Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 588 Fish, such a big fish

"Report, Major General Kadalu, Mr. Zhang Tatsuya of the Amber Tour Group has sent a large number of bounty prisoners and unknown little pirates."

"Just accept it as usual." Kadaru was a little absent-minded. The Amber Tour Group had done this not once or twice, so it was nothing unusual.

"In addition..." the soldier said hesitantly, "In addition, King Shichibukai Jinbei, Princess Ryugu King Otohime, Prince Sharksei and a group of officials are still playing in Shampoo today accompanied by some members of the Kohaku Tour Group. It is said that tomorrow Will set off for Fish-Man Island."

Kadaru subconsciously held his knife when he heard Jinbei's name, but soon let go: "I understand, don't worry about them."

Yesterday, Kadaru already knew the news about Jinbei's landing in Shampoo Land. At that time, he wanted to go to Jinbei with a knife and fight, but his reason told him not to do so.

He used to have some grudges with Jinbei, but from the time when Jinbei became the Shichibukai, the grudges can no longer exist.

As a marine, he could not take action against the Shichibukai without permission. Even if he saw Jinbe in person, he could only pretend not to see it.

And strictly speaking, he was mercifully let go by Tiger in the first place... It was really a shame and a shame.

Kadaru picked up the knife and came to the training ground, slashing it one by one: "It would have been better if I had been stronger... It would have been better if I had been stronger..."

Zhang Da also encountered a small problem after leaving the naval base.

Under normal circumstances, traveling to the New World requires the preparation of special record pointers - since the magnetic field in the New World is more chaotic than the magnetic field in the first half of the Grand Line, ordinary record pointers can no longer meet the needs of navigation.

So we need to prepare a pointer that can point to three different islands at the same time. It looks like three ordinary record hands fixed on a dial, but in fact it should not be that simple.

Because in addition to pointing out the navigation direction, the intensity of each pointer's shaking also represents the degree of danger of the island it points to, and it probably contains some high technology.

This kind of pointer is not difficult to find. Zhang Daye and the others had it in the Bonacieu grocery store they had visited before.

Although it is a bit expensive, it is still worth buying one or two as a guarantee to quickly find the next island for supplies.

Zhang Da also cut Misaka's nails and made a life card for her to prevent her from getting lost.

Except for the shark chili, the others had already prepared it, but Misaka never bothered to do it.

What makes it difficult is that it is difficult to buy permanent hands in Dressrosa. Zhang Da also visited several related stores but could not find them.

"Dressrosa's permanent pointer? Leave this to me." Jinbe took over the matter, but then asked, "Are you going there to defeat Doflamingo?"

Zhang Da didn't hide anything, nodded and said: "He had this idea, he arrested our friend."

"If that's the case, I can help negotiate with him." Jinbei said, "Doflamingo is not only the Shichibukai, but also the king of the countries that join the World Government. If you rashly conflict with him, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to you."

"Negotiation is useless. My friend knows his important secret. If it wasn't still of some value, I'm afraid he would be dead by now." Zhang Da also declined Jinbei's proposal.

Ai Yin was turned into a toy, which meant that she had seen Gran Sugar and knew Ming Ge's biggest secret at the moment. It was impossible for him to let her go. and……

Doflamingo probably doesn't even remember who he captured.

I'm not sure whether Sugar can remember it, but she is only twelve years old now, and due to the influence of the Childlike Fruit's ability, her body stopped growing when she was about ten years old.

The mental aspect is uncertain. Judging from the performance in the comics, it is very likely that she has stagnated at the age of ten, so she may not be able to remember who she turned into a toy.

Jinbe didn't try to persuade him any more. He decided to become an enemy of a Shichibukai and king in order to save his friends. He admired his courage.

"Then the pointer will be handed over to me. If there is anything else you need my help with, please feel free to ask."

"Thank you." Zhang Da didn't plan to trouble him anymore. It was not appropriate for Jinbei to do too many things from his position.

Early the next morning, two coated boats connected by ropes put away their floating blocks and dived one after another.

The murlocs looked at the Chambord Islands with some reluctance. After these two days of playing, they became full of energy. They believed that as long as they worked hard, they and their compatriots would be able to live freely in the sun in the future.

Even if you can't do it in a short time, you must work hard to become stronger when you go back, so strong that just like Boss Jinbei, as long as you stand there, no one will dare to say anything rude.

With the big eel from Fish-Man Island as motivation, the journey to Fish-Man Island went smoothly.

Occasionally, if you encounter some ferocious fish that want to attack the ship, there will be fishmen to drive them away.

Tom lay on the bubble wrap eagerly and looked at the big fish swimming outside, his saliva drooling uncontrollably.

Zhang Da was also worried that Tom would cause trouble, and warned him again and again not to make too big a hole in the bubble wrap, otherwise it would be very troublesome.

Tom nodded sensibly, took out a small net bag used to collect fish when fishing, and leaned out of the boat.

Zhang Da was also a little nervous, but he felt relieved after seeing that Tom's target was a small school of fish not far away.

After asking Artoria to keep an eye on Tom, Zhang Da also took out a small notebook and lay on the table to think hard - he wanted to find out who were the important people in Dressrosa, and whether there was anything besides sugar. A person with abilities who can easily make everyone fall over.

However, not long after he sat down, the Amber suddenly shook violently, the table and chairs fell to the ground, and Zhang Da almost fell down.

The others were not much better, they were all shaken severely by the violent vibrations. Unfortunately, Wendy threw herself onto the deck, making a tight fit.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Zhang Da also raised his eyes and saw Tom covering a fish about the same size as the Amber with a small net bag. Arturia was grabbing Tom's tail to prevent him from being pulled. Walk.

Zhang Daye looked at Tom, who was about to be stretched into noodles, and said helplessly: "Is it just a matter of fishing for small fish?"

Tom gave Zhang Daye an innocent expression in his busy schedule. He wanted to catch the group of small fish, but suddenly a big fish appeared and swallowed the group of small fish.

At this time, Tom's net bag just stretched out, and he covered the big fish with a casual move. Tom was almost dragged away by the big fish, but fortunately Artoria caught him in time.

As for how the small net bag can trap such a big fish, that is not important.

The fish people were also surprised. This cat is not big, but its ambition is quite big. But thinking about the swimming competition with Tom a few days ago, they were relieved. This was definitely not a serious cat.

After figuring it out, the fishmen went into the water one after another and knocked out the big fish in a few blows. If the delay continued, the big fish would pull the boat away, and their boat would also be affected.

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