Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 594: Where can fellow Taoist people survive the tribulation here?

What bad intentions could Zhang Da also have? He just wanted to see if there would be any chemical reaction when the island and Misaka's abilities came together.

However, thinking that he also had the ability to use electric shock, he simply chose to go to the island with Misaka. Anyway, he would not die if he was struck by lightning, so he would give it a try.

The Amber docked a little further away, while Zhang Tatsuya and Misaka rowed a small boat to the shore.

The closer you get, the more dense and noisy the thunder on the island becomes. The rumbling sound is endless. The intensity is not inferior to the sound of firecrackers on New Year's Eve night, and the decibels are far beyond it.

Zhang Da also put the oars in place and asked loudly: "Are you ready?"

Misaka cutely gave Zhang Tatsuya an OK gesture, and her slightly distracted eyes seemed to be full of wisdom.

The two landed ashore, and a bolt of lightning struck less than one meter away from Zhang Daye. Zhang Daye was startled and subconsciously jumped a step.

Then he met Misaka's calm eyes.

"Ahem, what..." Zhang Da also coughed dryly, wanting to explain something, but there seemed to be nothing to explain.

"Huhu..." Misaka let out a unique laugh, "It turns out that Zhang Tatsuya is still in the stage of being afraid of thunder. Du~ Misaka took the opportunity to tease her like this."

"Is this the same thing..."

Boom! Two thunderbolts hit Zhang Tatsuya and Misaka's heads impartially, and the dazzling light completely enveloped the two people's figures.

The companions who stayed on the boat to observe were heartbroken.

Wendy asked worriedly: "Is this really okay?"

"It's okay. He usually doesn't mess around with things he's not sure about. Wasn't it okay when he was struck by lightning before?" Ye Yan felt that he had seen through Zhang Daye's true nature.

Although this person seems to like to seek death, and occasionally does some unconventional things like Tom, he is actually very precious about his life. It's like he made various preparations before going to the empty island, and hid his trump cards when fighting with others. One after another.

Such a person would definitely not seek death on his own initiative.

As Ye Yan expected, the lightning dissipated, and nothing happened to Zhang Daye and Misaka. Blue arcs of electricity emitted from their bodies, and their hair fluttered with the arcs.

Zhang Da also looked at Misaka beside him and asked, "How do you feel?"

"The battery is fully charged, as if I'm full."

Misaka's voice was a little soft, almost drowned in the rumbling thunder. Fortunately, the two people were close enough, and Zhang Tatsuya's ears were relatively easy to use.

It was good to know that she was fine. Zhang Da also felt his own state. It seemed to be a bit similar to what Misaka said. He even felt that he had been strengthened.

Zhang Da also looked up at the thunderclouds in the sky, waved his right hand, and a bolt of lightning fell near the place he expected - he seemed to be able to guide the landing point of the thunder and lightning to a certain extent.

Misaka's ability to control thunder and lightning was even stronger than him. A bolt of lightning struck down, and Misaka stood firmly on the spot. When the lightning was about to hit her, she turned a corner and turned into a thunder snake spinning around her.

Misaka's pretty face was illuminated by lightning, her brown hair and the hem of her gray pleated skirt swaying gently. At this moment, she seemed to be a messenger of lightning.

Of course it would be more handsome if the expression on her face wasn't so 'intelligent'.

The dazzling thunder snake danced with Misaka's thoughts. The next moment, she herself transformed into a bolt of lightning and shot straight into the sky. She appeared in the dark clouds. The surrounding thunderclouds were dispersed by her, and then turned into a bolt of lightning. Lei Guang returned to the original place.

The set of movements was so smooth and very handsome that Zhang Daye was so envious that he almost cried. It's a pity that he can only discharge electricity but not elementalization, so he can't do this trick.

"It feels like Misaka can do a lot of things easily now, and she can use her abilities more easily. Du~ On this island, Misaka feels more comfortable than ever before."

This can probably be regarded as Misaka's home court. With a little practice, she might be able to control the entire island's lightning. Zhang Daye quickly asked: "Has there been any change in ability? Where is the body?"

"The power of the electric shock has become stronger. The physical changes are unknown. It can be confirmed that there are no adverse reactions. The details should be investigated after leaving here. Du~ Misaka explained his situation and gave reasonable suggestions."

"Then let's get out of here first." Zhang Da also felt that his change was that he had more power. This feeling of becoming stronger after being struck by lightning made him think that he was overcoming a disaster.

"Let's go, let's go rest somewhere far away from here." Zhang Da also returned to the boat and motioned for everyone to set sail.

As the Amber set off, Zhang Tatsuya and Misaka explained their situation in detail in the face of everyone's concern.

Zhang Da also touched Tom's head. As a result, all the hair on Tom's body exploded and turned into a cat ball.

The two big eyes on the cat ball blinked innocently.

After the Amber left, a small boat arrived belatedly. On the bow of the boat stood an old man in a raincoat. His wrinkled face was indescribably weird and scary in the environment of lightning and thunder.

This old man is here to sell umbrellas. Although thunder on the island looks scary, you can use a special umbrella to directly block it like rain.

Whenever a new adventurer came to the island, it was the time for him to make a fortune. But before, he had only seen people who stopped on the shore and wanted to land but didn't dare. He had never seen one before. He walked so decisively.

This is a new world, and it is usually the first island that people who have just arrived in the new world encounter. Why are you walking so fast, and are you not at all curious about such a strange island?

You are the worst class of adventurers I have ever seen!

"You are really going to overcome the tribulation!" Ye Yan was a little envious of the bizarre upgrade method of becoming stronger after being struck by lightning.

"Do you want to try it too?" Zhang Da also had flashes of lightning on his hands, "While I have enough power, I can give you a free lightning strike. Don't worry, being struck by lightning will be very comfortable and won't hurt at all."

"..." Ye Yan rolled up his dead eyes and was always depraved. With such a straightforward statement, he probably couldn't even deceive Perona, "Don't bother you. Whether it hurts or not is secondary. I mainly like it. A down-to-earth way to become stronger.”

Everyone chatted and laughed and left the dark clouded area, stopping to rest until they could no longer hear the thunder.

Misaka underwent another physical examination. Although her physical condition did not improve much, it did not get worse, and her abilities had improved a bit. This trip was not in vain.

Zhang Da also thought that he might be able to bring Misaka here often to be struck by lightning in the future.

There was no talking all night. The next morning, everyone moved a little and continued driving in the original direction.

A crisp bird song sounded, Zhang Da also touched the pocket on his pants and took out a coin.

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