da also held a competition to recruit talents, the project he would choose would be the God of Gamblers Competition.

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