Zhang Daye and Artoria had a simple meal in the restaurant, and estimated that the time was almost up, so they went back with some snacks for everyone to eat.

While everyone was chatting, the hotel waiter hurried over and said that the king had arrived.

"Then let's go pick him up?"

"No need, I'm already here!" Elizabello II appeared at the door with a smile, followed by Vasco da Gama and the respectful hotel owner.

"Mr. Shark Pepper, Mr. Tatsuya, long time no see! Everyone, you've been waiting for a long time!"

"Long time no see." Zhang Daye said, "There is no need for you to make a special trip. In fact, just send someone to send a message and let us go by ourselves."

"That's so rude. How can you treat your savior like that?" Elizabello II said with a smile, "If you don't mind, please come and sit in the palace. I have already ordered someone to prepare a welcome dinner. I guarantee it won’t be any worse than my old friend’s place!”

"Excuse me." Zhang Da also reached out and touched the side, but couldn't touch Tom's cat head. When he looked down, there was only a flashing dotted frame, and then he remembered that he went out to play with the little girls and hadn't touched it yet. return.

Zhang Daye said quickly: "Sorry, the children are still playing outside. We have to find him first."

The hotel owner was in a daze, thinking that these people were guests invited by the king, and it was normal for the king to give them a little face and greet them personally.

But now it seems that it's more than just that. The king invited them to the palace for a banquet. How could they make the king's request so calmly? It sounds like they still want the king to wait for them?

Vasco da Gama did not want the king to wait any longer, so he quickly asked: "Do you need us to send troops to help?"

"No, I'll just make a call." Zhang Da also took out his phone and called Wendy, asking for their location.

The phone caller replied with the name of a store.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, not knowing where it was. Even the king and Vasco da Gama were confused. Obviously, these two people were not very low-level.

The hotel owner realized that his opportunity to show off had come and said quickly: "I know that place, it is in the same direction to the royal capital."

The king gave him an approving look and said, "In that case, just pick them up halfway."

"That's fine." Zhang Da also asked Wendy and the others to wait on the roadside, and finally he and others took their belongings and boarded the king's carriage.

Only an excited hotel owner was left. He said several words to the king today. He was extremely excited. It was a pity that he did not record it with the video phone bug.

A clever waiter stood up and showed his camera: "Boss, I just took a photo of you and the king."

"Really?" After receiving a positive answer, the boss patted the waiter on the shoulder, "You will be the lobby manager from tomorrow."

"This way, this way!" Perona waved towards the gorgeous carriage, not much, because both hands were carrying things.

Next to them, Weiwei and the others were about the same, each holding large and small bags in their hands.

Jackie Chan couldn't help but ask: "Why did you buy so much? Did you spend money randomly again?"

"No! They are all great specialties!" Perona said, "We even bought gifts for everyone!"

After saying that, he started to look down to see which one was bought for Uncle Long.

Jackie Chan immediately stopped complaining and was even a little moved: "Okay, okay, let's get in the car first, don't make people wait too long."

The little girls got on the car one by one, and Tom also jumped directly onto the car from Carew's back. Only Wendy and Carew did not move.

Carew is nominally Vivi's pet and mount, but in fact it is more like Tom's. Vivi may not have been riding Carew as long as Tom.

Zhang Da also felt that one day Karu would forget who his master was, and Weiwei might forget that she had a mount.

Da Gama thought that Wendy couldn't get up because she was too small, and asked with concern: "Miss Wendy, do you want to help? There are small stools here..."

"No, thank you..." She couldn't be angry at the people who cared about her, so Wendy could only swallow her tears in her stomach, "Well, I'm not used to riding in a carriage, Karu will drive me to follow..."

"Gua~" Kalu said no problem.

Weiwei and Perona were giving out gifts to everyone, and they didn't remember that they should express any opinions at all.

Misaka looked around and saw that everyone in the car had something in their hands. Only the king's hand was empty. She tilted her head and thrust a small box into the king's hand.

Elizabello asked in surprise: "Do I have one too?"

Misaka nodded and said nothing. She just noticed that the man looked envious and a little pitiful when he watched them handing out gifts, so she chose something she didn't particularly like to give to him.

She didn't say anything because Tatsuya-san had told her that her speaking habits were too difficult to hide things. It didn't matter what she wanted to say when chatting with her own people, but she had to be careful when talking to outsiders.

Especially when you want to save the other person's face, just don't talk at all.

Elizabello did not know these things, but he was deeply moved.

As a king, he had received countless gifts in his life, but for some reason, this one made him the happiest.

The last time he was so sincerely happy was because of an old friend, and the last time was when his father taught him the 'Family Sword'.

Although this small bag contains only a small wooden sculpture, seeing Miss Misaka's sincere expression... well, it must be sincere...

In short, for so many years, this was the only person who gave gifts just for the sake of giving gifts. Elizabello decided to return gifts well in the future.

On the way, everyone talked about their little gifts for a while, and the gluttonous man and the cat had already eaten snacks. Only then did Zhang Daye ask about the boxing match.

"Well, to tell you the truth, it's just to attract or cultivate some talents." Elizabello II spread his right hand and clenched his fist, and said:

"I always thought that as long as the King's Fist was around, I could sit back and relax. Until that day, punching that monster didn't even make him wake up."

After returning from Dressrosa, Elizabello was depressed for several days, thinking about what she would do if one day her country was targeted by the Yonko. Should she wait for the navy's rescue?

You must know that the Amber Tour Group, with only a dozen people, almost wiped out the Don Quixote family, had just arrived when the Navy arrived. Can your country survive the Beast Pirates' attack for so long?

Even if they wait until the navy, can they stop Kaido?

It's hard to say, so it's better to rely on yourself than to ask for help. On the one hand, you must cultivate outstanding warriors, and on the other hand, you must find ways to recruit talents from all over the world.

He discussed with the military advisor Vasco da Gama and decided to try a simple and crude method similar to offering a reward.

"The reason why I invite you to be the judges is that in addition to using the name of the Amber Tour Group to scare those with evil intentions, I also want to issue a formal invitation to you in the name of the king——"

"I wonder if you would like to serve in our Kingdom of Prudence?"

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