Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 624 The black suit with bad intentions

When they saw a large number of navy and Dressrosa troops, many people who should have dispersed consciously dispersed.

Many of them were dirty to begin with, and they were angry when they came to trouble Doflamingo. But now that the Don Quixote family has been wiped out, it's almost time for them to retreat.

Although there is clearly something exciting to watch next, they are not the birdman Morgans, and their lives are still more important. Otherwise, when the Navy and Dressrosa are freed up, they will not be able to benefit.

But today’s news can be sold to Morgans to make some extra money.

The idlers and others had their own thoughts and were looking for ships to go out to sea. Those who originally planned to buy weapons from Joker also raided the underground trading port and evacuated after making some profits and cutting losses. Naturally, some conflicts inevitably occurred during this period.

But no one can care about them right now.

At least King Liku did something that a king should do, and ordered Cyrus to arrange for soldiers to patrol various places to appease the residents and prevent some people from taking advantage of the situation to rob.

He himself stayed at the scene. According to Violet, he might be able to say a word to his benefactor if necessary.

A phone call from Warring States just now made the navy who originally planned to leave decided to stay and see the situation. The reason given by Ghost Spider was:

"You said before that you arrested Jack. We can take it in for you."

Ghost Spider is considering killing Jack altogether. Taking a living one back will cause other troubles, but the rigid guy Flying Squirrel may not agree.

Should we give a hint to the Amber Tour Group and ask them to take action when they are looking for someone?

"Thank you for your kindness, but have you brought enough money? Five hundred million." Zhang Da also talked about the bounty with Ghost Spider in a decent manner, as if he hadn't fought with him just now.

Ghost Spider said: "We can pay part of it in advance, and the rest will be paid in full after the headquarters confirms it."

Zhang Da also said: "That's okay, how much is the portion?"

"……one million?"

"..." Zhang Da also looked at him without speaking.

Being stared at by him like this, even an unkind lieutenant general like Guizizhi was a little embarrassed: "Because we are an emergency mission and we don't carry much funds, so..."

For normal missions, you might bring more money in case you don't have enough supplies, but this time you were in such a hurry that you really didn't have time to prepare.

Zhang Da also had no choice: "Let's see if Mr. Karp has any money on board later."

The navy soldiers were ordered to rest where they were, and Ain and Kane finally found the opportunity to chat and thank their acquaintances from the Amber Tour Group.

Zhang Da also asked: "No need to be so polite, how long have you been arrested?"

"About a month ago, we were discovered while secretly investigating here for six days, and then we were arrested. I thought that exposing the identity of the navy would cause trouble to the headquarters, but I didn't expect that we would be turned into toys."

Talking about her own experience, Ai Yin shuddered a little, because she would also forget those companions who had been turned into toys, and thought that she was here alone to perform a mission. The fear and despair at that time was difficult to describe.

"It'll be fine if you change back. That flamingo is also dead." Rui Mengmeng patted Ai Yin's shoulder affectionately, as if she hadn't stabbed Doflamingo to death.

Ai Yin nodded, fortunately the horrible thing has passed: "Well, but why do you know that Sugar has this ability?"

Zhang Da also said what he had discussed a long time ago: "Didn't I have some conflicts with Flamingo at the Navy Headquarters, so I kept paying attention to him, and it was not easy for me to catch his pigtails...

No, I discovered his criminal behavior as expected! I have long felt that he is not a good person. "

Ain and Kane apologized, did you let it slip just now...

Although Zhang Daye's words may sound exaggerated, they are very credible. Because they had heard that the reason why Zhang Daye went to sea was to find someone who wanted to steal Tom;

Crocodile was killed because his Baroque Working Group accidentally got involved in this matter;

There was also a big pirate named Midnight who was chased all the way to Gaya Island by them just because he scolded them as a 'running dog'.

Although it’s not a good idea to think so, Tatsuya-san seems to have a little... something like that.

Zhang Da didn't really want to continue talking about this topic. He asked, "I'm a little curious about what kind of toys you have been turned into."

"I was turned into a doll. It should look pretty good, but it's not very convenient when doing hard work." Ai Yin had almost recovered and talked about it calmly.

"I...I was turned into a robot-type toy." Kane was a little secretive, "It's...okay."

"Is it true?" Everyone expressed doubts and curiously asked Ai Yin for confirmation.

Kane gave her a pitiful look.

Ai Yin smiled and said, "Unfortunately, I don't know what he changed into, because after he turned into a toy, I didn't know who Kane was."

Kane breathed a sigh of relief.

The curious children were a little disappointed and complained: "What a troublesome ability."

King Riku and Violet also came over and said some words of thanks and that they would try their best to entertain everyone in the future.

When the atmosphere was harmonious, a group of black suits came over and whispered to several naval generals.

After saying a few words, Major General Maynard couldn't help but said: "Are you serious? They are also the benefactors of you CP8!"

"This is the order of the Five Old Stars." The leader in the black suit lowered the brim of his hat, "And even without them, the World Government will negotiate with Doflamingo and order him to release us."

Maynard couldn't understand his concepts and brain circuits: "Don't be kidding me! No one remembers us when we turned into toys! Have you experienced Sugar's abilities?"

"Sugar is dead. There's no way of knowing for sure. Maybe the esper himself and Doflamingo have a special way to remember us? Or maybe Sugar's ability also has an expiration date." The black suit ignored Maynard's words. He said, "We are CP8. We will not pay any favors to criminals. We just need to obey orders and do things."

"Now, in the name of the World Government, we ask all the navies present to assist us in arresting the Kohaku Tour Group who killed the Shichibukai."

"Even if you are a CP, you need a reason to arrest people, right?" King Riku stood up, "Doflamingo is just a pirate who used the name of the Shichibukai to usurp the country! And the Amber Tour Group received our Dres Official request for help from the Rosa royal family, you have no right to arrest them.”

"Don't talk to yourself, Riku Dold III. As far as I know, Dressrosa has changed hands for more than a month, and you, the Riku clan, have not officially announced your inauguration to the people." The black suit does not matter at all. Damn it, he was fearless as he had just received the order from Wulao Xing:

"In other words, Dressrosa is still in a state without a king, so what we do has nothing to do with you!"

"You..." King Riku discovered today that the people in the World Government are so shameless.

"It's okay, there's no need to be angry with him." Zhang Da also advised Li Ku, and then asked the black suit, "What was the reason you just said for arresting us?"

CP8 is different from CP9. If they want to arrest someone, they have to give a reasonable reason.

"Because you killed the Shichibukai." Black Suit repeated, adding casually, "And for trespassing into the borders of the franchised countries."

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