Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 602 Who do you think I am?

Doflamingo's sense of crisis is already full. The distant Big Mom Pirates and Germa 66 cannot be counted on for the time being. All he can rely on now are some clients who are conducting transactions and reinforcements from the World Government who set out overnight. .

As long as we find a way to delay it until the people from the World Government come over, more than half of this crisis will be over.

Doflamingo called to Monet: "Tell those people that the transaction is temporarily suspended. Due to the attack of a powerful enemy, all weapons will now be used to meet the enemy, and the transaction will be carried out afterwards."

"Yes." Monet exited the office and took the elevator directly to the palace underground.

This is a slightly crude underground exchange. Since the construction time is relatively short, the exchange currently only has the most basic facilities.

Thousands of toys work here every day, transporting various weapons to the trading port and delivering them to buyers.

In addition to the palace and the port, it is also connected to a facility called the Toy House, where new toys come out every day.

Sugar, a special cadre of the Don Quixote family, works here, and Torrebol, one of the top cadres, is responsible for guarding her safety.

In the more than a month since Doflamingo became king, the busiest person may have been Sugar.

She turns hundreds of prisoners into toys every day, and makes the toys sign a 'contract':

1. Do not harm humans.

2. Follow the orders of Don Quixote family members.

3. Private conversations are prohibited.

It is more like a rule than a contract. The toys have no room for bargaining. They cannot disobey or leak secrets. They can only work honestly.

Near the Toy House is a cadre tower under construction. It was built at the request of Sugar, because she didn't like the Toy House and said she wanted a work space of her own.

As the most important and special cadre of the family, this small request is not a problem at all. The cadre tower is being built overtime, and the internal design and other matters have been consulted in advance by Sugar.

Monet only glanced over there, without bothering him. Instead, he went directly to the port to announce Doflamingo's decision.

"What? Abort the transaction? What is Joker doing!"

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"We've already paid the deposit, you bastard!"

A group of people started making noises. These people probably only saw weapons. In their eyes, Monet, a beautiful secretary, might not be worth as much as a gun.

Some even had a bad temper and wanted to grab Monet's collar.

Facing these rude guys, Monet kept a polite smile, but the people in front of her shivered. The temperature seemed to have dropped, and it was clear that snowflakes suddenly started to fall in the underground space.

The person who wanted to attack Monet froze, and his body was gradually covered with snow, turning into a 'snowman' in a few seconds.

"This is the young master's order. The trade will continue after the war is over. If you are impatient, just pray that we can win quickly. Or... no, it's nothing."

Monet ordered the toys to move all the weapons that had not been loaded into the ship, and then snapped his fingers.

The snowfall stopped, and the snow on the man who was covered by the snow fell to the ground. The man fell to the ground and breathed out cold air, trying hard to move his stiff body, as if he had been granted amnesty.

The others were silent. Although the power behind them might be pretty good, they really didn't send anyone with too much weight this time.

Even in the new world, not everyone knows how to wear armor. These people here really have no way to deal with Monet, who is a user with the natural snow fruit ability.

Watching those strange toys moving things away, everyone began to think about what Monet said:

"Who is Joker going to fight?"

"What does she mean by what she said? Could it be that she wants us to help defeat the enemy?"

"Bah! Why should we help that guy!"

"But if the war doesn't end, we won't get weapons."

"...Let's see, if Joker is defeated, maybe he won't have to pay the balance after getting the weapon."

Everyone was talking about it. Some people planned to lend a hand and use this as a reason to gain more benefits. Some people planned to watch the excitement and look for opportunities to fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the situation. Some people immediately contacted their boss to see what the boss had to say.

Everyone is engaged in shady business, how can they easily agree with others.

Doflamingo didn't have much hope for these people. It would be profitable to have one more person to help. When the time comes when the Amber Tour Group takes action, it will provoke one more force. Anyway, he will do what he does in the future, no matter what. Not a loss.

At this time, the only person in Dressrosa who can give Doflamingo a sense of security is Jack from the Beast Pirates.

According to his idea, he hoped that Jack could contact Kaido, or else Quinn or Jhin, but Jack looked down at him and said:

"Who do you think I am? Do you need help from others for such a small matter? Huh?"

There is now a vacant spot in the Beast Pirates. Jack is the most promising candidate, but he is only 18 years old now. He lacks qualifications, reputation, and prestige. The Amber Tour Group has been so active in the past two years, so he just needs it. As a stepping stone.

If he could defeat them and directly recruit them into the Beast Pirates, that would be a great achievement. Then the position on the big billboard would belong to him.

Jack knew that many people thought he was a fool. In fact, he felt that he was not a fool at all. Most of the time, he knew what he was going to do.

So when Jack learned that the Amber Tour Group had started taking action, he gathered his people early and ran to the coast to wait.

The reason why he did not take his own Mammoth to sea to face the battle was because he was worried about missing it at sea. The clever Jack would not make such a mistake.

Doflamingo had nothing to do with this stubborn guy. He couldn't beat him again and again, and refused to listen to what he said. He could only consider whether he should join forces with Jack to face the enemy, or let the idiot delay for a little longer.

Before that, Doflamingo decided to contact Kaido himself and told him that if he didn't come, his men would be beaten to death. He hoped Kaido didn't have a hangover today.

It's almost noon, the morning fog on the sea has dispersed, and the view is pretty good.

Zhang Daye and his companions sat on top of the shark giant and soon saw the shadow of Dressrosa.

Ye Yan released Sui Feng'er, Ma Laowu and other flag demons as planned, and asked them to quietly float to Dressrosa to investigate, focusing on finding the location of Sugar.

The scope of a country is a bit large, and Zhang Da also only remembers that sugar should stay underground in the palace or the underground of the arena.

He encouraged: "If we can find sugar before us, we will get a promotion and a salary increase!"

"It's all on us! Hmm... No, boss, I understand a salary increase, but how do you get a promotion?"

"That's not easy." Zhang Daye said: "I can promote you to be the commander of the night watch. Ye Yan is not a night watchman, so you will be responsible for taking care of Ye Yan."

Ye Yan looked at Zhang Da and said nothing, but the meaning in his eyes was: Be a human being, my flag demon is so cute, yet you lied to them.

"Okay, okay!"

Since Zhang Da also has a good reputation in terms of rewards based on merit, the flag demons floated out happily, and it took a long time before they came to their senses:

"No, even if the boss asks us to take care of the master, do we dare?"

Why do you think we call him master?

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