Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 606 Last Strike and Thunder

Teacher Misaka has already set an example, and classmate Zhang Daye followed suit.

The difference is that the 'cannonballs' he took out were not coins, but steel balls.

It's not quite accurate to say that the steel ball is a ball. It should be said that it is a special shell made by Misaka through the power of thunder metallurgy. The power of the railgun is much stronger than that of a coin.

The first time Misaka used coins in actual combat was for sentimental reasons, while Zhang Da also purely wanted to beat Jack to death.


The electric light on Zhang Da's body was similar to Misaka's, and the special small cannonball was fired with a dazzling white light, aiming directly at Jack's big face, and the sound of breaking through the air seemed to come later.

Jack's eyes widened and he struggled to get up.

But before he could make any move, the ground beneath him suddenly bulged.


The railgun carried strong wind and penetrated Jack's knee, crashing into the raised ground with a roar.

"Ang~~" Jack's screams were accompanied by the gravel and smoke on the ground. The front leg he had used to trample Tom was almost broken at the knee.

I just don’t know which part of his body the front legs correspond to in his human-animal form with two hands and four legs, is it a leg or a hand?


The earthquake-like movement didn't stop, and the ground under Jack continued to bulge, rising to seven or eight stories high in the blink of an eye.

Jack, who was forced to return to his human form, had already rolled down the other side of the high ground, and the other pirates under Jack's command were also rolling down the slope sparsely.

"Everyone, back off! Ye Yan brings the Chaos Beast to block the sword! Artoria brings two swords to that place!"

Zhang Da also called on everyone to take action. There are two people in the Don Quixote family who can cause such movement on the ground:

One is Pika, who has the stone fruit ability, and can use rocks to create stone giants hundreds of meters high; the other is Gradius, who has the explosive fruit ability, and can make inorganic objects he comes into contact with expand and then explode.

Zhang Da also felt that he needed to let the Chaos Beast come over first to prevent the explosion of Gladius, and at the same time let Artoria slash two swords, just in case it was Pika who hit the main body.



Everyone quickly hid behind the Chaos Beast, and Misaka touched it curiously. Although this big guy had no facial features, it looked quite cute from a distance, and its belly felt so soft.

Misaka's eyes gradually became distracted, and she smiled like she did when she touched a cute little animal.

Artoria had already taken action on the other side, and two golden slashes flew out, one vertically and one diagonally upwards. They looked very much like the slashes from a golden lion.

Rub – rub –

The stone man's body, which had just grown to more than 20 meters, was split into four parts. The cuts were smooth and flat. The two parts on the ground were fine and made no movement, but the two parts in the air slipped along the cuts and crashed with two bangs when they hit the ground. broken.

Pika's body was hidden in the stone on the left side below. He followed the stone into the ground with lingering fear - the top of his helmet was cut off. If he had been slower to hide just now, what might have been cut off was the Tianling Cap!

At this time, Pika had two thoughts. The first was that the swordsman was so terrifying!

Secondly, that guy Diamanti is really bragging, right? Did he really come close to defeating this woman?

But now is not the time to think about this. Pika controls the underground stones to emerge from the ground and transports Jack all the way back to the palace. This is his mission.

At the same time, Buffalo grabbed Sipshead's legs and put them on his back. Then his head and feet turned into propellers and flew back to the palace like a helicopter.

When Arturia was about to take action, the half of the stone man left behind by Pika swelled again, and the ground also swelled, and then exploded with a rumble.

For a moment, smoke billowed, fire exploded, and gravel flew. Arturia had already ducked behind the Chaos Beast in time.

The Chaos Beast remained motionless, and neither the explosion nor the gravel could break its skin.

"This big guy is really reliable." Jackie Chan patted the Chaos Beast's short legs.

Ye Yan was not modest at all: "Of course, it is an ancient divine beast after all."

The Chaos Beast's small wings moved, as if very happy. As long as Ye Yan has sufficient physical strength and vitality, the Chaos Beast can continue to maintain its strength.

"These two guys actually have combos." Zhang Daye's focus was not on the Chaos Beast, but on Pika and Gladius.

One uses stones to form a Golem to attack. After the Golem is chopped down, the waste can be used to create a wave of explosions. This combination is very reasonable.

But Zhang Da was not ready to let Jack and the others go just yet: "Misaka, thunder!"

"Yes." Misaka closed her eyes, but her body could feel electromagnetic waves invisible to the naked eye. The positions and movement trajectories of Jack and Sipshead were clearly visible to her.

Misaka raised her hands, and two bolts of lightning shot straight into the sky. Following the two bolts of lightning and thunder, Buffalo, who was flying with Sipshead on his back, was struck by lightning and fell with black smoke on his body.

Jack, who was supported on the ground by a stone platform and was being transported quickly while cursing, was also struck by lightning and black smoke spewed out of his mouth.

"Is this the attack method of the Thunder Fruit?" The tall Pika made a high-pitched voice that was very inconsistent with his size. "It is indeed a natural ability that is second to none."

Zhang Da also patted Misaka on the shoulder: "Misaka, I officially appoint you as the sniper and gunner of the Amber. This precise mine strike without vision and the ability to overcome obstacles is so cool!"

"That's right, Misaka is so awesome!" Weiwei cheered. Theoretically, the sandstorm she created could fly very far, but it was not so fast and precise, and when the sandstorm expanded to a certain extent, she had no way to control it.

"I can also... what about hitting over obstacles..." Perona muttered, "It's just that the speed is not that fast. Well, it seems that the power is not strong..."

After calculating and calculating, I said that I had no confidence.

Before Wendy could comfort her, she heard another rumble, the ground shook, and even collapsed.

Just now, in order to prevent the big explosion of Gladius, everyone retreated to a position near the edge of the island.

This time, Pika and Gladius started to attack fiercely. Instead of blowing up people, they just blew up the island!

The coast of Dressrosa is already higher than the sea level. In the past, the shark giants sprinted and leaped up. Now, Pica and Gladius directly separated the edge of the island and blew it to pieces.

It was like a flower pot collapsed and a small section of the edge of the pot collapsed, and a dozen members of the Amber Tour group, together with the Chaos Beast, fell to the sea along with the earth and rocks!

"Wow..." The reliable Uncle Long screamed the loudest when he was in danger, "It's too exaggerated!"

Ye Yan cursed angrily on the Chaos Beast's back: "These two bastards are destroying the environment and have no quality!"

However, after the Chaos Beast noticed that the sea was below, it simply disappeared.

Ye Yan's eyes lit up and he saw the snow-white waves waving to him: "It's so unloyal! Why don't you leave so simply?"

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