Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 576 Visitors from Fish-Man Island

The Dragon Talisman can create explosions and is incredibly powerful, while the Ox Talisman can greatly increase people's strength and make them stronger.

Each of these two charms is equivalent to a plug-in Devil Fruit, but one is used to make fires and barbecues, and the other is used to move bricks and serve as a crane...

It is obviously a very precious and powerful thing, but in the hands of Tom and Zhang Daye, it immediately becomes simple and down-to-earth.

Uncle Long thought about it and suddenly felt that this should be considered a good thing. Maybe the talisman should be used to do these things?

"Quick, quick, quick, the work has started, you can't keep me here to hold it up, right?" Zhang Da, who maintained the posture of "holding the sky with both hands", also began to urge everyone to work.

Tom suddenly came up with an idea, why not play a trick on the owner and leave him here, and then everyone can go outside to play?

Zhang Da was also alert: "Tom, are you holding back some bad ideas?"

Tom was startled and shook his head quickly.

Zhang Da also said: "Stop lying, I saw you smiling evilly!"

Tom covered his mouth.

"I even saw you raising your eyebrows!"

Tom covered his eyebrows again.

"I also saw..."

Tom simply used all four legs to quickly dig a hole and bury himself, showing that he didn't see anything.

Zhang Da also said helplessly: "Stop making trouble, it's very tiring to keep in this position. Believe it or not, I will go back and replace you with the statue on the bow of the ship, and you will not be allowed to move for the whole day."

Tom quickly dug himself out again and began building the wall quickly.

Seeing that there was no danger, Jackie Chan also stepped forward to help, and Xia Lulu and Misaka helped deliver bricks and cement.

Since Tom volunteered to join the wall-building team, the progress of the project suddenly became much faster.

By the time the sun went down, the wall and damaged roof that had been punched by Weiwei had been completely repaired.

There's just one problem:

"Tom, have you ever thought about how we two can get out after the hole is repaired?"

Tom laid the last brick while listening to Zhang Daye's words. He looked around and saw that he was locked in the basement with his master.

Tom panicked and hurriedly tried to scratch the wall, but was stopped by Zhang Daye.

There were sounds of banging on the wall and Jackie Chan's shout: "What should you two do? Do you want to tear down the wall again?"

"Don't! It's very tiring to tear it down and then build it again!" Zhang Daye said, "There should be a mechanism to open the door here. Let's look for it. Or you can go find the king. You can open the exit in the Burial Ceremony Hall and let us out!"

"I'll go look for it right away!" Xia Lulu left immediately, asking Wendy to speed up as she left.

After listening to Zhang Daye's words, Tom wanted to find the mechanism to open the door, but Zhang Daye quickly hugged Tom: "Forget it, just wait for rescue."

He remembered that Cobra said that there is a brick here. If it is removed, the entire palace will collapse, but Tom cannot touch it.

Tom crossed his arms to show his displeasure.

Not long after, Kobra opened the entrance to the basement of the Burial Ceremony Hall and took out Zhang Daye and Tom: "Thank you for your hard work, let us handle the rest."

There is nothing taboo about the above-ground part of the Burial Ceremony Hall. It can be repaired by an ordinary engineering team. All you need to do is send people over to keep an eye on them so that they don't touch the mechanism.

Zhang Da also said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry to bother you for this kind of thing."

"Please don't say that. After all, you are doing us a favor." Kobra said, "The reception has been really poor these two days. Please be sure to have a good rest and play in the future."

"It's nothing to do with poor hospitality. I heard Ye Yan say that they had a lot of fun here." Zhang Da also felt that Ye Yan had been too slack in the past two days and needed to strengthen his training, so he sent him to Binz to promote each other.

Perona and Wendy asked: "How is Weiwei? Do you need our help?"

"It went very well. I was doing water vein detection near Albana today, and the progress is gratifying. It's just that I'm a little tired now because of overuse of my abilities." Cobra felt a little distressed.

Wendy quickly said: "Then I'll go see her!"

She is good at helping people regain their strength and relieve fatigue.

However, with Wendy's help, Weiwei completely turned into a workaholic.

Every day I go out to explore and record with the map in my hand. When I run out of energy, I call for Wendy’s support. Although there is no way to fully recover my energy, it still greatly speeds up the work progress.

Of course, Wendy doesn't always accompany Weiwei. She usually goes out to play with everyone in the morning, runs to recharge Weiwei's battery at noon, works with Weiwei for a while in the afternoon, and then exercises or studies magic nearby.

Perona and Misaka are similar. They always go to Weiwei to play for a while. Although it will delay her work a bit, they go there just to delay Weiwei's work.

That was the task given to them by Jackie Chan and Zhang Daye. It was not good for children to work so tightly every day. Even with Wendy watching, they still needed some relaxation.

Half a month passed quickly. On this day, a sensational news came from Nahana:

A fish-man appeared in the port city of Nahana, and after careful confirmation, it was Jinbei, one of the King's Shichibukai. Accompanying him were Princess Otohime of the Ryugu Kingdom of Fish-Man Island, and the eldest prince Sharksei.

They don’t have much idea about the people of Alabasta in the Dragon Palace Kingdom. The only time many people heard of this name was during Princess Vivi’s speech last time.

But they are very familiar with the Shichibukai, and this country was almost occupied by the Shichibukai.

Fortunately for Tokrokdal, the people and guards of Nahana didn't have a good attitude toward Jinbei. However, considering the status of their group, they still reported it quickly.

Shark Star looked around at the slightly disgusted eyes and said worriedly: "Mother, are we coming too abruptly? I always feel that they are not as friendly as Mr. Tatsuya and His Highness Weiwei say."

Otohime shook her head slightly and gave Shark Star a comforting smile: "No, we are right. They are different from those who hate the fish people."

"That's right, they don't hate fish-men, but they hate me." Jinbei said, "Maybe it's because of the status of the Shichibukai. Crocodile has done excessive things before, so it's no wonder they look at it like this. Old man."

The Crocodile incident was a big one, and Jinbei also knew something about it.

Princess Otohime advised: "Mr. Jinbei, please don't worry about it. They don't know you well enough to do this."

"Hahaha, I won't have any thoughts because of this trivial matter." Jinbei smiled and said to Shark Star, "Okay, before the guards bring back the news, let's enjoy the sunshine first, Your Highness Shark Star, this is the place on land. Yes, real sunshine.”


A hawk's cry sounded, and the guards were relieved: "It's Captain Bell!"

The civilians on the shore also relaxed: "Lord Bell is here!"

Princess Otohime and her group looked up, and it seemed that an important person had arrived.

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