Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 456: Red Dog’s Gift (4000 words)

Like the shooting class, today's swimming class in the training camp is also not as peaceful as it used to be.

Although Jackie Chan's performance is excellent, it is still very normal. Everyone can understand that Shark Pepper is riding the dust. Rui Mengmeng is fast and strong, and everyone has expected it.

But... why did the first echelon mix in strange creatures!

"Then... that Tom, is it a cat?" A student opened his mouth wide.

"Yes, but it shouldn't be the same as an ordinary cat." Another student remembered Tom's performance in the training camp. Apart from eating and being lazy, he could beat them in every way, so it is understandable that he is good at swimming. .

"Even if this is acceptable, the one behind it is a duck, right?"

"Yes, I heard that it is Princess Weiwei's pet. It's so strange that ducks can swim."

"But that duck, it swims freestyle!"

Karoo followed closely behind Tom, and skillfully paddled forward with his wings in a posture that did not conform to the physiological structure of a duck. A pair of wings almost turned into propellers.

"Quack~" Karoo didn't pay attention to the exclamation of others, he had already learned swimming from Tom for a long time.

As Vivi's pet and mount, Karu decided to become a duck good at swimming when Vivi became a landlubber. Only in this way can she be rescued in time when she accidentally falls into the water, even if the probability of this is not high.

After all, this group of naval cadets are elites selected from all over the place. Although they have been hit many times in the past few days, they still haven't given up.

"Come on, we must not lose again this time!"


The sailors paddled desperately and chased after them, and Zefa was very pleased to see them.

It's a pity that the sailors are not some passionate group of protagonists, and their shouts and fighting spirit have no effect on the final result.

By the time they finished their training and went ashore exhaustedly, Tom had already set up beach chairs and sun umbrellas and was fishing on the shore.

After Shark Pepper came back, he said hello to Zefa and went to the Navy library to pick up books. He came to this swimming training just to go through the process. The various nautical charts and navigation materials in the library are the ones he came to the headquarters. Purpose.

On the other side, the practice scene of the "capacity group" was a bit lively. Binz twisted his body and danced strangely. The weeds on the ground turned into thick vines following his movements. .

Ain nodded towards Binz, and Binz made a few more special movements, and saw the vines twisting and twisting towards Ain, the scene was very ghostly.

Fortunately, Ai Yin also made a move, reached out and touched the vine lightly, and the vine shrank rapidly, tending to turn back into a weed.

And Binz danced again, the vines gradually recovered, and Ain made the vines go backwards again...

Judging by the tacit understanding between the two, they should usually practice their abilities like this.

Zhang Da also said that it was an eye-opener, your navy really knows how to play.

The training on their side was much more normal. Wendy and Weiwei teamed up to attack Artoria, Weiwei was the main attacker, and Wendy was in charge of defense and adding various buffs to Vivi.

It's not that Weiwei has stronger attack power than Wendy, but that Wendy is currently researching new auxiliary magic, or the addition technique is more appropriate.

The attachment technique can even change the terrain of the entire continent in an instant after practicing it to a certain level. It can attach one's personality to others. It is commonly known as Duoshe. Strong magic power as support.

What Wendy is practicing now is of course just ordinary additional techniques, which have already improved Vivi's strength and speed a lot, and she is using her abilities recklessly. Wendy will help to 'hold' Artoria when she can't support her physically, and help Weiwei recover her physical strength by the way.

All of a sudden, yellow sand rose up around the three of them. If it wasn't for Weiwei's limited strength and intentional control, this training ground would have completely turned into a desert scene today.

Zhang Da also chose to stay away from them, otherwise he would be easily poured with sand.

Of course he is not idle either, our little brother Tatsuya is now promising, and is facing the siege of Ye Yan and Xia Lulu alone.

Like Arturia, one against two, rounded up, Zhang Da is now also the strongest person on board.

"White Moon Spin Kick!" Xia Lulu put one hand on the ground, turned over, her right leg drew a white crescent-like trajectory in the air, and kicked Zhang Daye's shoulder.

Fortunately, Xia Lulu was wearing navy trousers, so there was no embarrassing scene.

Zhang Da also raised his left hand, supported the kick with his forearm, felt Xia Lulu's strength and commented: "This move is not bad, you seem to like kicking skills very much."

Xia Lulu nimbly did two backhand flips to widen the distance, her hands were habitually clenched into cat claws, and said with a smile, "It just feels very suitable for me."

Zhang Da also found himself impressed by her cuteness, and felt that next time he should forbid showing cuteness in battle, he clenched his fist and turned around and swung it out: "Friendship Breaking Face Fist!"

"Damn!" Ye Yan, who was about to sneak attack from behind, took a few steps back and covered his face, and said frantically, "I protest! We agreed to attack you with two of us, why did you only hit me!"

Zhang Da also thought for a while, and said, "Because you have a flaw."

"You liar! After thinking about it for so long, it turns out that you just made it up!" Ye Yan yelled, "I think you are taking revenge on me!"

"Impossible, that's impossible!" Zhang Da also categorically denied, "You haven't offended me recently."

So... if you offend me, you really want revenge, right? Xia Lulu mourned for Ye Yan for a second, then attacked again.

"I knew I should learn kicking skills in the East China Sea." Zhang Da also thought of the red-footed Zhefu, and he said while responding to Xia Lulu's attack, "But it doesn't matter. Ask for advice."

Zhang Da is also talking about the general Huang Yuan, the flash man who ate the obscene fruit, his physical skills will definitely not be weak, and that flash kick is like a supernova.

Although there is fruit ability to cooperate, but since it is a flash kick and not a flash punch, it shows that he still has a foundation in kicking skills at least, and it is more than enough to guide Xia Lulu, a newcomer.

As for whether he is willing or not, Zhang Da can also find a way to ask for it, and he can be ashamed. In order to benefit his friends, a little face is not important at all. If you really can't bear the shame... you can let Ye Yan go, the plan goes through.

"Friendship Breaking Face Fist!"

Boom! This punch hit the soul gong. It seemed that Ye Yan had prepared for it long ago and used the soul gong as a shield. The three of them paused slightly and fought into a ball again.


The admirals are generally very busy, at least busier than Garp. Now two of the three admirals have been sent out, and only Akainu stays at the headquarters.

According to Akainu's understanding of the two colleagues, one of them should be performing the task leisurely, while the other is probably hiding somewhere to sleep, and the task is directly thrown to the subordinates to solve the task, either waiting for the subordinates to be in danger, or approaching the task Hands-on when the deadline comes.

As a dedicated navy, Akainu usually can't stay idle, unless he is ordered to die from above, otherwise he will find some pirates to kill near the headquarters even if he stays behind.

Probably didn't meet any pirates today, Akainu was not in a good mood when he returned to his office.

"General Sakasky!" A man with scars on his face greeted respectfully. It was Lieutenant General Dauberman. He was helping Akainu in the office. In case of any emergency, he could contact Akainu in time.

"Hmm." Akainu nodded, and then noticed two cigarettes on the desk, he asked, "What are these?"

Dauberman explained: "That's how it is. Teacher Zefa brought the training camp back to the headquarters today, and at the same time brought the Amber tour group. This is a gift they entrusted to Marshal Warring States to hand over to you."

"Amber tour group?" Akainu was a little puzzled, he had never met them before, why would he bring himself a souvenir?

"Yes, they are currently training in Teacher Zefa's training camp, but they don't seem to have joined the navy. They just want to stay in the headquarters for a while. The reason is unknown." Dauberman thought for a while and added, "Besides you, Many generals who met them once also received gifts, including General Kuzan and General Polusalino."

It seems that I am just giving a copy here by the way. Akakenu is not completely ignorant of the world, maybe the other party is worried that he will be embarrassed. He shook his head slightly: "boring etiquette."

Akainu's attitude towards the Kohaku tour group is between the two, and he doesn't have much affection, nor does he hate it. This is due to the fact that they occasionally kill pirates by mistake, especially the act of directly killing the golden lion, which he appreciates. Although Akainu did not participate in that operation, the favorability has increased by at least ten percentage points.

It's a pity that Zhang Daye's strength has become stronger and stronger, and the number of misses has become less and less, and occasionally he will do things that embarrass the world government, which leads to the decline of Chiquan's favor towards them.

But now that all the gifts are given away, Akainu will not return them on purpose. He opened a cigarette, took out one in his mouth, and lit the cigarette with the fingertip of his right index finger turned into magma.

Akainu usually smoked cigars. If he hadn't seen this kind of smoke before, he might throw it directly to Dauberman or Ghost Spider.

"Would you like to come here..." Akainu took a puff of the cigarette, and suddenly felt that something was wrong--the irritability when he entered the door was swept away, and now he feels extraordinarily calm, and even speaks in a softer tone than usual a notch.

Dauberman almost had goosebumps all over his body when he heard it: "General Sakasky, are you... unwell?"

Akainu took another puff of the cigarette, trying to maintain a normal tone: "I'm fine, this smoke may have added sedatives or calming herbs or something like that."

After Akainu realized that something was wrong with him, he immediately made a judgment. He threw the cigarette case in his hand to Dauberman: "Take it for testing."


Neither of them thought that the Kohaku tour group would be stupid enough to poison the admiral in the Navy headquarters, and Akainu knew very well whether there was poison in this cigarette, so he still smoked it with confidence-this stuff tastes really good.

But since there is a problem, it is better to check it.

In fact, no matter how much you check, it's useless, because the smoke is completely fine.

[Tom’s smoke before death: Take a sip, you can keep calm even if a bull hits you, and even... want to dig a grave for yourself. 】

When preparing the gift, there was no red dog at all, but Shark Pepper felt that the two generals had it, but it was not good not to prepare for red dog. Zhang Da also thought about it and thought it made sense, after all, he had assumed the name of Chiquan, and everyone had been friends for a long time, so he just took the opportunity to make fun of it.

Then he dug out these two interesting cigarettes and put Sakalski's name on them, thinking that it might be very interesting after Akainu smoked them.


Three days have passed since the amber tour group arrived at the Navy headquarters.

In a small restaurant in the small town of Marin Fanduo, almost all the tables were occupied by sailors on vacation. Zhang Daye and the others also came here under the introduction of Ain and Binz.

According to them, although the scale here is small and the storefront is not very conspicuous, the taste is very good.

Zhang Da also expressed his understanding, just like many really delicious local dishes are often hidden in inconspicuous fly restaurants.

So they came to this restaurant together, and now they are waiting for their food to be served while... listening to the gossip of the sailors at the next table.

It may be because everyone in the store is wearing navy uniforms, the soldiers chatted freely, and their voices were not deliberately controlled.

"Hey, have you found out?" A sailor said to his companion mysteriously, "Admiral Sakaski seems to be a little bit wrong recently."

"Of course you can often see the sentry at the gate, and we don't usually see the general much." Another sailor first complained, and then asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"In the past, General Sakalski always kept a straight face and looked dignified, but he actually smiled at me these days!" The soldier had a complicated expression on his face.

"It's a lie!" The soldiers at a table said that they couldn't imagine what General Akainu's smile looked like.

"It's true! Especially that day, I threw a cigarette butt on the ground, and General Sakalski just passed by, which shocked me. But when I was about to bend down to pick up the cigarette butt, he actually handed me a cigarette , let me stand guard, don't be nervous!"

The soldier dug out his cigarette case and took out one of the cigarettes, "Here, this is it. It looks very high-end, and I don't even want to smoke it."

"Really, it's a brand I've never seen before!"

"It smells really good, is it really a gift from the general?"

Everyone believed his words, and tried again to make up for Chinu's smile, but failed. They start to divert attention:

"Hey, that cigarette, one sip per person!"

"Yes, you can't eat alone!"

"Don't even think about it!"

The sailors huddled together.

Zhang Da also glanced at the cigarette, um, it looks familiar.

"Also, nothing will happen, right?" Ye Yan asked, "The cigarette has its own hypnotic function? Didn't you add some contraband to it, washing powder or something?"

"How can I have that ability? If there is a problem, someone has come to arrest me long ago." Zhang Da also said, "Besides, Tom smoked cigarettes, too. It will be fine if he has worked hard. After all, he is a general, so he should be fine. ……Bar?"

"But boss, that's Teacher Tom." Rui Mengmeng worried, "The more you talk, the less confident you are. We won't be wanted for this kind of thing, right?"

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