Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 590 Xia Li and Xia Lulu

Aladdin set out to find the pointer, and Jinbei didn't stay long. Since he encountered something like Hozozo, he needed to teach some people a lesson.

It turns out that there is more than one restless guy like Leozo among the residents of Fishman Street.

Although compared with the total population of Fish-Man Island of 5 million, those few scum are not a big deal, but if possible, Jinbei still hopes that everyone can take the right path.

It’s okay if you don’t want to take the right path, let’s try it and see which one is stronger, my fists, or your prickly heads.

Zhang Daye and the others strolled forward slowly with Princess Otohime. When Ryugu Castle sent someone to pick them up, the guards at the gate should have already contacted Ryugu Castle when they entered the country.

Compared with two years ago, Fishman Island has undergone a lot of changes. A large number of Yuman Street aborigines have moved out of it, and they have violated the law and accepted the legal punishment of Fishman Island, and accepted labor as compensation for their crimes.

Those who are innocent can choose to join the army, or other jobs arranged by Dragon Palace City, or they can choose to be self-reliant and do something they like.

This is something that is almost unimaginable for the residents of Fishman Street, which is a 'large orphanage' and a 'slum'.

Although there are black sheep like Leozo who cause trouble every now and then, most people hope to live a normal life.

Fishman Street has been planning to rebuild two years ago. As long as you are willing to put in the effort, there will definitely be no shortage of work.

The person responsible for coordinating and allocating these people is Mrs. Charlie.

Mrs. Charlie is Aaron's younger sister. Like Jinbei and Aaron, she was born in the Fishman Street. She originally ran a mermaid cafe and the business was pretty good.

But when she heard about this position, she immediately expressed her willingness to give it a try. She also wanted to do something for the place where she grew up.

It was also Mrs. Xia Li who performed a divination for Zhang Daye two years ago. Putting aside the IF line for now, her initial prophecy was:

[Tom's body was pierced, and several fighting figures present could be faintly recognized, as well as a young man whose figure was similar to Zhang Daye's from the back. 】

Later, Charlie had been paying attention to the movements of the Amber Tour Group. When she saw Ye Yan's photo in the newspaper, she concluded that the boy she saw in the crystal ball should be Ye Yan.

It's just that after two years, Tom has been living well, which makes her a little confused. Has the time in the prophecy not arrived yet? Or was it that even such a serious injury was cured by the ‘Miko of the Sky’?

I heard that the Kohaku Tour Group came to Fishman Island again today, and they seemed to have helped Princess Otohime a lot...

After work, Xia Li took out her cigarette stick and puffed away, her eyes unconsciously looking into her crystal ball.

Although I have made up my mind not to do divination anymore, I am really curious about what Fishman Island will look like in the future, and what the Amber Tour Group will look like in the future.

Why don't you do the divination one last time?

I will never do divination again after this time!

Then, Zhang Daye, who was shopping, heard a loud soprano.

The screams were still different from the normal speaking sounds. Zhang Da couldn't tell who it was for a while: "This voice seems a bit familiar."

Pedestrians on the street stopped one after another, wondering what happened. Some fishmen became worried. After such a long time, could another mermaid be kidnapped?

Princess Otohime made a careful distinction and walked quickly towards the direction where the sound came from: "It's Charlie-chan, something must have happened!"

As a goldfish and mermaid who is physically weaker than ordinary people, Princess Otohime can actually run faster than most people once she notices someone is in danger.

Zhang Daye and the others quickly caught up with her and even added some defense to her.

"What happened, Charlie-chan?" Princess Otohime ran to Charlie's room and tried to help her sit up, "Were you attacked?"

"No, no..." Charlie's teeth were chattering, she hugged her arms and said bravely, "I'm fine, it's okay, Princess."

In this state, if nothing happened, then something must have happened. Zhang Da also looked at the room and saw that there were no traces of someone breaking in and robbing the room. There was only a crystal ball that broke into two halves on the ground, with tiny glass shards scattered around.

Needless to say, she must have seen some terrible future again. Her unreliable divination is just like Xia Lulu's prediction magic. It is definitely accurate. The picture she saw will indeed appear, but as long as it is interpreted carefully, It's easy to be completely different from the truth.

They are all big holes.

Zhang Da also signaled Rui Mengmeng to go up and help Princess Yiji, preparing to ask her what she saw again.

But Charlie just glanced at them, then used her fish tail to push herself back in fear, and didn't stop until she reached the corner.

Looking at her movements and expression, those who didn't know thought Zhang Da had done something outrageous to her.

"Calm down, Charlie-chan." Otohime comforted Charlie, "It's Mr. Tatsuya and the others. Have you forgotten them?"

Charlie leaned against the corner and held her head, just shaking her head.

Zhang Da also sighed: "It seems that he really predicted something terrible. Maybe it has something to do with us."

"Prophecy?" Isn't this the first time everyone has heard this word? Does this person have the same prophecy ability as Xia Lulu?

"She is a very powerful fortune teller." Zhang Da also whispered to his companions who did not know Xia Li about her 'record'.

"I always accidentally see a bad future, and I will be scared to tears by what I see." Perona complained in a low voice, "Isn't that exactly the same as Xia Lulu? Even the names are very similar."

Xia Lulu (シャルル), Xia Li (シャーリー), when she said this, they did look a bit similar.

It even looks like he is holding his head and shaking now.

"Hey..." Xia Lulu's dark history was revealed, which made her blush a little, and she looked at Perona dissatisfied, "I won't be scared long ago, and I can already control my abilities a little!"

Princess Otohime, who was comforting Xia Li, accidentally heard a few words and asked quickly: "Does Miss Xia Lulu also know divination?"

Xia Lulu wrapped a finger around her long white hair and said a little coyly: "Although it is different from her divination method, the initial effect should be similar."

"Then let me ask you, how did you come out of this situation?" Otohime wanted to refer to Xia Lulu's successful experience and comfort Xia Li.

"..." Xia Lulu felt a little unable to speak. At that time, she relied on everyone's comfort and encouragement, 'trying to make herself stronger to cope with the unpredictable future and protect her companions' and so on...

She looked back at her companions. How could she say such embarrassing words in front of everyone?

And another point that is also very important is that it was later confirmed that there was a problem with my interpretation of the prophecy. Will this be the same for Mrs. Charlie?

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