Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 561 The best sparring partner

"Don't worry, we are friends with Hawkeye. I won't blame you if you leave him a letter later." Zhang Daye reassured, "Anyway, you can continue planting after we finish eating."

The baboons were doubtful. Will the friend finish all the food in each other's house? But I can’t beat him anyway, so let’s do whatever you say.

Zhang Da also took off Tom's swordsman hat and showed it to the baboons: "If you don't believe it, look at it, this is the hat Hawkeye gave him."

Tom took out the medicine box at the right time to express his friendship.

The baboons' eyes lit up. Before Zhang Da could help with the treatment, the baboons came over to get bandages and bandaged themselves. It looked like they were quite skillful in doing so.

"I remembered, I saw this kind of baboon in an illustrated animal book of the Navy Headquarters." Shark Pepper said, "They are very good at imitating human behavior, so they are called human imitators."

"If they grow up near gentle humans, then they will be very gentle, but on the contrary they will be very cruel. And these baboons are so good at using human weapons to fight, which means they have witnessed a lot of battles. I also saw some baboons... The moves used are desperate moves, which means..."

Jackie Chan continued with a heavy tone: "...that is to say, the battles they saw were not only numerous, but also potentially very cruel - this must have been a country with constant wars before, so there are those ruins It makes sense.”

"Huh?" Weiwei was startled, "Was this country destroyed by Hawkeye? He is the Shichibukai. If you want to do something, you can do it..."

Although she has met Hawkeye himself and Jinbei, the child Weiwei is still a little sensitive to the title of Shichibukai.

"There are not many traces of swordsmanship in the ruins." Artoria said, "It was probably occupied by him after the destruction of this place."

Zhang Daye pointed at the group of baboons and said, "Just ask the witnesses."

The baboons testified that many of the people here died after being beaten, and then many left the island. Later, Hawkeye came here and beat the baboons, and drove them to clean up the ruins and bury the bodies.

He probably thinks the baboons are quite interesting, so he lets the baboons watch and imitate when practicing his sword. When he is in a good mood, he even goes out of his way to whip them himself... to teach them, since he is bored anyway.

Arturia nodded: "No wonder some baboons have very familiar moves, and baboons who use swords are generally stronger than those who use other weapons."

Zhang Daye discovered something even more interesting: "All the skills of these guys were learned by imitating humans, right? In other words, they are good at growing vegetables because Eagle Eye itself is very good at growing vegetables?"

Xia Lulu complained: "Why is your focus so strange?"

Zhang Da also snickered at the collapse of Hawkeye's painting style, and at the same time he felt a little more close to him: "No, I just have a fondness for people who are good at farming."

The baboons received just the right treatment before Amber Tours checked into the castle.

The principle is that the baboons will treat minor injuries themselves, Zhang Daye and Wendy will treat serious injuries, and Tom will treat injuries that may cause disability.

As a result, severely injured baboons may recover faster than those with minor injuries, and the good news is that there was no attrition in the end.

After visiting Eagle Eye's castle, Zhang Da also just wanted to scold the rich man. This place was probably a palace originally, and Eagle Eye lived alone in such a big castle without fear of retribution.

Hey, aren't we his retribution?

They eat his food, live in his homes, and beat his pets. They are all evil people.

This castle had probably been ransacked before Hawkeye arrived. Except for Hawkeye's own room, wine cellar, and kitchen, every room had only the simplest furniture and no luxurious decorations.

There were only a few tables, chairs and carpets in the hall. It seemed that Hawkeye had simply cleaned them and put in the necessary things.

Everyone did not mess with Hawkeye's personal belongings. They only returned to the ship to get some necessities, and each chose an empty room to stay in.

Of course Zhang Da also chose to stay here not just because of the vegetables, but because of the group of high-level sparring partners.

These baboons are of different strengths and weaknesses. If compared with Sauron before the war, the stronger one can hang up the injured Sauron and beat him, while the weaker one will be destroyed by Sauron even if they fight together.

It may not be enough to compare with today's Amber Tour Group, but their imitation talent is very strong. They can imitate the moves they have seen once, which makes them very suitable as sparring partners for those in the team who are not strong enough in physical skills.

Even if they are strong enough, they can also request that they are not allowed to use the powerful fighting method of flying bricks.

So everyone selected a baboon that was physically strong enough and not injured as the opponent.

Zhang Da also thought for a moment and said, "Shall Ye Yan go on first? I'll give it a try for everyone."

Under Zhang Daye's instigation, Ye Yan decided... to ask Uncle Long to go first. He wanted to see the situation first, otherwise he always felt that Zhang Daye wanted to trick him.

"The heart of a villain will judge the heart of a gentleman." Zhang Daye shook his head sadly, "Even if I want to trick you, I won't drag everyone together."

"Really?" Ye Yan expressed that he didn't believe his nonsense, "Maybe it will be a different matter after I get in first."

Uncle Long was much brighter than Ye Yan and stood opposite the baboon without any hesitation. He thought for a moment, spread his feet apart, moved his hands forward and back, and made a very common starting position.

The baboon opposite scratched his head, dropped the weapon in his hand under the gaze of everyone, and assumed the same starting position as Uncle Long.

"Are you starting to learn now? Let's test it out first." Jackie Chan rushed forward and held the baboon's fist with his left hand. He tripped and made the baboon lose its center of gravity. He held the baboon's body with his right hand and threw him out.

Ye Yan pinched his chin: "It seems that he is not very powerful, and he really didn't trick me?"

"We are all companions, so you should have more trust in me." Zhang Daye said, "If you still don't believe it, wait until I'm done and you can do it again."

Ye Yan nodded and said, "I really should trust you more, so you go ahead."

Zhang Daye: "..."

"Come on, I'm going to fight ten of them!" Zhang Da also ordered ten onlookers to come on and fight with bare hands.

The baboons all assumed the posture that Uncle Long had just done.

But that simple move was of no use to Zhang Da. He quickly defeated ten baboons, and used different moves each time.

Ye Yan suddenly thought of something. These baboons seemed to be called 'human imitators'?

It seems like I always used the moves I hate the most just now, right? Nowadays, these baboons are extremely talented in imitation, which means that they should have learned all these tricks, at least one of them has learned one set...

"You still said you weren't cheating on me!"

Zhang Da also grinned: "It's for strengthening and consolidation, and you asked me to go up first."

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