Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 609 The first box of bento is sent out

"Sister Mengmeng! Increase defense, Armor!" Wendy added an emergency defense for Rui Mengmeng.

Then there was only a loud bang, and Gladius used his last strength to create a big explosion, directly exploding a mushroom cloud.

Everyone was almost overturned by the strong wind, but Rui Mengmeng was blown away. After doing some somersaults in the air, she hit the birdcage above the back.

"Ahem...it hurts so much!" Rui Mengmeng seemed to be choked at the center of the explosion. She coughed a few times after landing, and then couldn't help but want to reach out and touch her back...

Even with the addition of a defensive magic, the huge impact pushed her into the birdcage, still causing two cuts on her top and two red marks on her back, almost bleeding. .

After Wendy went to check it out, she felt that there was nothing wrong. The wound on her back would heal in a short time, and even a little treatment would not leave a scar.

Even if the clothes were ruined, Rui Mengmeng would feel distressed for a long time.

Although she is not short of money now, she sometimes just feels sad that good things have been wasted.

"These guys who play with explosions all like to blow themselves up before they die, right?" Zhang Da was also afraid that this man was not dead, so he stabbed him in the neck.

Gladius officially went offline as the first member of the Don Quixote family to die in battle.

Zhang Daye's evaluation is that although he self-destructed, not even a Patrick star exploded, which is a negative review.

Another cadre, Pika, had much more clumsy tactics than Gladius. After taking Artoria's sword forcefully, he got into the stone and never showed his head again.

He has been controlling the rocks in the ground, creating various stone spikes, stone mouths, etc. to attack and harass.

He also tried to aid Gladius, but not only failed, he also passed by a negative ghost and a bolt of lightning, almost causing an accident.

Now, he just wants to focus on stability and delay until reinforcements arrive. At the same time, he quietly mobilizes all the stones he can collect to prepare a big one.

Weiwei had a sudden idea and pressed her hand on the ground. Within a few seconds, the nearby stone ground, stone spikes, and the Pika head made of stone... all turned into fine yellow sand!

Pika can control stones, but not the sand!

Pika, who was hiding underground, was a little frightened. Could this little girl's ability be his nemesis?

Perona was so happy that she almost jumped up: "That's great Weiwei! Turn all the rocks here into sand and see what else that guy can control!"

But Weiwei stopped.

"No, only Crocodile can do that." Weiwei looked around at the 100-meter desert area and said with some guilt, "And this is already too much. I don't want to do it with Crocodile anymore." Same thing with Dahl.”

Turning the entire Dressrosa into a desert might make Pika completely unable to use her abilities, but in that case, she would cause even greater harm to the country than Pika.

So what is the significance of defeating Pika?

Princess Weiwei, who understands the hardships in the desert, is unwilling to let others experience this.

Zhang Da also touched Weiwei's head: "It doesn't matter, we can defeat him without such extreme methods."

In order to defeat a person with stone fruit ability, Zhang Da couldn't even turn a country into a desert.

Perona just said that without thinking of the consequences, and now her eyes are evasive, looking very guilty.

Weiwei's move shocked Pika, and she stopped taking action for the time being, but Ye Yan suddenly said: "Something happened, that's for sure."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"The flag demon has lost contact." Ye Yan said, "The two guarding the ship are fine, but the six who went to find Sugar can't be contacted, and they can't even use telepathic communication. They are probably in trouble."

Zhang Da also guessed: "It couldn't be that he was turned into a toy... I remember reminding them of Sugar's abilities."

"Maybe, maybe he is greedy for merit and is careless." Ye Yan knows his flag demon well. Although most of the time he is very naughty, sometimes he does get carried away and is careless.

Zhang Da also said: "Ignore Pika, go directly to the palace, as long as you defeat Doflamingo, you can say anything."

As he spoke, he gave Artoria a wink, which meant that he would kill Pika immediately when he found out.

Then he patted the dazed Perona to wake up, and whispered a few words to her and Misaka. The two children's tacit understanding with him was not enough, and they had to make it clear.

Everyone began to move towards the palace.

Ye Yan cursed and sped up his actions: "It's good to let them suffer. Don't they want to be the commander of the night watch? Go to the enemy's command!"

Everyone else also quickened their pace. Although the flag demons were sometimes quite tricky, they usually only tricked Ye Yan, so to others, the flag demons were quite cute most of the time.

In particular, these guys are diligent in their work and like to call others "big brother" or "big sister" when they see them. They cannot be bullied by others.

There were no civilians on the streets at this time.

Some people had noticed something was wrong when there were thunder and lightning, but then the birdcage appeared and the residents immediately realized that something was wrong.

Although I don’t know who made those lines in the sky, I can tell at a glance that they are not good things.

Those who were less timid hurriedly ran home and stayed indoors, or ran outside the town to find a place to take shelter.

The bolder ones initially tried to find out what was going on, or hid somewhere to take a peek, but Gladius' explosion scared them so much that they immediately called on their family and friends to run as far away as possible.

There were also frightened people who ran to the edge of the birdcage in a panic, trying to escape. As a result, their hands were cut by the thread, and they fell to the ground at a loss.

But not long after, the birdcage suddenly disappeared.

The civilians on the edge of the birdcage were confused. Was the culprit defeated?

Or has the person who released this thing achieved his purpose?

Without thinking about this, the civilians were looking for boats to go out to sea, preparing to avoid the limelight first. They had just experienced a horrific incident and were very sensitive.

On a small island near Dressrosa, a toy soldier was mobilizing the small humans of Greenbit before the war.

Cyrus had been searching for his wife and daughter for many days, but there was no news. He thought that something had happened to them and thought of committing suicide.

But that is what a coward does. If you are a man, you should find a way to get rid of the Don Quixote family and avenge your wife and daughter. This is the responsibility of a husband and father.

He should also recapture Dressrosa and welcome back King Riku. This is his responsibility as the former army commander.

"Although I don't know the specific process, Doflamingo made such a big move must be because of a huge change!"

"Now may be the best time to defeat the Don Quixote family and recapture Dressrosa! Many companions may die in this battle, but we cannot stop moving forward.

And I, as the captain, will lead the charge! "


A group of small human warriors as big as a palm responded enthusiastically. In front of them was Cyrus, who had won 3,000 consecutive victories in the arena. As long as he restored his human body, he would surely win.

As for why they knew the deeds of Cyrus, Mr. Toy Soldier himself said it.

Will the little humans believe what he says?

Yes, I will believe it.

Even if they don’t believe it, as long as they add, ‘What I said is true’ after saying it, they will believe it.

This is the most innocent race in the world.

The Liku royal family was kind to their Dontata clan, so they were willing to fight for him after listening to Cyrus's words.

At this moment, King Riku, who was hiding in a corner, stared blankly at the sky. Doflamingo should have made this line. What was he going to do?

He has already taken away Dressrosa, will he continue to persecute civilians?

The decadent King Riku came out of his hiding place. Even if he couldn't save the people, he would at least fight for the people before he died.

He owes this to the people.

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