Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 626 Brother Ming: Did I die in vain?

Bogart was stunned. When did Lieutenant General Garp know how to use a sword?

Although most naval generals have some swordsmanship, Lieutenant General Garp is obviously not an ordinary general. He only has a pair of fists that he has practiced from beginning to end.

Bogart didn't want to borrow it. He knew best how unreliable his family would be. What if my sword broke?

But as an adjutant, he had no choice but to reluctantly take off the sword and hand it to him.

Garp laughed, drew his sword, and dropped the sheath.

Bogart couldn't help it anymore: "Don't throw away the scabbard!"

"Ah, sorry, sorry. Then let's see my swordsmanship."

The navy soldier who didn't know the truth showed an expectant expression. Lieutenant General Garp must have strong swordsmanship, right?

Garp tightened his grip on the sword hilt and punched the ground, causing the ground to crack forward.

Although no one saw any traces of flying slashes, the ground did seem to be split open, but the cuts did not seem to be caused by swordsmanship.

But Lieutenant General Garp is famous for his fists after all, so it makes sense that his swordsmanship is rough... right?

What a rough ass! It was simply punched out with fists!

CP8 was very angry, but he didn't dare to speak loudly. He looked at the ravine and felt that this punch might kill him.

"Hahaha... As I get older, my swordsmanship is not as good as when I was young!" Garp threw the sword back.

Bogart breathed a sigh of relief, but thinking about it, Lieutenant General Garp seemed to have used that hand to pick his nose just now... He silently took out a piece of cloth for cleaning his sword.

Ye Yan cheered without thinking: "Good swordsmanship! Lieutenant General Garp is getting stronger with time!"

Zhang Da also nodded: "Indeed, I think it is better for you to have a fight with Hawkeye when you have time, and completely destroy his title of the greatest swordsman."

Flying Squirrel's head is full of black lines. He just killed Doflamingo and now he's targeting Hawkeye, right? What exactly does the Shichibukai have to do with you?

Garp didn't respond and said to CP8: "In short, that's what happened. Doflamingo did too many bad things, and I accidentally beat him to death."

CP8 is in trouble, and Garp is determined to take the blame. What should they do? Want to capture the naval hero back?

The lead agent looked at Garp and then at the Amber Tour Group.

Tom understood that these were not good people, so he stuck out his tongue at them, almost breaking his guard again, and his face turned red.

It took a lot of effort to say: "You are making it very difficult for us to do this."

Ye Yan poked his head out from behind Garp and educated him: "Hey, this is because you are ignorant. At this time, you should pay more attention to the leadership.

You are just a group of people working below, and you should always think about seeking the opinions of your leaders. Especially when the situation has changed dramatically, how can you make decisions for your leaders without authorization? "

CP8 was stunned, is that so?

Ye Yan urged: "Why are you so stunned? Why don't you call me quickly?"

"Yes!" the agent replied subconsciously, quickly took out the phone, and while dialing, he thought, why should I listen to him?

Based on the level of these people present, it is impossible to contact Wulaoxing directly. They can only contact the commander of CP8 first, and then the commander will relay it to Wulaoxing.

While waiting, six flag demons happily ran over carrying a big man:

"Boss! Boss! Five hundred million has been found!"

When they came closer, the flag demons threw the person to the ground, making a muffled sound and the sound of chains rattling.

Jack's body was wrapped with thick chains one after another, tied up like a silkworm chrysalis.

But his attitude at this time was still arrogant: "You bastards, what did you do to Joker!"

While cursing, he struggled, making the chains on his body rattle. He couldn't break free, probably because his body was a little weak.

Zhang Da also asked curiously: "Shouldn't you ask what we plan to do to you?"

"That kind of thing doesn't matter, Mr. Kaido will not let you go!" Jack showed no sign of weakness.

If he hadn't been trapped like a rice dumpling, with bandages on his nose and mouth, and blood oozing from them, it might have been quite scary.

Garp ate the senbei and said, "Thank you for catching this guy."

The senbei was given to him by Artoria. Artoria ate a lot of donuts from him when she was at the Navy Headquarters, so she expressed it a little bit.

Zhang Daye said modestly: "It's not bad. This guy is thick-skinned and strong, that's all. Hey, do you have a lot of cash on board? By the way, did you help us exchange the bounty?"

"Who would run around with 500 million in cash?" Having said that, Karp still asked Bogart, "How much money did we bring out?"

"About fifty million," Bogart said.

Zhang Da also said in disgust: "Why are there so few? Don't you understand the principle of making a poor family rich?"

Bogart didn't say anything. When the Navy goes on a mission, they don't go out shopping. Every time they go out, they bring enough supplies on the ship. They bring a little cash just in case. No one would deliberately bring a lot of money.

Zhang Da had no choice but to accept an advance payment of 50 million and an 'IOU' of 450 million.

Originally, the signature of the person in charge above was Garp, but Zhang Da also felt that it was not safe, so he shamelessly asked several generals present to sign, and by the way, he asked King Liku to sign as a notary.

The flying squirrel couldn't help but said: "It's only a few hundred million beli. Are you so worried about the credibility of the navy?"

"It's always right to be careful." Zhang Da also put away the note and said, "Then I'll leave this guy to you. Whether he ran away on the road or was kidnapped by Kaido is none of our business, right?"

Flying Squirrel felt underestimated: "Our navy will naturally be responsible for this kind of thing."

That's what they said, but the Flying Squirrel and the Ghost Spider felt that it was indeed possible, so they decided to take Jack back first.

It just so happened that they didn't want to get involved in this matter, so there was no better reason than to escort the prisoner. It wouldn't be too much to escort a big pirate worth 500 million beli, plus members of the Don Quixote family, with two lieutenants together, right?

After receiving the report, the Five Old Stars discussed the matter of Dressrosa:

"Garp? Why would he be there at a time like this?"

"It must have been arranged by the Warring States Period. Did this guy forget his position after being a marshal for a while?"

"Garp can't move now, will we let those people go this time?"

"Could one of them be...the one?"

"It doesn't match in terms of abilities, except that the cat is a bit weird, but that fruit...you wouldn't choose a cat, right?"

"..." There was silence for a while.

The topic returned to Doflamingo's matter: "Then let's settle this matter first."

"It might be better if Doflamingo is dead."

"That's it, but Sengoku does need a warning."

I haven't finished writing the next chapter yet, it will be a little late

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