Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 492 Torn apart and emergency escape

It has been ten months since the great Lord Bucky was imprisoned in Impel City.

Bucky still can't forget the experience back then. That nasty man first forced them to perform a circus all day long, and then arrested them mercilessly.

The most hateful thing is that he even snatched the treasure map belonging to Mr. Bucky!

Even though he was imprisoned in the advancing city for ten months, Bucky never forgot this hatred. Sooner or later, the great Lord Bucky will escape from here and take back his own treasure!

Having said that, the city of advancement is tightly guarded and it is located in a windless zone. As a capable person, even if Bucky can escape the gate of the city of advancement, he will immediately become a ration for the sea kings.

But Bucky did not give up. Since the Golden Lion could escape ten years ago, Lord Bucky must be able to escape, but it requires a perfect timing and a little bit of luck.

This point of luck was achieved on the day he was imprisoned. After experiencing the inhumane baptism, Bucky was pleasantly surprised to find that after the jailer fished him out to supervise him to change his clothes, he actually took the wrong handcuffs!

"Ah~hahaha... stupid guy!" When he found out that his ability was still usable, Bucky's nose bubbled up, so much so that he didn't even bother to call him a smirking red nose angry.

As long as you have the ability, you can definitely escape the prison quietly!

From that day on, Bucky acted like an ordinary prisoner on the surface, but in fact he has been investigating the terrain of the prison and the movement patterns of the staff.

Since the bounty when he was arrested was only 10 million Baileys, and it came from the weakest sea, Bucky didn't get enough attention, and was easily classified as 'can't beat the blue gorilla', so he was assigned to the underground one. layer.

This should be considered the easiest floor to escape from. When he heard the news, Bucky couldn't help imagining the scene where he successfully escaped from prison, overthrew Zhang Daye, and snatched back the treasure. His expression gradually lost control.

"Why are you in a daze, run!" The jailer whipped Bucky.

This is a routine punishment every day. The prison guards will drive the prisoners into the 'Sword Tree' forest, and let the poisonous spiders chase them. Those who don't want to die can only run with all their strength, and then they will be bruised and bruised by the blade-like leaves and grass leaves. .

In order not to reveal the fact that he can use his abilities, Bucky escapes alone every day, and waits until the end of the punishment time to tear his clothes, and then find a way to get some blood on them.

After the punishment is over, Bucky will hide in the corner, control his ears to split out, and quietly listen to the jailers or prisoners. If necessary, he will split his face and stick to the roof to see something with his own eyes.

It's a pity that the parts of the body that were split off couldn't be too far away, which greatly slowed down the speed of intelligence gathering.

Fortunately, the sky paid off. After several months of hard work, Bucky finally knew the way to the basement level like the back of his hand, and even planned the best escape route. He was only one chance away from leaving the calm zone safely.

Bucky has already thought about this point. He understands that the door of justice will only open when the ship escorting the prisoners comes to advance to the city. As long as he takes that opportunity to sneak out and secretly deal with the few sailors left behind, he can leave smoothly.

At that time, you can consider going to the management room to steal the keys and release some prisoners to cause chaos. Just considering that the prisoners at his level are all weak chickens who can't beat the blue gorilla, Bucky is still a little hesitant. If Magellan makes a move at that time, I'm afraid everyone will be poisoned to death.

There is still room for improvement in the plan, such as how to avoid the most difficult people, including the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and Warden.

The best one to deal with was Magellan, because he was too easy to avoid because he spent eight hours a day sleeping and ten hours squatting on the toilet.

As for the other two, it wasn't until today that Bucky found an opportunity. The two actually left at the same time and ran to the ground to receive guests.

The specific situation is unclear, but Bucky heard that there are very important people who are coming today, and if Magellan doesn't have diarrhea, he may go to greet him in person.

There has never been a better opportunity!

Bucky made a quick decision, splitting himself into smaller pieces and slipping through the bars of the cell door.

"Bucky? Are you a capable person? Didn't they handcuff you with Hailoushi?" The prisoner in the same cell looked at him in shock.

Bucky's upper body assembled in an instant, and he floated in front of him and raised his fingers: "Shhhhhhh, you idiot!"

"Listen well, now I, Lord Bucky, will steal the key right away, and then take you out of this place! If you want to go out, just cover me and pretend that I'm still there!"

"Really?" The prisoners showed surprise expressions, "Then please! As long as you can leave here, it doesn't matter if you are the boss!"

The criminals acted cooperatively, blocking the view of phone bugs in every corner.

But after Bucky left, everyone looked at each other tacitly, and laughed: "That idiot really thinks he can escape?"

"Whatever, he will be discovered soon anyway, and he will definitely be punished miserably afterwards. This is a good show to watch."

The prisoners themselves didn't believe that they could escape from prison, and Bucky's behavior seemed to them to be a beating.

But as long as they can see others being unluckier than themselves, they will be very happy, which is one of the few pleasures in this ghost place of Advance City.

However, Bucky couldn't help laughing after he left their sight: "Who would go to save you on purpose, idiot! I'm just perfunctory because I'm worried about your shouting. Of course, there are fewer people who want to escape from prison quietly." The better, ah~ hahaha..."

"Okay, now we're going to run away in earnest! Torn to pieces, shard camouflage!"

In an instant, Bucky split into countless fragments less than five centimeters, scattered and stuck to the walls, roof, and floor, flying forward slowly, and there was nothing that could be seen without careful identification.

As for the feet that couldn't get off the ground, they were covered with a rag, and they moved slowly in the shadow of the corner of the wall.

Everything is going according to plan. Bucky escaped from the basement level smoothly along the stairs without attracting anyone's attention. Next, as long as he leaves the exit and snatches the warship, Mr. Bucky will be completely free!

However, Bucky never expected that he actually met the person he hated the second in his life on the basement floor!

The person who made him go to prison is actually here! Although he was wearing navy clothes, there was no doubt that it was the man. Bucky said that he would recognize him even if he turned into ashes!

Is that guy actually in the navy? Bucky wanted to pounce on him on the spot to give him a mini Bucky bomb, but he suddenly noticed the people around him: "Ze Ze Ze Ze Ze Fa!?"

That is to say, the mouth part is split, otherwise Bucky will definitely shout out, why is the former general here?

Is Zefa the important guest that the prison is going to welcome today?

In other words, the next warship he wants to grab belongs to Zefa?

Bucky swallowed his saliva in a very unscientific way, it seems too late to go back to the cell and wait for another chance, right? He felt that if he didn't succeed this time, those inmates would definitely report him.

There is no other choice now, Bucky can only bite the bullet and continue, anyway, he just wants to steal Zefa's warship, and there is no need to defeat him head-on.

"It seems that someone is watching us." Artoria said the same thing as Rui Mengmeng, and added, "It's not like that phone bug."

"Huh?" Zhang Da also showed his knowledge and arrogance, and caught many weak 'voices' around him. He asked, "In the prison...are there mice? Or cockroaches?"

Published a new book "Pirate: My partner is too unscrupulous", in the windmill village, summoned Aqua at the beginning...

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