Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 573 I’m talking about Pluto, what’s your reaction?

The fact that Alabasta has hidden historical texts should really not be known to others. It was already a big oversight if Jackie Chan saw it this time.

It's not that Kobra doesn't trust the Amber Tour Group, but that knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing.

The destruction of O'Hara happened twelve years ago, and Cobra didn't want to repeat the same mistake, nor did he want to implicate these friends.

Fortunately, Binzi entered a state of hard training after being persuaded by Zhang Daye and did not come back with him. Otherwise, Kobra would have to consider his status as a navy to think of countermeasures.

Cobra turned around and gave an order to the guards: "Stay here and don't let others get close to the Burial Sacrifice Hall."


In the end, the only people who went with Cobra were Jackie Chan, Zhang Daye, and the five little ones who had done something wrong. Tom and Artoria stayed in the orchard, in a state of being happy and unwilling to think about the world.

"Why do you think of going to dig the burial ceremony hall?" Zhang Daye asked in a low voice, looking at the five little ones who were following suit.

Weiwei said: "Because I wanted to dig out a secret base, everyone went with me."

"You don't need to dig the burial temple to dig a base. You know where that place is, right?" Zhang Da also expressed that he couldn't understand Weiwei's behavior of digging her own ancestral graves with her good sisters.

He also glanced at Xia Lulu with an expression that said, "Why are you messing around too?"

Xia Lulu blushed a little: "We didn't know that digging a hole in the open space outside the palace could lead to the basement under the Burial Ceremony Hall..."

"Because you can't dig randomly in the palace. If you dig badly, your father and Uncle Long will be angry. So..." Weiwei was a little aggrieved, "It's obviously a very ordinary open space. I used to play there often. How could I have thought that there would be something down there? yes……"

Generally speaking, no one dares to break ground so close to the palace, and usually no one even dares to get close.

There's no problem if Weiwei wants to play there, and Cobra won't go out of his way to stop it. It's an act that doesn't cost three hundred taels of silver here, and the secret there will have to be told to her sooner or later.

But he never expected that Weiwei was no longer what she used to be. Her destructive power after eating the Shasha Fruit was completely different from that without the Shasha Fruit.

Not to mention a basement that is more than ten meters deep, even if it is deeper, it will not be difficult for her, and no matter how hard the bricks and stones are, she can easily dig out a hole if she is willing.

The power of 'erosion' belonging to the Shasha fruit is very unreasonable.

While talking, everyone arrived at the 'crime scene'.

One corner of the funeral hall collapsed, and the walls and roof were extensively damaged.

There is a circular hole in the open space dozens of meters away that can be entered by two people side by side. Not far from the hole is a pile of sand. That's where Weiwei's construction starts.

Under the leadership of Weiwei, everyone entered the entrance of the cave. Inside was a staircase that sloped downwards. It seemed that the direction was just towards the Burial Sacrifice Hall, but judging from the slope, it should not reach the bottom of the Burial Sacrifice Hall.

As they walked to the bottom, the light became darker and darker, and in the end they could only rely on a few oil lamps to provide light - they were well prepared for drilling holes.

A space the size of a basketball court must have been dug out below. The sand and soil dug out were not all transported out. Instead, Weiwei used her power to press it around and up and down for reinforcement.

According to them, the vents hadn't been made yet, and ventilation was all thanks to Wendy's magic. It could be said that everyone was using their talents to the best of their ability.

The problem place was in the southeast corner of the basement. It was originally a piece of sand, but after digging, a large stone was found.

Weiwei didn't think too much, and followed the standard procedure when encountering a boulder, and used the erosion and smashing move.

However, this stone was the wall tile in the basement of the Funeral Hall. Because Weiwei used too much force, the stone turned into sand and flowed down. The upper part lost its support and collapsed.

This caused the burial ceremony hall on the ground to suffer as well.

At that time, Weiwei didn't realize what happened, so she asked everyone to get in through the gap. After seeing the historical text, she was going to notify Uncle Long.

But after going out and seeing the appearance of the Burial Ceremony Hall, the purpose became to find Uncle Long and surrender.

After seeing the scene, Cobra breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's okay that it just destroyed this place."

Weiwei was shocked when she saw such an abnormal reaction and quickly bowed at 90 degrees: "I was wrong! I'm sorry!"

Perona and the others also bowed: "We were wrong, I'm sorry!"

"What I mean is that there is actually a mechanism in this basement. If you accidentally damage it, the entire basement and the burial ceremony hall will collapse together."

The current situation is better than Cobra expected: "However, Weiwei, you did go too far this time."

"Yes, Uncle Long taught us that power should be used to protect important people and things, and should not be used to show off or destroy." Weiwei's self-examination was so profound that Kobra didn't know how to continue teaching her .

After all, the purpose of criticism and lessons is to make the child realize her mistakes and correct them. Now that she understands everything, what should she say?

"It won't happen again." Kobra glanced at Jackie Chan. This young man seemed to be very good at educating children, and it was reassuring to let Weiwei follow him.

"Have you already seen that stone tablet?"

Weiwei nodded: "Yes, that's a historical text, right? Why is there a historical text in the palace?"

Cobra first looked around at everyone present, as if to confirm whether there was anyone he could not trust.

Zhang Da also said with a wink: "This should be your family's secret, right? Let's avoid it."

"No, since we already know the existence of this stone tablet, it is already related to this matter." Kobra said, "But what I am going to say next, I still want you to keep it as confidential as possible."

Jackie Chan's curiosity has been aroused. Cobra's meaning is related to the origin of the stone tablet: "Please don't worry, we will never leak it easily."

"Thank you." Kobra said seriously, "Actually, this stone tablet is what Crocodile is looking for. It contains clues about Pluto. It records the location of Pluto!"


There was silence, and the expressions on everyone's faces seemed to say: "What then?"

Cobra was silent. This was wrong. Why didn't these people react at all?

"I'm talking about Pluto, Pluto, one of the three ancient weapons that can destroy the world, a terrifying warship that can sink an island with one shot!"

Zhang Daye said calmly: "Yes, we have heard about it."

No one is interested in where Pluto is hiding, and they don't need weapons to destroy the world.

If Jackie Chan is interested, he probably just wants to know where the battleship came from, how it disappeared, and the story of the stone monument in Alabasta.


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