Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 654 Misaka’s Tears

Artoria is a kind person, probably.

In order that the owner of the clothing store would not be beaten by Tatsuya for blaming her for eating the Overlord meal, she decided to pick out some clothes and try them on.

Zhang Da also enthusiastically gave various opinions, as if he had found the joy of playing 'xx Nuan Nuan'.

He found that Artoria could wear a lot of different styles.

Put on a dark blue shirt and skirt, smile like the school girl next door, and put on a serious face like the inaccessible flower of the high mountain.

Putting on a complicated white dress and letting her hair down, she immediately transformed into a cold princess. If her expression were softer and sadder, she would immediately make people feel distressed.

Put on a black dress...



"No, I mean it's a bit weird. Let's change to something else." Wearing a black dress, Zhang Da was also worried that she would suddenly draw a sword and kill someone.

Perona had already packed the clothes she had chosen. She sat and watched Zhang Daye dragging Artoria back and forth, wondering: "Why did that guy suddenly become so active?"

Jackie Chan held his chin in one hand and said with a smile: "Young, it's good."

Perona didn't understand: "It sounds like we are not young."

"Wait a little longer, it doesn't matter. How about asking the clerk to buy a cup of hot cocoa?" Jackie Chan was very patient.

It's rare to see Tatsuya being so focused on something other than training and catching pirates, so he needs to take care of him.

After struggling for a while, Zhang Da also stopped and said sheepishly: "Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Let's settle the bill now."

Although it was not so outrageous that I bought every piece of clothing I tried on, everyone still gained a lot together. Fortunately, I had plenty of money and was not short of money.

Moreover, with Mengmeng, a bargaining expert, and Ye Yan, a clever guy, we still saved a lot of money.

Carrying large and small bags, everyone walked through the Avenue of Lovers and saw a tall and majestic building that looked like the Colosseum in Rome.

"This is the bullfighting arena in Dressrosa." Jackie Chan introduced. "I heard Princess Violet say that this is a place where sword fighters compete in skills. Many people watch every game. Sometimes Some special prisoners are sent here, and as long as they win a designated number of times, they will be given a chance to reform."

Everyone knows that Cyrus’ legendary 3,000-game winning streak was achieved here.

Jackie Chan continued: "But later Doflamingo planned to change the rules here to a more bloody and violent way to achieve money making and other ulterior purposes."

"Of course it has been suspended now. King Riku and Cyrus are planning to use this place to attract and train outstanding warriors to protect Dressrosa."

Zhang Da also nodded. It seemed that the continuous attacks of Doflamingo and Kaido finally made this 'peace-loving' king realize the importance of the strong.

"But Uncle Long, why do you always say 'Princess Violet said it' or 'Princess Violet mentioned it' today?" Zhang Daye gossiped, "What's going on with you two?"

"No, nothing happened, just a general chat about the history and attractions of Dressrosa."

Zhang Da also said with a smile: "Don't be shy, I support you in abducting her. Her ability is perfect for being a lookout, she is so talented."

"Don't talk nonsense, Tatsuya." Jackie Chan's face turned red, "We really just said a few more words, and..."

"And I will leave one day and I won't mess with girls casually."

Zhang Da has also been silent for two years. In fact, he has been avoiding this problem. No matter how harmonious and good everyone gets along now, one day they will leave one by one.

But judging from everyone's contracts, it's possible that only Tom will stay in the end, and Misaka herself doesn't even know the contents of her contract.

At that time, whether it was the cute and caring Wendy, or Ye Yan who liked to bicker and hurt each other with him, and...

Everyone will leave, and the separation will not be far apart, but across the world. What should we do then?

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

Rui Mengmeng saw that Zhang Daye was not very interested and said quickly: "Um, um, can't the boss continue to summon new companions? Someone will always be with you, and it's still early for us all to leave. Very?"

Maybe there will be new companions, but what about after that? This kind of acquaintance, getting along, and separation will be repeated again.

When I woke up one day, everyone left and the bustling Amber became empty.

This is what Zhang Daye is most afraid of now.

"Don't be so depressed, Tatsuya." Jackie Chan put his hand on Zhang Tatsuya's shoulder, "In this life, people will meet many people and make all kinds of friends. Of course, they will also have to face all kinds of things. Despite all the separations, how many friends are there who can always be by your side?"

"There is an old saying in our country that goes, 'There is no banquet that lasts without a long tent'. Our current situation is like those of the ancients. After being separated once, we may never be able to reunite again, but our friendship, we are together The things I have experienced really exist.”

"After we are separated, will you forget us? No, then we will always be by your side."

Uncle Long's enlightenment made sense, but it made Zhang Da almost cry.

"Uncle Long, don't sound like you are leaving tomorrow!" Zhang Da also forced a smile, "Believe it or not, I will cry for you now."

Jackie Chan waved his hands quickly: "Huh? Sorry, I seem to have gone too far."

"Oh, I can't tell that you are so reluctant to leave me." Ye Yan tried to break the awkward atmosphere, "If you are my fan, just tell me earlier and I will send you a few more signed photos!"

"Go away, I'm disgusted." Zhang Daye laughed and scolded, "Wait until I learn the master form, and if you don't leave, I'll kick you out."

Rui Mengmeng suddenly said: "Ah, by the way, boss, maybe we can respond to the summons again after we go back... Just study your magic circle more, and when the summons is received, I will come over immediately. "

Shark Chili said: "Me too"

Wendy and Xia Lulu looked at each other: "So are we."

"Of course I..."

Everyone expressed their opinions one by one, but Zhang Daye was suddenly shocked: "Misaka, are you crying? Are you crying?"

Everyone else was startled. Misaka, a child, had very few normal expressions. Apart from a silly smile when meeting cute little animals, and a little daze when her attention was distracted, she had very few other expressions.

But now, there were two tears streaming down her cheeks from the corners of her eyes!

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