Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 552 Enel: I just want to eat an apple

Chapter 552 Enel: I just want to eat an apple...

"Why do you have to do this kind of thing for me?"

In the distance, the beautiful girl with cat ears had folded her wings, and she and Zhang Daye were watching the rush of buying that Ye Yan created.

"Because you are the only one with wings, and you look the most like a Skylander." Zhang Daye patted Xia Lulu on the shoulder and comforted him, "Look at it, you're just trying to support me."

Xia Lulu said unhappily: "I always feel like I'm cheating them of their money."

Zhang Da also thought about it and asked, "Did you just lie?"

"...No." Xia Lulu really felt that the cakes made by Tom were delicious. She was not lying. Her words about wanting to eat ten more were also from the bottom of her heart.

As for those words at the beginning, they were just loudly speaking everyone's problems to Ye Yan when Ye Yan signaled, and they did not involve lying.

But it still feels weird.

"That's enough, you didn't lie, and Arturia and Misaka didn't lie either. Ye Yan's expression may be a bit exaggerated. It's just a marketing ploy, but it can't be classified as a scam."

Zhang Da also said confidently: "And the things we sell are indeed good things, and there is no live broadcast selling fake wine."

Thinking about it this way, there seemed to be no problem. Xia Lulu said doubtfully: "But Ye Yan is a family member. He said he wanted to give the best discount, but the snacks sold were about the same price as the normal ones in the store, and some were even more expensive. .”

"Don't worry about this anymore. Just listen to the common sayings of businesses such as 'Customers are God', 'Customers are parents', 'Customers are family'..."

"As for the price issue, no one stipulates that the goods sold by the anchors must be cheaper than those sold in the store...ah, that's not right."

Zhang Da also realized that their situations were different: "The dim sum made by Tom are all high-quality, and they taste much better than those in ordinary stores. It is normal for them to be more expensive."

"Is that so?" Xia Lulu put her hands on her hips. She subconsciously felt that what Zhang Daye and Ye Yan came together to come up with was not that simple.

Enel has been very annoyed lately.

He had always felt that someone was following him since the past few days, but when he used the Xinwang to investigate, the 'voice' he noticed did not look like a human being, and gave him a hazy feeling.

Enelu also tried to investigate the true identity of these unknown creatures, but he failed seven or eight times. Those creatures seemed to be very alert. Only once did he see a foggy thing floating by, and let him punch and kick it. All to no avail.

‘Maybe it’s some strange natural phenomenon? ’ Enelu thought so at the time.

However, that day, his favorite apple was snatched away just as he was about to move his mouth.

"Who is it!?" Enilu was furious as he looked at the dark green figure flying away. Although he had no special abilities, he had never suffered a loss due to his possession of the Heart Network.

So Enelu chased after him with a long stick: "What on earth is this thing? Stop right here!"

After chasing after him, Enelu found a cloud of dark green smoke next to the dark green object. It was floating while saying sarcastic remarks:

"I told you to take action earlier, but the good apple was almost bitten! Has it been too long since you have done such an immoral thing, and your skills are rusty?"

"Stop talking nonsense, take the apple and get out of here!" Suifeng Er threw the apple away angrily.

Jin Erpeng turned into a physical entity and took the apple, fluttering his wings and flying high into the sky.

With nothing in his hand, Sui Feng'er turned into smoke and got into the gaps between several nearby island clouds.

Enelu, who was chasing behind, had a question mark on his forehead: "Is this... a foggy dog?"

It has bird-like wings and can fly. It is accompanied by fog when it appears and disappears. Although the scope of the fog is a bit small and the color is strange, it is characteristic of a foggy dog, right?

"But why did the foggy dog ​​want to steal my apple?" Anilu was puzzled. He couldn't find Sui Feng Er nearby, so he had to go back in dismay.

As expected, all the apples he had stored at home were also taken away. Enel was angry for a while, but he could only let it go.

Then the same thing happened four more times in five days.

Enelu can't bear it anymore. Fruits have become more and more expensive recently!

And you can’t even buy it!

He hasn't eaten his favorite apple for six days. Even if he is a real foggy dog, this is too much!

On the seventh day, Enelu finally bought a few apples and finally used his inner network to catch the hand that was touching his apples.

"Hahahaha! I finally caught you!" Enelu laughed loudly, "Whether it's a foggy dog ​​or something else, I'm going to let you know how powerful I am today!"

But today's one seems to look different from the previous two... Enelu was surprised, there are any accomplices?

Sure enough, the flag demon who was caught by him shouted behind Enelu without any panic: "Hurry up, plan B!"

"Here we come!" Jin Erpeng descended from the sky and swooped towards Enel...the apple in his hand.

"Don't even think about it!" Enilu raised his leg to kick Jin Erpeng, but failed because the flag demon he was holding was named Moli Zha.

Ye Yan's flag demons each have their own strengths, such as flying, diving, reconnaissance, animal language...

Most of them are auxiliary specialties, and the speciality of the magic ritual scum is a binding technique.

"Demon family Hun Tian Ling!"

This name was a bit disrespectful to Nezha, but it was really useful. The dark green ribbon on Moli Zha's body flew down from his body, tying Enelu tightly.

Enelu fell to the ground, struggling like a worm: "Damn it! What is this!"

The magician scumbag smiled and said, "Hey, isn't it cool? If you are not satisfied, I can change the binding method for you next time. I learned some techniques from the magazine before, you will like it."

Enelu yelled: "You bastards! I won't let you go!"

"Stop talking nonsense to him, get to work and get out!" Jin Erpeng took all the apples as ordered and flew out of the window.

"Let's go." The magic gift residue turned into mist, and the dark green ribbon was taken back by him.

Out of control, Enelu threw all the tables, chairs and benches at home, but he still couldn't hurt the magic gift scum at all.

After venting, Enelu began to think about when he had provoked such a thing.

Calculating carefully, it should have started after that group of strange blue sea people came here, right?

They seem to be collecting fruits too. Are these monsters their subordinates?

Enelu made a guess, but it was of no use. He couldn't even deal with these monsters, how could he still trouble those blue sea people?

As for other ways... Although Bika also has a escort-like existence, Enelu feels that he cannot afford to lose that person.

If you go to the escort and say that you have encountered a monster, people will definitely ask, what did the monster do to you, did it hurt you?

The answer was: He didn’t hurt me, but he robbed me of my apples, seven times.

are you crazy!

Enelu sat cross-legged on the ground slumped, holding his chin with one hand, and his two long earlobes drooped on his legs. He sighed and said to himself helplessly: "I just want to eat an apple... …”

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