Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 622 Is the incident over?

When Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was in a dilemma, another team arrived. It was Major General Maynard who rushed to the scene with Ain, Kane and other subordinates.

Ye Yan, Perona, King Liku and others also walked with them.

"Are you all here? Wow, wow, wow, this scene is big enough. Hey, let me, let me, I'm sorry, let me borrow it for a moment!" Ye Yan leisurely walked through the navy's queue and returned to the team.

Perona floated directly over everyone's heads and greeted the little sisters: "Wendy, Weiwei, Misaka, are you okay?"

Seeing that the lieutenant general didn't say anything, the sailors let the two of them pass.

Ain and Kane had to queue up with Major General Maynard, so it was not convenient for them to go there. They just nodded quietly to them in the queue, their eyes full of gratitude.

Zhang Da also asked: "We are all fine, are you injured?"

Perona responded: "I'm injured! Ye Yan hit me on the head again!"

Facing everyone's confused looks, Ye Yan said helplessly: "You know the soul-calming gong."

Besides Ye Yan, Zhang Da also knows the soul-soothing gong best: "That seems understandable."

Perona stepped forward and said unconvinced: "How can I understand it! If you want to use that trick in the future, do you have to hit me on the head first!"

"..." Zhang Da also remained silent.

"You really think so! Those of you who can beat gongs are not good people!"

Ye Yan said, "Hey, you don't keep your word. Didn't I agree to give you my share of snacks for the next month and this matter is over?"

Artoria is alert. Can a spanking be exchanged for a month's worth of snacks?

But the hit is on the head...it's a bit difficult to deal with.

"How's the flag demon doing?" Zhang Da also skipped this topic. He still remembered that the flag demon lost contact.

"It's okay, but those guys insisted that they were injured at work and suffered inhuman treatment. Now they have to recover from their injuries, so they even have trouble getting out of the Huang Yao Banner."

Ye Yan turned a deaf ear to the Banner Demon's words. Judging from their virtues, they must have received the beatings, but they must not have suffered too much pain.

Zhang Da also understood after seeing Ye Yan's attitude. He thought for a while and said, "That's a pity. Originally, I wanted them to work hard to find Jack. Afterwards, the bounty would be 10 million per person." It’s hard work, but..."

"I'm ready!"

"I'm healed!"

"Although I haven't recovered, I can persevere!"

The flag demons swished out of the yellow demon flags one by one, and signed up enthusiastically, vying to serve the tour group.

Ye Yan waved his hand: "If you have to go, get out of here. I'm going to do it if it's too late."

The six flag demons scattered in all directions.

On the other side, Cyrus led his soldiers to salute King Liku, but King Liku claimed that he was no longer a king, and that he was unable to protect the people and had no shame in being a king anymore.

Violet persuaded in a low voice: "Father, Dressrosa must have a king now, otherwise how can we condemn Doflamingo? Does the Navy care about the opinions of a few of us civilians? Now We don’t even have the weight to say a few words for those benefactors!”

Cyrus said: "Violet is right. Among the people present, you are the only one qualified to do this. At least say a few words to the benefactors and confirm Doflamingo's crime before considering it. Something else!”

Riku is indeed not suitable to be a king. Even if Violet and Cyrus explain the current situation clearly, he is still immersed in his past mistakes and hesitates.

It wasn't until Violet was so anxious that she almost cried, and the soldiers couldn't help but dared to speak for help before he reluctantly agreed - it wasn't like he was following a process of making concessions and concessions, Liku's confidence had really collapsed.

Maynard also took advantage of this time to talk to Flying Squirrel and Ghost Spider about his experiences during this period, as well as the investigated evidence of Doflamingo's crimes. He had just reported to Sengoku and was worried about the two of them. The lieutenant general acted recklessly without knowing the truth.

Ghost Spider silently lit a cigarette and asked: "Where is the order from the Warring States Marshal? What should we do?"

"Bring Doflamingo's body back, and the rest of the Don Quixote family...arrest." When it came to arresting, Maynard was a little hesitant, because it seemed that it was no longer their turn to arrest the gang. .

The flying squirrel asked two difficult questions: "What about the Amber Tour Group? They attacked the Shichibukai without permission before Doflamingo's crime was determined. And what about what Doflamingo did? Talk to the people in Dressrosa?"

In fact, there is a more difficult problem, which is how to explain it to the world.

Among the Shichibukai, who claim to be able to check and balance each other with the Four Emperors and the Navy Headquarters, one died due to internal fighting, one attempted to usurp the country, and one succeeded in usurping the country, so will the remaining four be good people?

It's okay for someone like the Empress who has her own country, but someone like Hawkeye who wanders around alone all day long, what if one day he takes advantage of the privileges of the Shichibukai to usurp the country?

What are the seven great pirates selected by your world government to deal with pirates?

"For me, Amber Tours is a lifesaver for me and my men. I don't think they did anything wrong." Maynard stated his position and then said:

"Marshal Sengoku has the same idea. As for the Shichibukai, those people are not under the jurisdiction of our navy, and the World Government will come forward to explain."

The flying squirrel and the ghost spider stopped talking. The last soft words were spoken by Maynard. Although he had a low military rank, he had sympathy with the people of Cyrus.

Maynard first asked the sailors to put away their weapons to show that they had no intention of further conflict, and then said to King Riku who was pushed out:

"What Doflamingo Dodressrosa did was not what the Navy and the World Government intended."

"We didn't know about Doflamingo's evil deeds before. Everything he did was his own behavior. Marshal Sengoku originally thought there was something wrong with Doflamingo, so he sent us here to investigate."

"But as everyone knows, our team that was ordered to investigate has also been forgotten, so the two lieutenant generals misunderstood that the Kohaku Tour Group attacked the Shichibukai for no reason."

"The Navy has absolutely no intention of interfering in the internal affairs of the participating countries!"

King Riku accepted the matter and said: "Since it is just a misunderstanding, let's put aside the matter of the navy's unauthorized entry into the country for the time being. I will put forward my opinions to the World Government about the Shichibukai's use of his power to do evil."

The three naval admirals had no reaction to the second half of his words. If you like to make suggestions, feel free to do so, as long as they don't cause trouble for the navy.

After dealing with the Liku royal family, Maynard led his men to thank Zhang Daye and others and apologize.

"We are here for our friends. Just don't look for trouble." Zhang Da also felt that it didn't matter if they thanked them or not. Anyway, the people they wanted to save were saved, and the people they wanted to kill were killed.

The next few things left were to send Jack to exchange for the bounty and to send back Cyrus's wife and daughter.

"Hey, who is that? Where did you put Shukarite and Rebecca?" Zhang Da also had some opinions on Hawkeye.

I wasn't very angry after being chopped by him before, but this time it was a bit uninteresting for Hawkeye to cause trouble when they were making trouble.

Although it can be said that it is limited by his position, he didn't care about the forced summons when he was fighting against the flying squirrel?

"On your ship." Hawkeye thrust the black knife into his back and left gracefully.

Although it was very uncomfortable to play with Tom today, I had a lot of fun.

Cyrus became excited: "Sukalet and Rebecca! Have you seen them?!"

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