Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 432 Zhang Skill Thief Dao Ya (4000 words)

Chapter 432 Zhang · Many Skill Thieves · Tatsuya (4000 words)

"Little brother, can you get out of the way? I still have something to do."

"Coincidentally, I have something to do. I just want to catch pirates." Zhang Da also said, "What's more coincidental is that you are a pirate, right?"

"That's really..." Foz Foz pressed the handle of the knife at his waist with one hand.

He is both uncomfortable and fortunate now. What is uncomfortable is that he is afraid of something. The person who said he didn't want to provoke the Amber Tour Group just met him so soon.

Fortunately, what he met was not all the members, but only one person and a cat, and according to intelligence, although this person was the leader of the amber tour group in name, his strength did not seem to be very strong. Then things are simple, just kill him...

No, it will take a little time for coating, and killing him directly may invite crazy revenge. After all, Foz Fowler also worked as an agent in CP9, not the kind of pirate who is completely brainless. He quickly thought of a solution, as long as he stalled this person first, let his subordinates disperse, and then he would get rid of this person.

In fact, the best way is to subdue Zhang Daye in an instant, but Fuzi Fu's knowledge and knowledge told him that this person should not be so easy to deal with.

He gestured to Catwoman, and because of the early passage, Catwoman and the other four subordinates left immediately without any hesitation.

When Foz Fu was thinking about strategies, Zhang Da was not idle either. After recognizing Foz Fu, he was both excited and regretful.

What is exciting is that it is rare to meet a powerful person, and you can test your fighting power unscrupulously. What I regret is that I should not have suggested splitting up operations in order to improve the efficiency of cleaning up criminals. Now that I have encountered a strong enemy, Artoria and Shark Pepper don't know where, and Zhang Da is somewhat flustered.

The good news is that Foz Fu is not the same Foz Fu who was beaten up by Jinbei ten years later, and his strength should be much worse than that at that time. The better news is that Tom is always there, and he should not be killed.

So Zhang Da also gave Tom the phone bug, and asked him to go aside to make a phone call, and to help when necessary. Whether you can win or not, let's talk about it first.

Foz Fu held the two-meter-long knife horizontally in front of his body, lightly moved his hands... and pulled out a twenty-centimeter-long dagger.

If it was an ordinary person, when they saw this dagger drawn from the two-meter-long scabbard, they would probably be stunned.

And Zhang Da also silently cursed MDZZ, threw away the folding stool and frying pan in his hand, and took out a Tianlun Sword.

"Sure enough, it's the ability similar to the pouch fruit that the intelligence said." Foz Ferrer paid great attention to intelligence, "However, using it like this won't help you in battle...blade gun!"

Foz Fu threw away the scabbard, stabbed out the dagger in his right hand again and again, and more than a dozen sagittal air blades flew out. This is a move similar to the flying finger gun, and it can be regarded as Foz Foz's personal extension of the six styles .

"Chop!" Zhang Da also swung his sword almost at the same time as him, and a three-meter-long golden slash flew across, offset most of the sagittal shock wave and flew towards Fuzi Fu.

This is a move adapted from the Golden Lion. Arturia used the power it should have, but Zhang Daye's swordsmanship is still a million points behind.

The slash fell on the huge red tree more than ten meters behind Foz Fu, leaving a deep mark. And Foz Fu had already jumped into the air, adjusted his position with a few taps on his toes, and then swung his right leg diagonally downward: "Moon step! Lan foot!"

A white crescent-shaped slash flew towards the back of Zhang Daye's head. Zhang Daye's ankles were entangled in the wind, and he turned and kicked: "Tianlong's hook claw!"

Foz Fu's slash was divided into two parts, and it landed on the ground behind Zhang Daye with two bangs.

"Flying bird!" Zhang Da also swung a flying bird-shaped slash from bottom to top while his body was hanging upside down. This is a modified sword technique from T Peng En. It will also change directions in the air, but it is not a right-angle turn. Much rounder than T Penn's moves.

Since the Golden Lion and T Peng En both use double-edged swords, their moves are very compatible with Zhang Daye after being modified by Artoria.

Foz Fu wanted to use the Moon Step to dodge, but the slash followed a crisp bird cry, and pierced Foz Fu's shoulder in a strange arc.

"What? Iron block!"

When it was difficult to evade, Foz Fu decisively chose to resist, saying that it was an iron block, and the actual armed color was also urgently mobilized.

boom! boom! The first sound was Foz Fow being hit, the second Foz Fow fell to the ground, sending up a puff of smoke.

"You guys... don't seem to be as weak as the rumors..." Foz Fu's sullen voice came from the smoke.

"Tianlong's roar!" Zhang Da also took a deep breath, a magic circle appeared in front of him, and a whirlwind spewed out. The scale was stronger than before, but the power was still not enough.

"It still doesn't work. If you have to let him beat me up before you can break through the battle, forget it. Go back and practice more." Zhang Da is also a little disappointed. If you are a friend, you can try it. The enemy should hurry up and get down. .

The only function of this whirlwind is to blow away the diffuse smoke and dust, revealing the prostrate Foz Fu inside.

I saw that his originally tall and thin figure swelled up and became even taller and stronger. His thick tail swung behind him, and a pair of long canine teeth stretched beyond his chin, like two short sticks stuck upside down in his mouth. Sword——animal system · cat fruit · ancient species · saber-toothed tiger form!

"This saber-toothed tiger is a bit fat." Zhang Da also commented. In his impression, the body of a saber-toothed tiger should be as slender and fit as a cheetah, but Foz Fu's appearance, if he didn't look at the pair of long teeth, he would think it was a magnification version of the orange cat.

Seeing the small wound on Foz Fu's left shoulder, Zhang Da also heaved a sigh of relief. Since he could break through the defense, he would hit some of them.

"Roar~" Foz Fu slammed forward with a roar. Not only did his fat body not affect his swift speed, but it also greatly enhanced the power of his pounce.

Clang! Zhang Da also blocked the pair of sharp teeth with his sword horizontally, but was sent flying by a huge animal claw and smashed into an abandoned house.

"Flying bird!" Zhang Da also swung a slash, and then came out of the hole rubbing his chest, "Cough~ it hurts a bit."

"Who will be hit by this kind of move again!" Fuzi Fu quickly jumped a few steps left and right to avoid the slash. The claws waved so that there was almost an afterimage.

Zhang Da also held his sword to block again and again. The huge size and strength of Foz Fu beast made it difficult for him to deal with it.

Moreover, he also discovered that Foz Fau has a bad habit, that is, he likes to talk trash when fighting. To put it nicely, he should like to use psychological tactics:

"Stinky brat, you just rely on the strength of your companions to gain a little fame. When your companions are not around, there is nothing you can do right away?"

"I heard that you are ranked last in the team, right? If it is a pirate group, there may be a rare case where the bounty of the crew is higher than that of the captain!"

"How did you become the leader of those people when you were so weak? You are not just a puppet!"

"It's so annoying..." Zhang Da didn't break his defense because of this, mainly because most of what he said was true, and Zhang Da was almost used to it. Back then, he was the weakest in the whole tavern, so Nothing special. It's just that this person's constant babbling in the ear is a bit annoying.

boom! Foz Fu suddenly increased his strength, and Zhang Da also made a slight misjudgment, and flew upside down and lay down on the ground, but immediately got up with an oolong twist, and took this opportunity to open a little distance.

The oolong twisting column was learned from Uncle Long. How to get up quickly to avoid attacks or find opportunities to counterattack after a fall is also an important lesson.

"That move is the most suitable for a big and powerful enemy." Zhang Da also quickly adjusted his posture, holding the sword in both hands, and the dark energy in his body gushed out, "Dark Energy Version Overlord!"

Foz Fow, who was rushing towards him, bumped into a white light, his entire tiger face was distorted, and he flew back at a faster speed than when he came.

"It hurts...Damn brat, I obviously used my weapon..." Foz Foz got up and covered his round head with his paws, a thin line of blood flowed down his cheeks.

He now has some doubts about the information he has obtained. If the kid in front of him ranks last in strength, how strong should the others be?

"I can't keep entangled with him any longer, Tooth Gun!" Foz Foz opened his mouth, and a dozen shock waves in the shape of teeth flew out, and then he turned his head and ran away regardless of whether it worked or not.

It wasn't that he was afraid of Zhang Daye, but that his goal had already been achieved. After delaying for so long, his subordinates should have reached a safe place. If he continued to delay, he might be surrounded by people from the Amber Tour Group.

So next, he needs to get rid of Zhang Daye quickly, wait patiently for the coating to be completed, and then quietly go to sea. We met each other by chance, even if you are world-renowned bounty hunters, you wouldn't be chasing after me, a fledgling, little-known little pirate group, would you?

Foz Fu did not return to his human form, but kept his beast form and ran all the way. Although his body was like a fat orange, his strength was like a cheetah.

Zhang Da also encountered a little trouble in the back. Fuzi Fu's dental gun was not so easy to block, although it looked like a saber-toothed tiger spat out a dozen sets of false teeth at him, there was nothing to be afraid of.

But this is a derivative technique of the six-style finger gun, which makes full use of the sharp teeth of the saber-toothed tiger, and its power can break through even the armed forces. The current Foz Fu is not as strong as eleven years later, but Zhang Da is also not as strong as Jinping at that time.

After splitting a few tooth guns with the sword, Zhang Daye had two deep blood holes on his right shoulder and left arm, and the blood flowed down.

"Hiss~" This was the first time since his debut that he was seriously injured by the enemy. Zhang Da also quickly took out [Tom's medical kit] from the inventory, and bandaged himself a few times.

Tom ran over anxiously holding the phone bug.

"It's not a big problem!" Zhang Da also patted himself on the shoulder, the bandage was much better at stopping bleeding, "Let's go, let's chase!"

Want to run after beating someone? How can there be such a good thing, Zhang Da also put Tom on his shoulders.

Arturia's voice came from the phone bug: "Tatsuya, I'm rushing there, how is it going?"

Zhang Da also said while running: "I'm fine, the enemy fled in the direction of No. 27 GR, and I'm chasing him."

"GR No. 27? I see." Artoria changed her direction, "I'll go there right away, so be careful."

Zhang Da also smiled: "Don't worry, I think I can win, but if I can't, there is Tom."

Holding the phone bug, Tom shook his head like a rattle, impossible, impossible, how could my ordinary kitten beat such a big fat cat?

"Don't be afraid, you can sneak attack him, and you can also dig traps, you have to believe in yourself." Zhang Da also speeded up. Tom has always been unable to recognize his own strength, anyway, it will naturally play a role at the critical moment.

After chasing for more than five minutes, Zhang Da could only see a big tail flicking back and forth. The distance between the two could no longer be narrowed, and they had reached GR No. 27.

"This guy can really run, I'll add a buff first." Zhang Da also raised his hand, and a magic circle appeared under his feet, coating him with a faint blue light, "The speedy wind that gallops in the sky, Burner !"

Zhang Daye's body immediately became much lighter, the speed under his feet suddenly increased, and the distance between him and Foz Fu quickly narrowed: "Have you heard of Da Ye who is running wild?"

"What's going on?" Foz Fowler turned his head and took a look, "What is that light?"

Foz Fu had doubts about his intelligence again, didn't he mean the ability similar to bags of fruits? What is this acceleration?

He noticed Tom on Zhang Daye's shoulder, could it be that cat's ability? No wonder you have to bring it on purpose!

Foz Fu gritted his teeth, wanting to go faster.

However, when Zhang Da saw that the distance was about the same, he put away the Tianlun sword and took out the soul gong and soul hammer: "Still running?"


"What? Body..." After hearing the sound of the gong, Foz Fu suddenly realized that his body was out of control, and he kept running in a frozen posture. His inertia seemed to have drifted away, and he didn't notice it at all.

"Stupid, I know a lot of skills!" Zhang Da also took the opportunity to pounce on Foz Fau's head with the hammer.

It's a pity that Foz Foz wasn't immobilized for a long time. He had resumed his actions when the hammer fell, and finally Zhang Da also hit him on the back with a hammer.

Since Foz Fu also had "targeted vigilance" against Zhang Da, the timed hammer used to hit the man would not be effective, so Zhang Da also shot with the mentality of forcefully knocking him out, and the strength of this hammer was not light.

"Wow~" Foz Fu threw himself forward, but did not give up the counterattack. With strength in his waist, his thick tail swept towards Zhang Da.

Zhang Da also used the soul gong as a shield to block the blow, but was still repelled by him.

"Bastard!" The huge saber-toothed tiger stood up, and its body began to shrink. Although it became smaller, the muscles on its body seemed stronger and more powerful.

I can't keep my hand anymore, if I keep my hand, I will keep myself here! Since this guy insists on getting in the way, let's beat him down first!

Seeing someone ask Zhang Da how much he knows about the plot, I actually deliberately blurred this aspect. If you don’t need to ask for a certificate, you can infer from my last book that Zhang Daye and his roommate Ren Ming traveled on the same day. The time I gave in the last book is December 8, 2021, which is actually the time when the book was uploaded. Time for the first chapter. (This wave is linked with myself)

As of that day, the manga of One Piece was updated to chapter 1034. The plot is the one where Sanji used the Demon God's Foot to Quinn in the decisive battle on Onijima.

And today is June 7, 2023, the information of One Piece Chapter 1086 has just been released, and the chapter of Egghead Island is not over yet. Oda announced yesterday that he will undergo eye surgery, and the publication will be suspended for four weeks.

When I wrote earlier, I didn’t pay much attention to the issue of time, so Zhang Da should know what he shouldn’t know, as long as I know it, let him know it. In order to make it reasonable, some things may be a little vague, or react in a short time I can't come, but there's no need to force him to not know important things... Anyway, how the plot goes smoothly, don't worry about it. (*^▽^*)

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