"Kalu!" Weiwei said angrily, "Brother Tatsuya, don't scare Kalu on purpose!"

Zhang Da also thought about it and said with a smile: "Okay, I won't scare him...but if he is a running duck who is timid and likes to pretend to be dead, he might be more popular."

"Quack!" Karu jumped up and flapped his chest with his wings to show that he was not afraid.

My legs are just a little shaky.

Zhang Da also touched Karu's head: "Don't be afraid. I'm telling you this just to make everyone mentally prepared. We can continue to play around, but we can't slack off in exercising."

Karu's legs were still shaking.

Zhang Da also tried: "Should I ask Tom to protect you?"

Carew stopped shaking. I don't know why. Although he was often unlucky when he was around Tom, he felt the most secure.

"Speaking of laziness, classmate Zhang Daye has not attended the electromagnetic theory class for three days. Du~ Misaka complained in a stern tone."

"Aren't you busy studying the Huang Yao Banner these days? How about taking an evening class after dinner today?" Zhang Da also felt that there is still room for improvement in his abilities. Maybe the source of his abilities is not Sister Misaka, but Misaka Mikoto.

"After dinner? It's an embarrassing time, but Misaka can reluctantly accept it. Du~ Misaka pretended to be embarrassed, but actually agreed happily."

This child seems to like being a teacher very much... Zhang Daye suddenly said: "By the way, we will give an exam to some people later. Can Misaka be the invigilator?"

Perona was shocked. Some people were talking about me, right?

"Supervise other people's exams to prevent cheating? Misaka has the ability to use electromagnetic waves to interfere with communication equipment, and also has the ability to sense other people's actions through electromagnetic waves, so she thinks she is qualified."

Misaka seemed very interested and even lost her oral habit.

Ye Yan suddenly felt that something was wrong. Was he trying to burn bridges?

After lunch, it was agreed time for shopping and playing. Zhang Daye had been busy these days and did not bother to walk around Dressrosa with everyone.

As a result, no one was embarrassed to let go and play - except the flag monsters.

I have to make up for it this time.

"Princess Violet introduced it. This place is called Lovers' Avenue, a famous street for lovers in Dressrosa..." Jackie Chan must have done his homework and introduced the information of the scenic spots in a non-stop manner.

Lovers Avenue lives up to its name. Couples in love can be seen everywhere on the street. The streets are filled with jewelry stores, clothing stores, flower shops, and coffee shops.

A fountain is often built in some wide areas, and there are often hot dancers dancing beside the fountain to the accompaniment of musicians.

There are also brave young men who will hold flowers and express their love after a beautiful girl dances a song. No matter what the result is, he will receive kind applause from the audience.

"Brooke will probably like it here." Zhang Da also thought of the sexy skeleton he hadn't seen for a long time and wondered how he was doing now.

At that time, he said that he was going to the North Sea and the East China Sea to look for news about his former companions, but he didn't know whether it would go well or not.


"do not run!"

"Only a fool would stop! Get out of the way, get out of the way!"


There was chaos in the rear, as several Dressrosa soldiers were chasing a tall man in a suit.

The man's suit was a little messy, and he was holding a women's handbag in his arms. He was running rampantly in the direction of Zhang Daye and the others. Anyone who blocked his way was roughly pushed away by him.

Looks like a bag snatcher.

"I told you to get out of the way! Didn't you hear me?" The man bumped straight towards Jackie Chan.

For such a thin and short guy, he can knock over ten at a time!

However, he failed this time. Jackie Chan's neat sweeping kick made him lose his center of gravity and fall forward. Then he got up and punched him in the nose. The huge force knocked him down again.

"Ah!" The man screamed, lying on the ground, and the bag in his hand was thrown high.

"First of all, you should say hello politely when you want to ask others to give way. Secondly, you should apologize properly when you bump into someone."

Jackie Chan stepped on the man's chest, put his left hand on his knee, and stretched his right hand to the side, just in time to catch the handbag, "Also, this handbag doesn't look like it belongs to you. You shouldn't mess with other people's things. move."


"So handsome!"

Jackie Chan's clean and neat movements attracted admiration and applause from passers-by. His companions also thought Uncle Long's approach was very handsome.

Especially Zhang Tatsuya, but he felt that if he did the same thing, Tom would bless that handbag to miss his outstretched hand, or even hit him directly on the head.

So he had no choice but to applaud along with the crowd.

The man who was stepped on by Jackie Chan wanted to get up, but was held down and handcuffed by the soldiers who caught up.

"Is this what he grabbed?" Jackie Chan handed the bag to the soldier.

"Yes, thank you for your help!" The leading soldier thanked him hurriedly, but suddenly he felt that Jackie Chan's face looked familiar.

When he saw people with obvious characteristics such as Tom, Xia Lulu and Shark Chili, he suddenly realized: "You are Mr. Jackie Chan... You are..."

"It's Mr. Ye Yan and Miss Perona! Thanks to you two for saving us that day, I'm so grateful!"

"So it's them?"

Among the soldiers, there happened to be people who had been turned into toys. They were very excited to see Ye Yan and Perona.

Although Ye Yan changed from a mushroom costume to a mammoth costume, the soldiers still recognized that face.

"Low-key, be low-key. Do you want an autograph?" Ye Yan is someone who gets excited easily when meeting fans.

Perona stood there silently, but judging from the expression on her face, she was obviously very happy.

The streets were slightly chaotic for a while because of Zhang Daye's identity, but order was quickly restored under the maintenance of soldiers, but the rate of turning around was still very high.

Zhang Da also said: "We were just out for a walk. What's going on with him? I don't think his physique and demeanor look like an ordinary bag snatcher."

The soldier replied: "Actually, he is a remnant of the Don Quixote family. He has been disguised in disguise these past few days to avoid being hunted. He only comes out to steal money or eat Overlord meals when he is hungry."

Wendy asked in a low voice: "Weren't all the Don Quixote family captured?"

Weiwei replied: "There will always be some people who escape quietly. Do you remember that in Alabasta, Bell and the others also spent a lot of time arresting the remnants of Baroque."

"That's right. She deserves to be the princess of Alabasta." The soldier was in awe that such a young princess could be so sensible.

"Actually, not only the remnants of the Don Quixote family, there are also many prisoners on the run in Dressrosa." The soldier said:

"Many of the toys rescued by Mr. Ye Yan and Mr. Perona that day were originally criminals. Their crimes have not been pardoned yet, but...of course they are not willing to go back to prison obediently, so some are hiding, and some are hiding. We took the opportunity to go to sea and we are still working hard to hunt him down.”

Perona was stunned: "Did we rescue the wrong person?"

Recommended book: "Warhammer: I don't want to be a bad can!" ! ! 》

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