The ships of the Kingdom of Prudence shook violently with the king's punch, and many soldiers fell on the deck.

The waves swung outwards with the ship as the center. The air was struck by the punch with a sonic boom, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye went straight into the sky.

"Huh?" The huge blue dragon in the dark clouds glanced down drunkenly, and then felt a pain on his face. The dragon's head tilted back, and its body flew upwards.

For a moment, a hole was made in the dark clouds.

Perona asked: "What is that? A cannon?"

"That is the king's fist of the Elizabello family. After being fully warmed up, it can penetrate the enemy's fortress with one blow. It is called the 'family heirloom sword' that can only be unsheathed once per battle."

Garp knew this kind of thing very well and said eagerly, "If he is not the king, I really want to give it a try."

"Forget it, that's not murder." Zhang Daye said, "I heard that you have persecuted the green peppers of the Flower Country before."

"Hahaha... That guy is known as the 'green pepper of the cone'. He says that his cone head is indestructible. Of course I want to try it." Garp said with a laugh, "Before I went to see him, I even tied it to warm up. eight mountains."

Rui Mengmeng said: "Dashan is so unlucky."

"You are destroying the environment." Jackie Chan condemned, but he didn't take it seriously.

The environmental carrying capacity of this world seems to be quite strong. It has been harmed by countless powerful people and can still maintain its rich species.

Shark Pepper hasn't entered the water yet, he is more concerned with business: "Then has Kaido been defeated?"

"It's not that easy. If the breath is still there, the king may be in trouble." Arturia's skirt appeared on her body, she jumped onto the sea with a long sword in her hand and ran out.

"Indeed, Kaido will not be killed so easily." Garp tore off the navy cloak behind him and jumped out, also running on the sea. He could not leave the king of Prudence alone.

The difference between the two is that Artoria has the blessing of the Lake Fairy and can stand firmly on the sea even if she stops, while Garp needs to constantly step on the sea and use a technique similar to moon walking.

Shark Pepper realized that someone on that boat might fall into the water, so he quickly jumped into the sea and swam through the water.

At this time, on the ship of the Kingdom of Prudence, the king and soldiers had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter, and were cheering for the king.

This is the fist of the king. No opponent can resist it head-on. And the monster just hit the head by the king's punch, must be dead, right?

The corpse should fly very high and it will take a while before falling down. You might be able to eat the meat of this monster tonight.

"Has it been solved? I don't know what kind of monster it is." Elizabello II was a little tired.

Although this punch was intended for Doflamingo, the surviving agents sent back the news that Doflamingo was dead, so it might as well be given to the monster.

"It's probably some kind of flying Neptune. It must be dead." Strategist Da Gama guessed, and then flattered him, "Your Majesty's 'Family Sword' is indestructible."

Others were equally convinced, but there was more to it than they imagined.

"Hiccup~" A huge dragon head poked out of the clouds. His eyes were much clearer than before, but his tone was still drunk. "It hurts. Who are you... Where is Joker?"

"What - what -?" The soldiers of the Kingdom of Prudence were shocked, "Is it just a little painful? What kind of monster is that!"

"Your Majesty the King, that guy seems to be..." Da Gama swallowed his saliva and said stiffly, "Kaido, one of the Four Emperors!"

Elizabello II's forehead was dripping with sweat: "What Yonko? After all, they are just pirates. Fire!"

The soldiers were a little dazed, because most of Kaido's body had been exposed from the clouds. Judging from the length, it was many times the length of their ship. How can we defeat such a big monster?

"If you don't want to die, don't be in a daze!" Elizabello II is worthy of being a person who can punch the 'King's Fist'. He calmly shouted to everyone, "No matter how strong you are, you will die, no matter how powerful you are, no matter how good your gun or cannon is. Fire immediately!"

"Fire, fire quickly!" Strategist Da Gama reacted and quickly dragged his chubby body to organize the soldiers to shoot.

As long as we can buy a little more time and let His Majesty the King punch the King's Punch again... the punch just now must have missed the vital point!

The soldiers fired their guns ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong, the gunner also pointed the muzzle as high as possible.

However, no matter whether it was a bullet or a cannonball, it left no scratch on the dragon's scales.

"Where is Joker? Why no one answered?" Kaido was unhappy and opened his mouth, swirling hot flames condensed in his mouth, "Hot breath!"

"what is that?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Even if you start running away now, it's too late, right?"

The soldiers looked at the thick pillar of fire in despair. Even Elizabello II stopped charging the Fist of the King. How to fight this thing?

"The heart of the water and the current hit me over my shoulder!"

Shark Chili rotated its body under the sea surface, throwing out a current and hitting the rear of the large ship of the Kingdom of Prudence.

The ship rushed forward very far. Elizabello II, Vasco da Gama and other soldiers fell to the ground. Although they were embarrassed, they finally saved their lives.

The stern of the ship was also seriously damaged, but of course this was nothing compared to the king's life.

"Are you alive?" The soldiers were shocked.

"Who saved us?" Elizabello II looked back, unable to see anyone immediately.

Because Kaido's fiery breath hit the sea surface, the sea water dented sharply, and a large amount of water vapor evaporated, making a hissing sound. The surrounding seawater was first pushed away by the impact, and then came to fill it. For a moment, the sea surface The waves are rough.

Jackie Chan in the distance looked at the Dragon Talisman in his hand: "Is the real power of the Dragon Talisman like that?"

No one answered him, only Perona suggested: "Should we hide a little further?"

Ye Yan said: "As long as we are still on this island, there is no difference. It might be safer to be a little closer to them."

While Elizabello II was still looking around, Garp jumped onto their ship: "I am Vice Admiral Garp of the Navy Headquarters. For the sake of safety, please stay away from here immediately. We may not have time to attend to the upcoming battle. Everyone."

"Are you Garp, the naval hero?"

Elizabello II and Vasco da Gama felt a sense of security, and the soldiers cheered up. Garp's name was particularly useful in calming one's own morale.

Da Gama suddenly had a bold idea: "Your Majesty, since the naval hero is here, shall we assist him in arresting Kaido?"

If even the Four Emperors can be defeated, then the reputation of the Kingdom of Prudence will be resounding throughout the world and its international status will be improved. In this way, it will have a greater say in the next world conference and strive for more the benefits of……

Da Gama's calculations were very fast, and there was nothing wrong with him except overestimating his own side's strength.

Garp refused: "No need, I have strong enough reinforcements here."

"What reinforcements can compare to our thousands of elites..." Da Gama held back the word "soldier" in his mouth.

Because he saw a golden light rising into the sky and heard a crisp shout:


Chapter 2 has just been written a little bit, no need to wait

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