The Chaos Beasts went on strike, and Ye Yan's attack power tester plan went bankrupt.

After all, it is a mythical beast. Even though it mistakenly followed an unscrupulous master, the Chaos Beast still has its own little emotions.

It's okay to help fight and defend at critical moments. He tolerated being used as a transport vehicle to transport prey before, but now he is specifically called out to be beaten casually?

Do you even want to make money by beating him? Quit.

"Summon the Chaos Beast!" Ye Yan waved his hand to the air in vain, but his summoning technique didn't work.

Just like the Chaos Beast can refuse to appear when summoned from the sea, he can also refuse Ye Yan's unreasonable troubles now. The contract between the two parties looks like an equal contract.

"You have to understand him, the ancient beast." Zhang Da also patted Ye Yan on the shoulder, "In a few days, call him out and say a few nice words. Then I can comfort him for you."

Ye Yan looked at Zhang Daye suspiciously: "Are you so kind?"

"It's necessary. Who among us will follow whom? Then I can ask him by the way if he is willing to change jobs. Isn't there a top-qualified watcher here who doesn't have a summoned beast yet..."

Zhang Da also patted his chest to express his welcome, good brother.

Ye Yan returned him an international friendly gesture.

"Mr. Tatsuya! Mr. Tatsuya!" A man wearing a Dressrosa military uniform came galloping towards him on horseback. When he got close, he reined in his horse and jumped off, "It is indeed here!"

Zhang Da also saw the person coming clearly and said in surprise: "Tank Captain? Why are you so anxious about something? Do you want to make a bet with us again?"

"No, no, no..." Tank dared not mention the bet again. "The chef will beat me if I bet again. An invitation for you was sent to the palace, and the king specially ordered me to deliver it."

"Invitation? It's not some kind of tea party, right?" Zhang Da was also stunned. Is the aunt calling?

Tank said: "No, it's an invitation to a boxing match, from the Kingdom of Prudence."

"Prodence...oh, that 'Fist of the King', is he going to hold a boxing match?" Zhang Da also thought of the king who liked to wear boxing gloves, and didn't understand what he was doing.

"Yes, the Kingdom of Prudence plans to build an arena similar to ours to hold boxing matches, wrestling matches, indiscriminate fighting competitions and other competitions, but this time we were in a hurry and only built a few rings. "

Tank explained: "The winner of the competition will receive a prize of 100 million beli and the opportunity to join the army as a 'special general'."

Zhang Da also unfolded the invitation, which stated the date and location of the match, and also said, 'Amber Travel Group is sincerely invited to serve as judges for the first Prudence Kingdom boxing match.'

"July 12, 1512 in the Haiyuan calendar..." Zhang Da also did the math, "Next week, I just said I would go there to have fun."

In fact, when he heard about the bonus, Zhang Da also thought about bullying the children in the past to earn some money, but the later reward of joining the army as a general made Zhang Da give up the idea.

This is obviously the king recruiting talents in the name of a competition. Instead of causing trouble and causing trouble, it would be nice to just be a judge and make a living.

Zhang Da also raised the invitation: "Traveling abroad is at public expense. Is there anyone who won't go?"

Great, everyone goes.

Tank said: "In this case, I will go back and report to the king immediately, and His Majesty will convey your intention on your behalf."

"Are you in such a hurry?" Zhang Daye pinched his fingers, "It's almost 8:30 in the evening, hasn't the king gotten off work yet?"

Tank said with emotion: "There is nothing we can do about this. There have been too many affairs recently. His Majesty the King hopes that everyone can return to normal life as soon as possible."

In addition, matters related to the Amber Tour Group have always been of high priority, and the king immediately sent tanks to deliver them as soon as he saw the invitation.

"It's really hard work."

To be a good king, you need 996. No, King Riku wakes up very early and there are no weekends. He has 697.

Zhang Da also looked at Artoria. There was a ready-made king here. I wonder if she had worked so hard in the first place. Forget it, I might as well not mention her sadness.

After staying in Dressrosa for another three days, everyone prepared to go to the Kingdom of Prudence.

In addition to them, there is another Rebecca on the ship. This girl is now completely familiar with Perona and the others. As long as Zhang Da also wants it, she can run away in minutes.

Perona also asked Zhang Da, but Zhang Da did not agree.

Because not every pair of parents can be as courageous as Kobra, the Cyrus family is obviously not willing to let Rebecca run around the world.

It would be the limit if she could go to a neighboring country like the Kingdom of Prudence.

Although she had already stayed in the Kingdom of Prudence for a few days, Rebecca was still very excited, because travel and evacuation were different. Before, she could only follow the handsome man all the time, and could not go out casually.

Rui Mengmeng has been the center of everyone's attention in the past three days. Due to evolution, the weights she wears during training are increasing day by day, and the noise she makes when she wields a big sword and bombards the sea surface is getting louder and louder. , it can be said that it is getting stronger visible to the naked eye.

It was a pity that a lot of small fish and shrimps were fried to pieces by her and were inedible.

Of course, her appetite has also increased significantly.

The most important thing is that she unlocked the one-click dress-up function that Zhang Daye has always been coveted. She can appear in black armor when she wants, and put it away when she wants.

It is said that it is some kind of micro-wormhole transport technology that comes with the black armor. It can usually store the black armor and the sword in some dark plane. Zhang Da also expressed jealousy and wanted to learn.

However, Rui Mengmeng herself didn’t know the principle, so she just said, ‘This way, this way, and that way.’ Anyway, it works.

Zhang Da had no choice but to give up, thinking that he could get a set of other people's black armor sometime, but he didn't know how long it would take.

Before leaving, Zhang Da also gave a fist-cup salute to the sea in a serious manner: "I wish you all a safe journey and good reproduction. We are destined to see you again."

The words were spoken to the missing bettas. Zhang Da also went to the sea to confirm several times. Sure enough, all the bettas were gone and there was no sign of coming back. He had no choice but to give up.

Although he didn't know which string Zhang Daye had picked up wrong, Jackie Chan still reminded him: "Tatsuya, putting your right hand up means provocation."

"Really?" Zhang Da was about to change, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was not necessary. Let's just leave it at that. The fighting fish will understand.

When I landed in the Kingdom of Prudence again, the procedure was much simpler. All I had to do was show the invitation.

The soldiers guarding the dock respectfully took them to rest - the only people who could produce invitations written and stamped by the king himself were VIPs. It was not clear what level of VIPs they were, but they did not dare to offend them anyway.

"Thank you." Zhang Da didn't have any sense of being a 'VIP', he just felt that he could save money, trouble and time.

I didn’t pay much attention last time, but this time I can enjoy the scenery here.

If Dressrosa's architecture, food, etc. are full of Spanish style with a little bit of Italian characteristics, then the Kingdom of Prudence is full of Portuguese style.

Of course, this was said by the well-informed Uncle Long.

Zhang Da also said that he couldn't see any difference from Dressrosa. It wasn't just that ordinary people were all building houses with red roofs, while wealthy households were all building castles...

"Please rest here temporarily. The palace called and said that His Majesty the King will come to greet you personally."

Regarding whether Rui Mengmeng's black armor can be changed in one piece, it is not shown in the animation. Anyway, Rena, Qiangwei, Ge Xiaolun can, and Xin Zhao can also 'conjure' a spear. The effect is the same as Prince Mo'ang conjuring a spear in the sequel to Journey to the West. It's a bit like it, it feels pretty cool.

I will just set it here as an accessory skill that the black armor brings to Rui Mengmeng. Let’s call it a second setting.

[Then I reviewed the plot of Big Bear in the recently updated comic. Some parts conflict with my timeline. The subsequent plot needs to be adjusted. If you find that what I wrote is inconsistent with the comic... I can only say please Forgive me o(╥﹏╥)o】

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