Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 507 So This Magic Array Is Not Broken

Zhang Daye's voice fell, and a needle could almost be heard on the scene.

Because of his casual remark, most people in the audience were frightened.

Mariejoya is the residence of the Tianlong people, and it is called a holy place. People like Zhang Daye who are not from this world may know the meaning of the holy place, but they cannot understand the weight of this word.

That's something that makes people feel awe or awe as long as it is mentioned, even if there is no awe, they will never say it so easily like him, let alone use it as a joke.

Moreover, it is a serious crime to be disrespectful to the Tianlong people. Making such dangerous remarks in public is enough for the world government to order people to be arrested!

The pirates may be a little stronger, but the murlocs, from guards to ministers to the royal family, are already scared to death. Doesn't this person have the slightest respect for the world's nobles? How can you say that when you blow up the Holy Land, it's as easy as setting off a firework?

The backs of people with weaker psychological endurance are already wet with cold sweat. So Mr. Tatsuya is such a dangerous person?

"Please, please don't make such a joke!" Princess Otoji was the first to react, she didn't feel any strong hatred in Zhang Daye's heart, so she just thought he was not convinced by White Beard.

But it would be very troublesome for someone with a heart to hear such words, so Otohime decided to instruct Zhang Da to pay attention to his words later.

It's just that Zhang Daye's attitude is very pleasing to the eyes of White Beard. This kid looks like he doesn't mind making troubles, so he should be a pirate by nature! I asked if I would dare to protect Mary Joya if I bombed it?

"Gu la la la la..." Whitebeard laughed for a while, and responded positively, "As long as you have the courage!"

Marco, Vista and other people who have been with the white beard for a long time showed a natural expression, as long as the son caused trouble, even if it poked a hole in the sky, the father would take it for them.

The guards swallowed their saliva one after another: "Is this... the spirit of the great pirate Whitebeard?"

"As expected of the old man with white beard." Jinbei was not too surprised by what White Beard said. But why did Mr. Tatsuya say that, did he have any enmity with the Tianlong people?

It doesn't matter what others think, anyway, what White Beard wanted to say has already been said, he gave an order:

"Whitebeard Pirates, set sail!"

"This old man..." The white beard was so chic, but Zhang Da felt a little embarrassed. After all, he was thinking about earning their bounty a few days ago, so he couldn't feel at ease this time, "Forget it, we'll talk about it later."


In the past few days, the little girls did not stay in the Dragon Palace City all the time, but went to many places under the leadership of Bai Xing. Of course, the worried Neptune arranged for someone to protect them along the way, and specially sent the right minister to take care of them.

After a few days, they also managed to get acquainted with Kemi.

‘She’s a very nervous girl, easy to get along with. ’ After Perona made a judgment, she had bad thoughts again.

However, although Kemi is also yearning for the ground, she has her own designer dream to realize, at least for now, she is not willing to travel around with everyone.

Uncle Long felt that Minister You looked stable and reliable, so he didn't act with the little girls, but visited around with Ye Yan. Neither of them had ever been to Fishman Island. This time, they feasted their eyes on Mermaid Cafe and Mermaid Bay A feast for the eyes in every sense of the word.

Every time it was time to leave, Ye Yan's banner demons refused to leave.

The day after Whitebeard left, Zhang Da also went to Haizhisen to visit Mr. Dan the boatman, who is the younger brother of Master Tom, the world's number one boatbuilder, and the person who built the Amber.

By the way, I also asked him to check the situation of the Amber, and then help with coating.

"Has this ship really experienced many battles?" Mr. Dan asked a question similar to Franky's.

"That's right, besides the battle, there have been many times of bad weather." Zhang Da also said, "Occasionally there will be small repairs and repairs, but except for one modification in the capital of seven waters, there is basically no major repair. "

"Does the modification refer to the power system? It's very creative, and my brother really taught a good disciple." Dan touched the cat's head of the bow statue, "This ship is well protected by you, and it has not been repaired. It’s necessary, but don’t worry about the coating job to me.”

The statue on the bow felt the warm hands on top of his head, and he wanted to cry. This person should be his father, right?

Father, you have no idea what your child has been through! Everyone's protection is of course very strong, but——they often forget about me!

The statue was bitter, but he didn't say anything, and didn't even dare to move. His intuition told him that if he was exposed, the treatment would be worse.

"Strange, I always feel that someone is calling me." Dan looked around for a while but couldn't find anything unusual, and quickly got into work.


"Well, are you having fun here?"

In the evening, Zhang Da also asked about everyone's play experience, and received a lot of praise.

Obviously, this fantastic underwater island has brought you a very novel experience. Even if you have been here once, you will still find it very interesting when you come again.

And the most distinctive dessert here also made Tom and the girls here couldn't stop.

Perona said vigilantly: "Why did you suddenly ask this, wouldn't you be leaving so soon?"

Zhang Da also said: "No, I'm just asking casually. It's nothing important anyway. It doesn't matter if you like to play for a while."

So everyone voted unanimously by a show of hands and decided to stay for a while.

When Zhang Da was about to leave for exercise, Perona called him to stop and asked if he could take Bai Xing with him when he left.


"Why? Because she is a princess?" Perona didn't understand, "But even Weiwei can bring her, why can't she bring Shirahoshi?"

Because he is the king of the sea. Now in Dragon Palace City, you can't talk nonsense, so Zhang Da can only say:

"King Neptune and Princess Otohime will not agree, and Shirahoshi is already five meters high, and the cabin can't even get in. Are you going to let her sleep on the deck?"

Perona thought about Shirahoshi's size, and was suddenly discouraged.

I heard that she was less than four meters tall more than a year ago, but now she is more than five meters tall. I don't know if the Amber will be able to carry her after a while.

Although the mermaid can sleep in the sea, but everyone is on the boat, it is too pitiful to leave her alone in the water, and the weather on the great route is so bad, it is definitely impossible not to board the boat.

As for changing a ship... Regardless of whether Wendy can bear it or not, Perona herself is also reluctant to part with the Amber.

Although she always said that she likes castles and wants big rooms, the small room on the Amber full of dolls is her favorite place now.

So Perona had no choice but to let go of the idea, and followed Zhang Daye and the others to exercise together in despair.

Perona tried to add companions, but failed.

However, what was unexpected was that Zhang Daye's magic circle, which had not attracted newcomers for a long time, finally made a movement today.

"It turns out that the magic circle is not broken..." Zhang Da also looked at the long-lost magic circle on the ground, and managed to choke out such a sentence.

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