Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 465 I have to pay it back (4000 words)

Of course, there is no problem to treat Ain. After all, she is also Artoria's roommate and fan girl. We have also gone out to play together many times, so we can't just watch her have an accident.

Zhang Da also hurried over with Wendy, winking at Arturia before leaving.

Artoria nodded to express her understanding. She signaled everyone to fight for the other sailors, and she chose a nearby place to pay attention to Zefa's battle.

Binz took a lot of effort to dig Ai Yin out of the ruins, his body was covered in dust: "Ai Yin, Ai Yin!"

Binz tested Ain's breath and pulse, and he was relieved to confirm that she was still alive. Just as he was about to take her to the military doctor, Binz saw Zhang Daye and Wendy.

"Here!" Binz shouted, "Mr. Tatsuya, Miss Wendy!"

Zhang Da also found a bed from the inventory, and gently lifted Ain up with Binz, while Wendy whispered "be careful" and "don't touch the wound".

"There are more than a dozen fractures on the body, the ribs on the lower left side are almost shattered, a slight concussion, and the internal organs are also ruptured..." Wendy quickly checked Ain, and immediately cast healing magic, and said sympathetically, "What a serious injury, Ain What kind of battle did Miss go through?"

Hearing that Wendy reported Ain's serious injuries item by item, Binz felt relieved. It's not scary to be seriously injured, but it's scary for the doctor to shake his head and leave. Since Wendy didn't say it can't be cured, it means it can be cured and the problem is not serious.

"Ai Yin, she was hit head-on by that strange weapon of Xu Hai." Binz briefly talked about the situation at the time, and said angrily, "That guy wants to use such a despicable trick if he can't beat Teacher Zefa!"

It seems that he is a ruthless character. Ai Yin was targeted because of her outstanding performance, right? Zhang Da guessed the same way.

"Leave it to us here." Zhang Da also said, "Go and see other people. If there are wounded who are difficult for the military doctor to deal with, come to us."

"...Okay." Binz originally wanted to go back to support, but since Zhang Da also appeared here, the other members of the Amber Tour Group should also be here, plus Teacher Zefa, there is no problem in the battlefield, indeed It is more important to treat the wounded.

After walking a long way, Binz suddenly realized that he subconsciously believed that the amber tour group was as reliable as Mr. Zefa.

Seeing Binz walking away, Zhang Da also confirmed that no one was watching, and reached out to Ain to help Wendy heal together. In terms of the strength of healing magic alone, Zhang Da has not lost to Wendy, but the contact time is not long enough, he is not as proficient as Wendy, and he doesn't want to be known by outsiders.

"Hmm..." Amidst the green light, Ai Yin woke up leisurely, looked around with a little confusion in her eyes, and when she saw Wendy and Zhang Daye, she immediately wanted to get up.

Zhang Da also hurriedly pressed her shoulder lightly: "Don't move around, the treatment is not over yet... Even if it is over, you will have to lie down for a while."

"Mr. Tatsuya, Wendy..." Ain frowned, as if aware of her situation, "Thank you, how are you, Teacher Zefa?"

"There are other people watching over there, so you should lie down first." Zhang Da also persuaded, and praised, "I heard from Binz, you are really brave enough."

Ai Yin didn't feel happy, her eyes were a little lost: "Because in that situation, I really have nothing but courage..."

Courage did not bring her victory. After calming down and thinking about it, Ain suddenly felt that in that situation, her actions were not so much brave as reckless.

"That's how precious it is..." Zhang Da also paused, feeling a little suspicious of standing up and talking without pain in his back, and then said, "If you are not reconciled, just work hard to become stronger. You are only in the training camp. Stayed for a few months, and redoubled efforts for the rest of the time."

Ain regained a little confidence.

"Brother Tatsuya, it's fine." Wendy said, "But there are some places where it's better to wear bandages."

"Okay." Zhang Da also took out the medical kit and handed it to Wendy, noticing that the clothes on Ai Yin's body were a little damaged, Zhang Da also took out another set of clothes, and then turned around, it was not convenient for him to participate in the rest, It can only be handed over to Wendy.

"Mr. Tatsuya, there is one thing I can't understand." Ai Yin let Wendy cut off her coat, wrapped the bandages where necessary, and thought of the process of being injured, "Why is my ability so important to Xu?" What if the sea doesn't work?"

"Well, it should be because of domineering." Zhang Da also sat cross-legged on the ground, lest he couldn't help but want to turn around.

"Domineering?" Ai Yin is no stranger to this word. She remembered that Teacher Zefa said when introducing Zhang Daye that this is a genius who has mastered domineering in only a few months.

"That's right, enough domineering can offset the effects of some abilities. Your abilities and Perona's abilities are included in this list." Zhang Da is not surprised either. According to Shark Pepper's information, this Xu Hai is very likely He is a character comparable to the Three Calamities, and even if he is not as good, he is not too far behind. It is not surprising that a person like him can use his arrogance to offset Ai Yin's ability.

Zhang Da also continued to explain: "This is also the reason why Mr. Zefa didn't let you assist him in fighting—even if you use your abilities to help him return to his youthful state, once you use your domineering energy during the battle, it will still return to its original state. Sometimes you may suffer a lot because you don’t adapt to the sudden changes in your body.”

"In this case, wouldn't it be pointless for me to practice my ability normally?"

"On the contrary, you haven't developed enough." Zhang Da also said, "There is a limit to using domineering to offset your ability. In the final analysis, it still depends on your strength. As long as the gap is not too big, you can give him A big surprise."

Speaking of this, Zhang Da also had a sudden thought: "Ai Yin, when you recover, can you use your ability on me once?"

He also wants to try his domineering level, although he can try with Perona, but...if he can't stand it, he can't afford to lose that person.

"Ah? It's okay...as long as you don't mind."

Wendy quickly helped Ain tie the bandage, changed her clothes, helped her to lie down slowly, and then squatted aside a little aggrieved.

Ain was a little awkward, recuperating on the bed next to the ruins, always feeling that something was wrong. I didn't notice it just now, but now that I think about it, why did Mr. Tatsuya bring a bed with him? Is the ability of the bag of fruits used in this way?

Zhang Da also asked: "What's the matter, Wendy, are you tired?"

Wendy showed an expression of "I have nothing to love", and said weakly: "No, it's just a little hit."

Zhang Da also wondered: "Strike?"

"Yeah." Wendy hugged her calf with both hands, buried her face in her knees, and Zhang Da refused to ask her any questions.

It doesn't matter, I'm only twelve years old, I will grow up one day, Wendy silently encouraged herself.

It wasn't until Binz came over with a group of wounded that Wendy regained her spirits and treated the sailors one by one.

According to the usual practice, in order to prevent insufficient magic power, Wendy only treats the serious injuries that may die to the extent that they can recover after a while, and the rest can be handled by ordinary doctors.

I have to say that the vitality of this group of students is really strong. After being pierced in the chest, one person held a knife and killed the pirates, and then only did simple emergency treatment and has persisted until now; Even more exaggerated, he was shot in the throat and was still alive.

Even Wendy felt a little unconfident about such a serious injury, she looked at Zhang Daye as if asking for help while she was being treated.

Zhang Da also stretched out a hand to grab Wendy's little hand, and seemed to be comforting Wendy who was trembling slightly because of fear. In fact, he was also using healing magic. Anyway, it was all green light, and these Muggles couldn't tell the difference. Clear who issued it.

After finally treating all the wounded soldiers, Wendy raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead, and received a lot of thankful voices.

"You don't have to be so polite, let's send everyone back to rest." Wendy smiled sweetly.

Many sailors were instantly struck by such bright smiles. This is the child who brought their comrades back from death:

"so cute!"

"Is this the power of the Miko of the Sky?"

"Angel, it's an angel!"

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" At this moment, Binzi ran over with a strong figure on his back, and said incoherently, "Mr. Zefa, please save Teacher Zefa!"

The faces of the sailors changed drastically. Is something wrong with Mr. Zefa? It's all about protecting them...

Zhang Da was also stunned, and then felt it shouldn't be, Artoria and the others are all there, even Tom is there, Zefa shouldn't have an accident.

He hurriedly checked Zefa's situation with Wendy, and after a few minutes, the two looked at each other.

Does this guy seem to be okay?

The sailors had already formed a circle, no matter whether they were injured or not, even Ai Yin got up, looked at Zhang Daye and Wendy nervously, and asked nervously, "How is it? Teacher Zefa Is he seriously injured?"

Wendy said suspiciously: "Mr. Zefa didn't suffer any injuries, and his physical condition is even better than Miss Ain's."

"Hey???" The sailors collectively looked shocked.

"Go back and lie down, don't join in the fun, and quickly carry all the seriously injured back." Zhang Da said in a bad mood, "Binz, what's going on?"

"Impossible, I clearly saw that Teacher Zefa completely defeated Xu Hai with his last punch, but Xu Hai also stabbed Teacher Zefa in the chest with his weapon." Binz pointed to Zefa's chest, "Look, The holes and blood on the clothes are still there!"

Of course Zhang Da also saw the big bloodstain, but he didn't find any wound, so both he and Wendy thought it was someone else's blood.

Hearing what Binz said, did he heal on the way?

Zhang Da also closed his eyes, felt Zefa's state, and said with a strange expression: "Mr. Zefa's breath is normal, but my experience tells me...he is hungry, very hungry, very hungry."

"Huh?" Binz couldn't believe it. I don't know how to be knowledgeable, so don't lie to me. He asked, "Can knowledgeable and domineering people know whether others are hungry or not?"

"There are a few people who will acquire some special abilities after mastering the color of knowledge, such as listening to other people's voices, such as sensing other people's emotions, and I am among these few people." Zhang Da also looked up at the sky and said quietly , "My ability is to be able to perceive the hunger of others."

Binz was stunned when he heard it. It sounds like it is a rare talent to acquire special abilities, but Mr. Tatsuya's tone sounded a little sad. Even if this ability is a bit strange, it will always find a suitable use, right? For example, if you open a restaurant, you can accurately attract hungry customers...

After thinking about it for a while, Binz finally understood Zhang Daye's feelings. He racked his brains and didn't know how to comfort him.

But he didn't need to comfort him, Zhang Da had already accepted the reality. In fact, Zhang Da was quite pleasantly surprised when he first discovered that he had this ability.

As he said, special knowledge is a very rare talent. To be able to feel the hunger of others, maybe he opened it in the wrong way. The real usage may be to perceive the other person's physical condition or weakness.

But after repeated experiments, Zhang Da finally confirmed that this is simply the ability to perceive the hunger level of others, and to be able to judge whether others are 70% full or 80% full when eating.

As for the effect...it is convenient for him to call everyone to dinner on time? It can also help him judge when Artoria is really hungry and when she is eating just for the sake of eating.

Of course, Tom is still an exception. It is very likely that he was still full one second, and became hungry when he saw a fish in the next second. Or you don't need to eat when you are hungry, but you eat very happily when you are full.

Tom may be even more miraculous than Schrödinger's cat, because Tom's state has nothing to do with him as an observer.

"In short, I can be sure that Mr. Zefa is just too hungry." Zhang Da also speculated that Zefa may have used life return many times in fierce battles, consuming too much energy, and at the same time, he may have overused his domineering. leading to coma.

Thinking of this, he took out a bedside table, and the drawers were filled with various snacks.

Zhang Da also opened Zefa's mouth and stuffed a piece of chocolate into it. As the chocolate melted, Zefa's throat moved, and then there was a loud noise in his stomach.

Zefa slowly opened his eyes, confirming what Zhang Daye said.

"Teacher Zefa!" The soldiers looked at Zefa in surprise. If something happened to him, it would be like the sky fell to them students.

Zefa's lips moved, but Zhang Da didn't wait for him to speak, and directly tore open the packaging of one bag after another of snacks, and stuffed them into Zefa's mouth.

Feed, he is very familiar.

It's just that the person who was feeding this time was not what he expected, so the action was a little rough.

"What a gaffe." After eating all the snacks, Zefa stood up and bowed solemnly, "Also, thank you this time."

After bowing, Zefa straightened up and gave another military salute: "Thank you very much!"

The bow is Zefa's personal thanks to Zhang Daye and Wendy for saving his students, and the salute is his, as a navy, thanking them for saving so many future naval officers and academies.

The sailors who could stand stood at attention and saluted, and those who couldn't stand tried to salute with their elbows propped up on their bodies.

Wendy held her heart in both hands, looking touched. Zhang Da also chose to spoil the atmosphere: "Well, thank you, thank you, what you ate just now was Artoria's reserve snack box, you have to return it."

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