Zhang Tatsuya's way of coping made Kaido's eyes shine. It's not that he is strong, but that he has already demonstrated two different abilities.

Could this kid also be a phantom beast? This was Kaido's first reaction, and it should be a normal reaction. Anyone who doubts whether Doflamingo has multiple abilities is a heretic.

Zhang Da was not happy either. It took him two moves to block one move, and it was very troublesome to keep using the Moon Step like this. He didn't want to soak in the water... he was a little envious of Tom.

After thinking about it, Zhang Da did not dare to express his bold idea. He dug out a raft in his inventory and stepped on it.

[Tom's raft: The raft that Tom rode on while drifting on the sea has withstood the test of strong winds and waves and has amazing toughness. 】

I used to use it as a place to stay when I went fishing in Xiangbodi, but it has been a long time since I took it out.

Garp on the other side ignored the tornado that attacked him, and only focused on protecting the ship in the Kingdom of Prudence. He punched away the waterspout that had picked up a lot of seawater, and turned to urge them to leave quickly.

Prudence's soldiers rowed with all their might, while the king kept jumping on the deck. It was too dangerous here, and he had to charge up the Fist of the King to defend himself.

"I'm coming too, everyone can rise, Knights of God! Also, the secret of dragon slaying——"

Wendy didn't know when she jumped into the sky, and gusts of wind surrounded her. At this time, her appearance was very different from usual. Her long blue hair turned into pink and purple, and it floated upward in the surrounding wind. .

The pupils also turned into a similar pink-purple color, a circle of white feathers sprouted from his wrists and ankles, and a pair of small wings sprouted from his back.

Even the little tiger teeth in his mouth have become sharper than usual, looking fierce.

Weiwei asked curiously: "What's wrong with Wendy? Has she become a Skylander? Or can she still fly like Xia Lulu?"

"No, that is the real power of the Dragon Slayer Mage, the power of the dragon!" Xia Lulu showed a proud expression. She has seen all Wendy's efforts in the past two years, and it is natural to have such growth. of.

Xia Lulu smiled happily: "Wendy, who was originally timid and weak, now finally has the power of a dragon!"

Perona suddenly remembered: "Xia Lulu, did you say that dragon-slaying magic was created to deal with dragons? Then isn't Wendy this guy's nemesis?"

Xia Lulu was stunned: "Ah? Well, that's true, but the dragons we have there seem to be different from this one, and I'm not sure what the effect will be."

Everyone looked at Wendy's performance with worry and expectation, while Rui Mengmeng walked to Wendy's side on moon steps. Arturia and Teacher Tom were with the boss, so she had to watch Wendy carefully.

Kaido noticed the strong wind gathering around him, and felt it was a bit strange. He usually used wind and thunder to hit people, but today he encountered someone who used wind and thunder to deal with him.

He felt that the thunder before was soft, but now the wind used by a little girl actually has a very dangerous feeling, interesting, interesting, this small group playing house is so interesting!

"Zhaopo·Sky Penetration! Haha~~~"

As Wendy screamed, the unprecedented fierce wind was blown away by her, and the compressed wind pillar hit Kaido's chest.

She had remembered Tatsuya's brother's plan before the battle, and she went all out and used her strongest moves as soon as they started.

"Hoooooo~~~" Kaido roared, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Pain, severe pain! Although he didn't feel the presence of Haki, this wind penetrated his body with some strange power, and Kaido felt that his internal organs were in pain.

Not only that, the destructive power of this move on the body surface cannot be ignored. Even the armed Haki can only resist part of it. Kaido felt the pain of the scales on the body surface being shattered and torn.

The scar cut by Oden ten years ago seemed to be aching, and there seemed to be signs of tearing.

Kaido is probably still brooding about the interrupted battle ten years ago. Every time he encounters someone who can hurt him, he will think of the two-sword warrior.

The dead person is the strongest person, because Kaido will never have the chance to defeat him openly.

But now, forget about Garp’s previous punch that seemed like a greeting.

The moves of the swordsman on the sea, the ability of the little girl in the sky, and the strange projectile of the kid on the raft can barely be counted... people who can hurt him actually appeared one after another!

Taking advantage of Kaido's signs of daze, Wendy and Rui Mengmeng stepped forward together, hitting the dragon scales on Kaido's back with their small fists and black swords in turn.

Wendy, who uses dragon power, can exert tremendous power even without magic and only uses her fists. Melee combat has always been an important way for the magicians in her world to decide the outcome.

And Rui Mengmeng relies on her superior strength and dark alloy weapons to perform miracles with great strength. The dark energy that does not belong to this world hits her body, and every blow brings pain that Teacher Kai has never experienced before.

Garp, who was guarding the Prudence Kingdom's ship in the distance, was shocked. Is this the well-behaved little girl he has always wanted to recruit?

Isn't she the ship's doctor? Why is she so good at fighting?

The same goes for another little girl who uses a black sword. She looked weak before, but now she looks more fierce than Kaido in a fight!

The same goes for the boy on the sea. More than a year ago, he was beaten all over the head by my fist. How come he can fight back so calmly now after taking Kaido's two moves?

He was too late to see them take action before, but now Garp realized that those little guys had grown to this point.

That flamingo died unjustly.

Zhang Da, who was riding the raft, also looked down with envy:

Artoria can transform into skirts and swords, Shark Chili has a handsome super transformation form, and Ye Yan has a handsome master form transformation\u0026amp;

Now the cute and cute Wendy can also transform into a handsome dragon power form.

"Give me a new one sometime..." Zhang Daye's own 'super transformation form' only increased his body size and strength. His appearance didn't change at all. There was an increase, but it wasn't handsome enough.

When Arturia heard these words, she knew that Tatsuya was thinking about something else, and that he really needed to be given special training after this battle.

"Celestial Dragon's broken teeth!" Wendy grabbed the mane on Kaido's back with one hand and grabbed the back of Kaido's neck with the other.

"Drink!" Rui Mengmeng held the big sword behind her hands and stabbed downwards. There were invisible ripples where the sword fell.

"Roar~~ Stop it, little girls!" Kaido swung his dragon head fiercely, flames burst out from the corners of his mouth, wrapping around his body like a fire tornado. Wendy and Rui Mengmeng were thrown away, and the blazing flames made them subconsciously move their arms. Protect yourself.

Kaido's attack had just begun, and the flying dragon head, burning with blazing flames, hit the two people in mid-air:

"Fire Dragon Torch!"

I'm writing, I'm writing

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