Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 461 Gambling Your Life (4200 words)

The fortress of the G-2 branch of the navy is located in the first half of the great route, not far from the Kingdom of Lulucia. The sea area around the Kingdom of Lulucia is basically under the responsibility of the G-2 branch.

If the training camp wants to practice near here, they need to come over to say hello first, and then they may be stationed here directly, and then, like in the Chambord Islands, the G-2 branch will provide information and arrange patrol tasks.

"Teacher Zefa, you've worked hard all the way!" Lieutenant General Gumir, the person in charge of the fortress, is an 'extremely smart' person, with a circle of long gray hair politely giving way to the high ground in the middle, dark skin, thick lips, Wearing a dark red suit, wearing a navy justice cloak, with two long knives on his waist.

Although he looks older than Zefa, he is indeed Zefa's student.

Zefa smiled: "Gumir, I'm going to trouble you again this time."

"It is also my honor to have the opportunity to teach outstanding juniors." Gumir noticed Zhang Daye and others who had disembarked from the Amber, and asked uncertainly, "Are they really going to join the navy as rumored by the outside world? ?”

I always feel that these people are a bit incongruous in the clothes of ordinary sailors, that is to say, this group of people has good looks and can hold on.

"Unfortunately, although I really hope this is the case...they don't have the will yet." Zefa said, "This is also very good. It is said that I came to the training camp to learn, but in fact the students have received a lot of care and encouragement from them. , Now both training and studying are very energetic."

It's more than an incentive, it's a blow. If it weren't for the fact that the trainees in the training camp were all carefully selected, and Zefa's psychological counseling was in place, some people would have given up on themselves and started to behave badly.

It's hard to say how strong this group of students will be after graduation, but Zefa can guarantee that their psychological endurance is absolutely first-class, and everyone has the hope of becoming a commanding talent who will not be surprised by changes.

"Really?" Lieutenant General Gumier didn't understand why, but he still said, "Then we need to treat him well."

"Hello Lieutenant General." Zhang Daye and the others greeted Gumir under Zefa's introduction.

"Hi, it's our first meeting." Gumier had a good first impression of them. He felt that the Amber tour group was very polite from people to cats and even ducks.

Gumir said: "Everyone and the team captains of the training camps, please come with me. The situation in the nearby waters may change in the past few days, and the internship plan may need to be slightly adjusted."

The meeting room of the G-2 branch is not as big as Shambord, and Gumier can only bring some people in.

Today's training camp has been organized into teams by Zefa according to the results of various aspects, and the team leader is temporarily assumed by the person with the best results, and Ain and Binz are among them.

But since everyone needs to learn to command, the formation will be readjusted depending on the situation in the future.

Of course, because the strength of the amber tour group exceeds the standard, and there is no formal organization, Zefa does not take them to play when forming a formation, and directly classifies them as a special team and lets them go on their own.

The meeting room of the G-2 branch is very simple. On the wall in front of it is a plaque that reads [Easy Justice]. All kinds of information are written in different fonts.

This word was written uglier than Perona. It was uglier because it had a security function. Zhang Da also stared at it for a long time before barely recognizing the words 'Tooth Frog Pirates'.

"Coffee, please." A sea soldier wearing a chef's hat and apron put a cup of coffee with a strong aroma in front of everyone, and it smelled very appetizing.

But when it was Zhang Daye's turn, his expression changed, and he declined politely, "Sorry, I'm not used to coffee, can I replace it with fruit juice or plain water?"

Hai Bing said kindly: "Ah, we didn't think carefully, and I will give you another cup right away."

"Thank you." After Zhang Da thanked Artoria, he winked at Artoria. However, the Dumao Wang he called was temporarily disconnected because he was attracted by the color and aroma of coffee, and failed to receive the signal.

"Hehehehehe~" Perona said to Zhang Daye very sternly, "Some people are afraid of the bitter taste of coffee, are they children?"

Zhang Da also sighed, and originally wanted to remind her, since she is so arrogant, it's fine: "Miss Perona is so mature and reliable, but she must taste it well, and don't waste a bit. Do you want to change Vivi and Wendy?"

"Of course!" Because Zhang Da was also "subdued" successfully, Perona's nostrils were almost turned upside down.

Wendy struggled for a while, she actually doesn't like bitter coffee, but "should a mature adult learn to taste coffee"? Wendy was successfully brought into the ditch, she clenched her fists to encourage herself: "I can do it!"

What happened to this inexplicable fighting spirit? Zhang Da also said that he didn't quite understand the little girl's mind.

"I want to try it too." Weiwei couldn't stop her curiosity.

Everyone made similar choices, only Ye Yan, the chicken thief, felt that Zhang Da also wanted to cheat others, so he exchanged a glass of juice with Zhang Da on the grounds that he had to catch up on sleep later.

Perhaps out of some tacit understanding, everyone picked up their cups and took a sip of their drinks before the meeting started.

"Woo——" Perona drank boldly, and a smell even more disgusting than a devil fruit washed over her taste buds.

In order to save face, Perona tightly covered her mouth so as not to spit out the coffee, her mouth made a whining sound, and her big eyes glistened with tears.

Noticing the pity in Zhang Daye's eyes, Perona swallowed the coffee bravely, then slumped on the back of the chair weakly, drinking so hard that her soul went out of her body.

Curious Tom was even more powerful than Perona. Because the coffee was too fragrant, he drank a whole cup in one sip and smacked his mouth twice. After a delay of two seconds, Tom's cat's face changed from blue to green, standing on the chair and leaning on the back of the chair, retching non-stop.

Carew, who gradually became Tom's little follower, was not spared. After taking a sip of coffee, he fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth and rolling his eyes.

Weiwei didn't have time to care about Karu, because she was lying on the table with her tongue out and fanning the wind with her hands. She didn't have the elegance that a princess should have. After all, she paid the price for her curiosity.

"So adults drink this kind of drink?" Wendy covered her mouth, her face turned blue, and she said with some despair, "Xia Lulu, I don't want to be an adult anymore."

Xia Lulu said weakly: "Although I can understand your feelings, don't give up because of this reason..."

"I don't think adults have anything to do with whether they drink coffee or not." Jackie Chan corrected Wendy's misconception even if he was unwell, "Adults also have the right to choose drinks... Although it's rude to say something, this thing is true. Is it coffee?"

"The two of us got along very well today." Although Shark Pepper couldn't make much expression, the change in his eyes was very obvious, and he seemed unbearable, "I've never drank such... special coffee. "

Shark Chili's wording is as polite as possible.

Rui Mengmeng had a bitter face: "I would have listened to the boss if I knew it earlier."

Artoria picked up the coffee cup without changing her expression, took a sip and took another sip, at this moment she couldn't help but think of Gawain.

Even so, food must not be wasted, and the intentions of the people who entertained her cannot be easily disappointed. Arturia challenged this cup of coffee with a determination to win.

Ye Yan sipped the juice and became a fun person. Sure enough, he would not suffer any losses if he followed suit. Looking at everyone's expressions, Ye Yan thought of a new idea for performance art - people who drank bitter coffee.

How to make the specific image should be reconsidered. Following the complaints from the crowd, Ye Yan felt that the inspiration was continuously coming up.

The trainees in the training camp were naturally not much better, but in order not to lose face during the internship, they repressed the urge to spit out. Some looked up at the ceiling blankly, and some rested their elbows on the table. , lowered his head and let his palms cover his expression.

Zefa seems to have had experience for a long time, and he put down the cup after only tasting a little: "Gumir, your coffee here is still as bad as ever, haven't you thought about improving it?"

Gumir took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth and chin—he just vomited directly, and even after drinking many times, he still couldn't get used to it at all.

Perona was completely pissed off when she heard what Zefa said to Gumir, and the spirit body put her hips in the air and shouted: "It turns out that you can't even drink it yourself! How can anyone entertain guests with this kind of thing!"

Gumir touched the top of his bald head and said shyly, "Sorry, every time I thought they would improve next time."

It seems that this is a lieutenant general who is very tolerant to his subordinates. Zhang Da has almost judged Gumir's character, and said to Perona: "Okay, don't be too rude, go back quickly."

Zhang Da also took Tom's empty glass: "You will share half of my juice."

Afterwards, I pushed the other half to Arturia, and there was nothing I could do if the cups of the others were still full.

Arturia thanked softly, and Tom was revived with full blood.

Ye Yan touched his conscience, pushed his juice to Wendy, and let them divide it by themselves.

Perona reluctantly floated back into her body, feeling the bitter taste in her mouth still, her facial features almost wrinkled together.

Zhang Da, who never holds grudges, also said with a smile: "Remember to drink it up, don't waste it."

"No!" Perona's face flushed red, "Did you already know that!"

"I really don't like drinking coffee." Zhang Da also talked about him, "Well, can we start now? Lieutenant General, did you say that the situation has changed recently?"

"Well, that's it." Gumir finished his appearance and became serious, "You must have read today's news. Although the specific content is not exhaustive, the defeat of the king and the change of the four emperors are true. Yes."

"In my judgment, Red Hair's overall victory will definitely cause a carnival among pirates, because he has proved to the world that the Four Emperors are just more powerful pirates and are not invincible."

"'A mere ten-person pirate group can defeat the Four Emperors, what if I can do it too? As long as I succeed, I will become famous all over the world overnight'. I am afraid that there are not a few people who think this way."

Speaking of this, Gumir glanced at Zhang Daye: "The activity of the amber tour group some time ago gave birth to a large number of bounty hunters, and the incident caused by the red hair will definitely give birth to a large number of pirates. Even if they followed suit before All of you who become bounty hunters, after realizing that it is difficult to do what you do, I am afraid that many of you will turn into pirates."

"Fame and wealth have always been things that can make people crazy, and becoming a pirate is just a shortcut to get them in the eyes of some people."

Naval cadets were lost in thought. They were always too busy exercising to think about these issues. Gumir's words immediately made them think about the reason why pirates kept appearing.

Only then did they realize that wealth, prestige, status... the things Roger said before he died were so attractive to people.

"Is it our fault?" Wendy noticed that the bounty hunters that Gumir said were influenced by them to go to sea, and finally became pirates because they couldn't achieve their expected goals.

Gumir said: "No, you are just catching pirates, there is nothing wrong with it. Those who change their positions easily are not law-abiding guys."

There are some things that Gumir can't say. If there is a mistake in this matter, it is because Morgans messed up, or there is a problem with the propaganda strategy above.

Can becoming a bounty hunter gain both fame and fortune? Why don't you talk about operating a vendor boat at sea and earning 180,000 Berries a day?

In order to reduce the number of pirates, the special case of the amber tour group is promoted as a goal that everyone can achieve. When the truth is exposed, there will naturally be a backlash.

The title of Four Emperors is also true. In the beginning, the pirates could kill each other for this title, but after such a long time, three of them took this opportunity to manage their territory more and more firmly.

If Wang Zhi had nothing to do to provoke the red hair, the current situation might be even worse.

"In addition, the remnants of Wang Zhi's pirate group and the pirate group that originally attached to him have lost their leader, and their actions are unpredictable."

"With the style of red hair, you may not take over Wang Zhi's old department. I am afraid that many of them will escape from the new world and return to Paradise. The jurisdiction of our G-2 branch is not far from the Red Earth Continent, and the pressure will be great at that time. .”

Gumir's eyes swept across the faces of the younger generations: "In a sense, you came at the wrong time, but at the right time."

The expressions on the faces of the students became serious. Ain and Binz took the lead and said, "In the name of justice, we will never let the pirates do anything wrong!"

Gumir nodded in relief, and said, "In short, it will be very busy, and there is not much time left for everyone to take a break. I will arrange a specific patrol route and set off immediately after lunch."



The meeting ended soon, and the team leaders went back excitedly or anxiously to communicate the mission goals, mobilize before the battle, and looked forward to the next internship life.

Zefa is quite satisfied with the growth of the students. As for the serious situation, the mission may be dangerous and so on, they are the navy after all, and they have to go through these things.

At this time, the amber tour group received warm hospitality from the chef of the fortress, because the chef found two empty cups when packing up the coffee cups. After asking, he found out that the ruthless people of the amber tour group had finished the coffee.

The chefs were almost moved to tears, and this was the first time anyone had finished their coffee!

These people must be entertained today, especially the cat named Tom and Miss Arturia the knight. Even if it means risking your life, you must let these two eat well!

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