Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 586 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone!

Compared to Alabasta, the environment in the Shampoo Islands is more friendly to mermaids, because bubbles can be used to assist movement, which is much more convenient.

But the attitude of the people here is far inferior to that of Alabasta.

The Shampoo Islands itself is the place where the discrimination against the fish people is the most serious. Most passers-by's first reaction when they see the fish people is disgust. But when they see so many fish people taking to the streets together, they don't dare to show too much and just stay silent. keep away.

Some people believed in the rumors that being too close to fishmen would cause infectious diseases, and some people were simply afraid of getting beaten.

Especially when they saw familiar faces like Jinbei from the Shichibukai and Kohaku Tour Group in the team, no one dared to make trouble.

The attitude of these people poured cold water on the murlocs who had just returned from Alabasta.

Not everyone will be as kind and gentle as the people of that country.

"It doesn't matter!" Princess Otohime was not discouraged. "People here hate us because they don't understand us well. Wouldn't the people of Alabasta be able to get along well with each other after they understand us?"

"And those boatmen just now, weren't they also very friendly? We have gained a lot from this trip, and I believe our situation will get better and better!"

Princess Otohime's encouragement was very effective, and the fish people regained their spirits. Yes, at least one big country is willing to recognize us, and is even willing to let us live there. Other places will do the same sooner or later.

Zhang Da also looked at the fish people cheering each other up and asked in a timely manner: "So, does anyone want to go to Xiangbo Park to play?"

Swish, swish, a group of people raised their hands, Xiangbodi Park is one of the most desirable places for fish people, but they have never dared to go there. Nowadays, it is rare to have a big boss take you with you. It would be a pity not to go.

Zhang Da also slapped Tom and Artoria's hands away: "You two go somewhere with me first, and then we can go play there later."

Everyone split up, and Wendy hesitantly followed Zhang Tatsuya: "Brother Tatsuya, can I go with you?"

"Huh? Wendy doesn't want to play with everyone?"

"I think so, but..." Wendy looked like she was about to cry, "If you weren't here, even if I went to the amusement park, I could only watch."

This child gets motion sick. Roller coasters are also cars. Sand skiing, grass skiing, rafting and other projects are all torture for Wendy. Without Zhang Daya's magic help, she might not even be able to ride the merry-go-round.

"Why don't you buy some ice cream and eat it first, and wait for us for a while." Zhang Daye said, "Actually, I still have an important task that I want to give you."

Wendy asked curiously: "What is it?"

"Please go and watch Princess Dian Yiji and add some defensive magic to her at any time." Zhang Daye bent down and said in Wendy's ear, "I'm worried that she will break her bones again while playing around."

"..." Wendy carefully glanced at Princess Otohime and nodded solemnly, "I understand."

When he went out to play and was given a top-level assistant, Zhang Da also felt that he was really interesting to his friends.

The place he wanted to take Tom and Artoria to was none other than the Goodman house.

When she left, Mrs. Molly repeatedly told her to go and sit there when she came back. Little Baier also said the same thing, and Zhang Da also thought about bringing a few fish-men friends there, but finally gave up.

I felt that after the hairtail people passed by, people who were dazzled by profit would harass them if they were not safe, so I decided to forget it and just pay a visit with a few people.

In addition, before the coating is completed, sweep the shampoo floor again to eliminate potential threats as much as possible.

Thinking of some things that were not available, Zhang Daye, Tom and Artoria each held two packages of gifts in their hands and knocked on the door of Goodman's house.

"Oh! It's Tatsuya-chan, Liya-chan and Tom!" Mrs. Molly was very surprised and quickly opened the door to let them in.

"Brother Tatsuya, Tom!" Little Beyer, who was tinkering with something in his yard, dropped the tools in his hands and ran over to give Tom a hug.

Mrs. Molly gave Artoria a hug, and no one returned it except Zhang Daye.

"Long time no see, Sister Molly, Bayer." Zhang Daye said, "We just came back from Alabasta, oh, it's Weiwei's country, Weiwei, the one you met last time."

"Ah, it's the little princess with light blue hair." Mrs. Molly asked, "Didn't they come this time?"

"They went to Xiangbodi Park to play with their friends." Zhang Daye said, "Our ship is asking Uncle Goodman to help with coating, and it will go to the New World next."

"I heard that the new world is dangerous, is that okay?" Molly talked to him and served tea. She also remembered that Arturia and Tom both liked to eat.

"No problem, we are very strong." Zhang Daye patted Artoria on the shoulder, "Even the world's greatest swordsman can't defeat her."

Arturia glanced at Zhang Tatsuya with dissatisfaction, nodded politely to Mrs. Molly, and then worked hard to cook.

Mrs. Molly nodded: "That's right. Your companions seem to be reliable."

"By the way, these are gifts brought by our various islands. There are animal skins from Drum Island that can be used to make a coat, canned fruits made from Sky Island, which were saved with great difficulty, and Alabasta's..."

Zhang Da also took out things one by one, a bit like a wanderer returning home from a long journey.

"The most special ones are these. This is a sound shell that can be recorded and played." Zhang Da also demonstrated how to use it and threw the sound shell to Bayer to play with.

Then he took out the wind shells, hot shells, and water shells and explained their uses: "It feels quite convenient, and it may be used on a daily basis."

Mrs. Molly played with it novelly: "It's amazing."

"These are the shock shells and slash shells, which are a bit dangerous. They are reserved for Uncle Goodman and you for self-defense." Zhang Da also looked at Bayer who was about to try, and said, "The shock shells contain shark pepper changes. The impact of the fist punched behind the body, inside the slashing shell is Artoria's slashing, so don't let Bayer play with it."

Mrs. Molly hesitated and said: "Isn't this... very precious?"

No matter how precious the thing is, it can't compare to the help your family gave me and Tom. Zhang Da also thought in his heart and said:

"No, we wholesale a lot of shells at Kongdao. As a boatman, Uncle Goodman will inevitably encounter pirates and the like. I can feel more at ease with this."

"Okay then." Mrs. Molly thought of her husband's working environment, and she was also a little worried. Although Goodman always brags about how powerful he is, how can a wife not understand her husband?

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