Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 455: Insufficient Accuracy, Power Comes Together (4000 words)

After everyone left, Karp tore open another bag of senbei and started to eat it: "Why ask so many, they are good people anyway!"

Warring States said unhappily: "You say they are good people because you eat their food!"

The more good people are, the more troublesome they are. If they are bad people, it's easy. At worst, they will fight with them with real swords and guns. If they win, they will be arrested.

"Hahaha, this brand of senbei is really delicious, and you also received a gift." Garp leaned in front of Sengoku, and reached out to open Sengoku's box, "Give me a taste of your rice cakes Ah He's tea leaves look pretty good too!"

"Go away!" Zhan Guo pushed Garp's big face away with one hand, grabbed Garp's senbei bag with the other hand and poured all of them into his mouth, and said inarticulately, "I have a task for you, and I will complete it within three days !"

Sengoku threw away the packing bag and threw a document to Karp. It's better to send this guy out to fight, and I'll discuss with Ah He about Virgo's matter later.

"Damn it!" Garp left the office angrily, picking his nostrils and complaining in the corridor, "That Sengoku guy is so stingy!"

Passing soldiers carefully used paper drawings to avoid the booger that Karp popped out, pretending not to hear him speak ill of the marshal.


Zefa brought Zhang Daye and the others to the dormitory area: "This is the dormitory. According to the standard of ordinary students, there are four people in one room. You can form groups by yourself. I will take you to register."

In the training camp, it is definitely not possible to live in a single room like usual, and there are even eight people in a room on a warship. Out sailing, few people waste space on the accommodation area like Amber Tours.

Of course, they can also choose to continue living on the ship, but it is rare to have the opportunity to enter the barracks, so it would be a pity not to experience it.

So Wendy, Xia Lulu, Perona and Weiwei got together naturally, Kalu looked at Weiwei pitifully, and the little girls decided to bring one, anyway, Xia Lulu would turn into a cat shape when she was sleeping and be with Wendy Sleeping together, there is plenty of space.

Zhang Daye, Shark Pepper, Ye Yan and Jackie Chan lived in the same room, and of course Tom, who was the nail on Zhang Daye's bed, was also brought along.

The last ones left are Artoria and Rui Mengmeng, Zefa thought for a while and said: "You two should live with Ain, she has always been alone."

"Okay." Artoria nodded in agreement.

"As long as she doesn't mind." Rui Mengmeng was fine.

Not only did Ain not mind, but she was also very happy to help Arturia and the others lead the way and carry their luggage. She has always been the only female soldier in the training camp, and occasionally feels a little lonely.

Although there are other female soldiers in the headquarters, they are not in the same unit, and it would be troublesome to live together. For example, when others have urgent missions to gather, she can only watch, and may even get in the way, and vice versa.

So it was quite a joy to suddenly get two roommates, not to mention that Artoria was still the person she was looking forward to.

Zhang Da also only brought some necessary clothes and daily necessities into the dormitory. The inside is very simple, without any extra decorations, and the beds are actually on the bed and off the table—after all, the students in the training camp have various cultural classes.

The familiar layout of the dormitory made him miss the dormitory in the school. The only drawbacks were an air conditioner and three sand sculpture roommates who were sometimes sons and sometimes fathers.

"It looks pretty good." After asking everyone's opinions, Uncle Long chose the bed on the right hand side of the door.

Shark Pepper checked the quality of the bed, and after confirming that it could bear his own weight, he was relieved: "Then I will choose the one inside."

"I don't care, you can choose." Ye Yan asked Zhang Daye and Tom to choose. He was satisfied as long as he had a bed. After all, he and Huang Xiaoyan took turns sleeping on the bed and on the floor at home.

"Go and pick the one you like." Zhang Da also threw Tom up and let him decide.

Tom struggled for a while, and finally rolled a few times on each of the two beds. He probably felt that the one near the door was a few percent more comfortable, so he chose that one.

Everyone put away their things and headed to the sacred dining hall of the Navy Headquarters.

Check-in and moving were delayed for a while, and I barely made it to lunch. The chefs in the headquarters are indeed well-informed, and they don't care about Zhang Daye's behavior of coming over to refill food at all, but just tell them not to waste food.

"Wasting food is a great crime." Artoria very much agreed with the chef's point of view. She pointed to a kind of delicate steak that she had never seen before in the window, "Well, please give me ten."

"Oh? The little girl is really amazing." The chef praised, he admired the people who eat the most, "You look a bit unfamiliar, are you new here?"

"Yes." Arturia had a friendly attitude towards the chef. He watched the chef's skillful serving of dishes and said, "I just arrived at the headquarters today, and I will be staying at Mr. Zefa's training camp for a while, please care."

"Oh~ are you a new student in the training camp? Please wait a moment." The chef was in awe. He must be an elite among the elites who joined the training camp at this age. He brought a cake, "I'll treat you to another dessert." Yes, we must work hard, whether it is training or eating."

"Thank you, I will try my best." Arturia looked at the additional rewards happily. This chef is really a good person. She thought, the Navy Headquarters is a good place, and Tatsuya didn't lie to me.

Zhang Daye and Rui Mengmeng, who can eat more, also received similar treatment, and the loli team got a lot of desserts and other snacks because of their age advantage.

It wasn't until someone recognized Weiwei that there was a discussion in the cafeteria:

"That's Princess Vivi of Alabasta!"

"I just sent princess snacks! She even said thank you!"

"Ah, so polite, such an excellent princess! But were we too rude just now?"

Not everyone can take the princess seriously like Zhang Daye and the others. For ordinary people, it is a great honor to meet a princess of a big country at close range. Be careful.

Weiwei was a little distressed about this, but the students in the training camp had gotten used to her presence after seven or eight days of getting along, and she believed that the people here would gradually get used to it.

"Did the news say that Princess Vivi is traveling with the Amber tour group?"

"I saw them, with amazing appetites! They're still wearing navy uniforms!"

"Could it be that they have joined our navy?"

Zhang Daye and the others didn't know about the chefs chatting while washing dishes, and they were visiting the headquarters under the guidance of Ai Yin.

Watchtowers, office areas, arsenals, there are many places in the headquarters that cannot be entered at will. Ain must explain clearly to them, but there are not many rules in the cafeteria, library, and general training grounds.

Ye Yan quietly asked Zhang Da if he should let the banner demons go around, and Zhang Da shook his head lightly. Unlike other naval bases, the navy headquarters may not be able to hide the banner demons. Everyone knows that is Ye Yan. It's not good to cause misunderstandings when the time comes. He didn't have any information that he had to know to make him tear up his face with the Navy, there was no need for that.

Turning the headquarters roughly around, Ain looked at the time: "The training in the afternoon is about to start, shall we go gather? I'll take you to the town next time. I know there is a great dessert shop."

"Okay!" The girls agreed together, seeming to have a soft spot for desserts.

Zhang Da also asked: "What kind of training do you usually do in the afternoon? When I was in Chambord, it seemed that I was always on patrol missions or something."

"There are many subjects, such as fencing, shooting, swimming, artillery, boat maneuvering, etc." Ain looked at several little girls and said, "It will be very tiring when the courses are full."

It's a pity that no one can be scared except Perona, and in order to preserve the majesty of her little big sister, Perona will not give up before she starts.

"Are you still learning how to shoot?" Zhang Da also remembered that there seemed to be few gunmen among the admirals.

Ai Yin nodded: "Teacher Zefa said that in the first three months, everyone will be exposed to as many things as possible, and then they will decide the direction of majoring according to their talents."

First determine the talent, and then teach students in accordance with their aptitude, as expected of Zefa.

Ain suddenly remembered that most of the amber tour group were capable people, and said, "By the way, capable people don't need to take part in swimming training, but they should use that time to develop their abilities or learn the six styles."

Zhang Da, who is "suspected to be capable of baggy fruit", nodded: "It is very thoughtful."


As Ain said, the first training session in the afternoon was a shooting class.

The training camp aims to cultivate excellent admirals, and shooting courses are an indispensable part.

As an officer, you don't have to use guns, but for the safety of your subordinates and the designation of the combat plan, you must absolutely not understand. Even if you are not proficient in various firearms, you must understand the necessary knowledge such as their range and power.

Of course, it would be a good thing if you can find people with great shooting talent through shooting courses. Excellent snipers are also quite scarce talents.

Zhang Da is also not good at shooting. When using the navy's standard rifle, his shooting performance can probably be ranked last in the training camp.

The only ones worse than him are his companions who usually don't touch guns very much.

Uncle Long was obviously not in this list. After he got used to the gun a little bit, he would be able to shoot very good results immediately, at least among the best.

Shark Pepper and Karoo are the only two people who were eliminated in the gun-holding stage. With Shark Pepper's hand shape and Karoo's wings when he was not transformed, it was too difficult for them to hold the gun or pull the trigger. .

The bored Karoo chose to cheer for Vivi and Tom. The bored Shark Pepper did not activate the super transformation form, but used Murloc Karate · Hit the water to shoot the target one by one to practice accuracy.

The marksmanship of the others is not bad, but they are not much better. This wave of amber tour group has to rely on Tom to support the scene.

Tom picked up his rifle and slammed down a seagull, then wiped his saliva and reloaded and hit the bullseye.

While the others applauded Tom, Tom dropped his rifle in disgust, pulled out his pair of revolvers, and fired bang bang at the target.

A few seconds later, Tom blew the gunpowder smoke, and there was already a stick figure of Tom on the target.

"This is too...too strong!" The sea soldiers couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear in surprise. They had practiced their marksmanship seriously for more than two months, but they were not as good as a cat! Sure enough, we don't have the talent of snipers.

Zefa crossed his arms, still unable to understand Tom's reasoning, but...he suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to raise a cat.

Tom put away his guns, picked up the seagull he shot, and ran to the corner of the training ground to start a fire, ready to make a snack.

Artoria quietly followed up to help.

Zefa pretended not to see it, and shouted to the other sailors: "Don't be in a daze, keep practicing!"

Zhang Da couldn't help but tried a few more shots, he made some progress, at least he was able to hit the target.

Looking at the rifle in his hand, he suddenly thought of a widely circulated saying: 'If the accuracy is not enough, the power must be used'.

So, Zhang Da also began to try to attach armed domineering to the bullets in the barrel.

It is a little difficult to do this. At the beginning, the whole gun can only be temporarily turned into a black gun simply and rudely, and the bullets inside will naturally become black bullets. But it was very difficult to shoot in this way, because the gunpowder used for excitation also became 'black powder', and he could only adjust it a little bit.

In the end, Zefa felt that his rough domineering technique was a little hot, so he stepped forward to give pointers.

The shooting course turned into a domineering course so naturally, and Zhang Da also gained a lot.

boom! Boom! Click!

Zhang Da also pulled the trigger, and a bullet hit the edge of the target, but the target exploded into pieces as if hit by a small shell.

Under the shocked eyes of the sea soldiers, Zhang Da also smiled happily: "Ha, you hit the bull's-eye!"

Zefa is silent, you really have the face to say that if you are asked to be a sniper to rescue the hostages one day, you must also smash the hostages into scum.


After the shooting class, there was swimming. Under Zhang Daye's secret instructions, Wendy, Xia Lulu, Ye Yan, and Artoria all maintained the personas of capable users and did not participate.

Perona and Weiwei are capable users in the first place, so they don't need to participate. They develop abilities with Ain and Binz.

Rui Mengmeng, Jackie Chan and Shark Chili followed the students to Crescent Bay. Tom remembered that he hadn't gone swimming for a while, so he also took Karoo to follow.

Naturally, Zhang Da doesn't have any fruit abilities to develop. He is just practicing the Lanjiao in the six forms. He already has some eyebrows and feels that he will be able to learn it in a short time. Although the attack power of this thing is not very strong, it is handsome. ah.

"Jackie Chan, aren't you a capable person?" Zefa asked.

Jackie Chan doubted: "No, I'm just an ordinary person."

"But the information shows that you can spray flames. Is it an error in information?"

"Fire-breathing?" Jackie Chan knew he was probably talking about the Dragon Charm, "I have indeed used fire-breathing props."

Uncle Long doesn't even call the Dragon Charm a weapon, because it not only breathes fire and creates explosions, but it can also be used by Tom to grill.

Because it is difficult to find firewood, Tom and Artoria now use dragon charms for barbecue.

Zefa thought it was a device like a portable oven. Probably no one would have thought that such a weapon that could easily destroy a town would be used in this way.

There is an activity for the title of fan in the book circle, those who are interested can participate in it, how to distribute it... Actually, I don’t know -_-||

I haven't done it before. After finishing my research, unfortunately, the monthly quota is only ten.

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