Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 430 Are you checking me? (4000 words)

"Lieutenant Colonel T Peng En, I haven't seen you for a long time. Does this little pirate still need to go there in person?" Zhang Da also recognized this old acquaintance from a distance.

"Long time no see, Mr. Tatsuya, I just happened to be patrolling nearby." T Penn said seriously, "And this is my duty, how can I let my subordinates do it for me?"

Zhang Da also said, "You're still the same, if only that Major Clow had half as much energy as you."

T Penn said: "Please don't say that, Crow is now a lieutenant colonel, and was transferred to Xihai a few months ago."

Zhang Da was also surprised and said, "Really? He got promoted? It's a pity that I didn't even have time to congratulate him."

"This is also thanks to Mr. Tatsuya and you guys. Before he left, Kuluo said, thank you very much." T Penn knew that during that time Zhang Daye and the others caught too many pirates, but Kuluo just Responsible for exchanging bounties, with a little credit, you will gradually accumulate enough conditions for promotion.

Zhang Da also smiled embarrassedly: "Major Kuro...ah no, Lieutenant Colonel Kuro is too polite, we are just here to earn some bounties."

T Penn's adjutant was sullen. He always felt that Lieutenant Colonel Clow didn't mean that when he said that, but he had no evidence.

Jackie Chan's voice came from behind Zhang Da: "Don't make trouble, you guys are so rude."

I saw the lolis lined up behind Uncle Long. The reason was that Perona felt that T Penn's face was too scary, so she hid behind Uncle Long and poked her head out to observe.

Then Wendy also felt that T Penn's face was so scary, so she hid behind Perona and looked at it.

Then Vivi hid behind Wendy, and Karoo hid behind Vivi. Tom probably thought it was fun, so he also hid behind Karoo, looking out.

This queue, like a selfie queue, is even arranged by height.

Zhang Da also tapped on Perona's head: "Lieutenant Colonel T Penn is a very good person, please come out and apologize."

I didn't see how scared you were when I was playing with Brooke, what kind of treasure are you playing here now?

Five cute animals came out and stood in a row, bowing together:



Only Tom was silent, but his sincerity came, and he bowed as if he folded himself.

"Don't worry about it." T Penn doesn't care about such a small thing, but feels guilty because he scares others, "We are supposed to protect the people, but we are feared by children. This is my negligence. 'The goal is not done well enough! Starting tomorrow, I will redouble my efforts, please monitor!"

"Lieutenant Colonel T Penn!" The sailors were so moved that they wept bitterly.

Zhang Da also said embarrassingly: "I really don't blame you for this, it's because our children are ignorant..."

"How can I blame my fault on the citizens!" T Penn's tone became more serious, making his face look even more terrifying, but the words he said couldn't be more upright, "Thank you Mr. Tatsuya for your relief, we will Go and finish your duties and don't bother."

T Penn and his subordinates escorted the pirates away, leaving everyone with a tall and tall figure.

"What a good man." Uncle Long sighed, and then taught with a straight face, "Appearances can sometimes confuse people, so we shouldn't judge people by their appearance, and pay more attention to the heart and character of others, remember? "

"Remember." Wendy and Weiwei's voices were clear and powerful, only Perona was listless, and Uncle Long came again, and even a small matter has such a long truth.

Tom nodded half-understanding, and looked at Xia Lulu, shouldn't he judge cats by their appearance? But Xia Lulu is really not as cute as a cat when she becomes a human.

Waiting for T Penn to lead the team to leave, Goodman asked: "Brother, do you want to go next?"

"Should stay here for a while before leaving." Zhang Da also said, "Go ahead, uncle, let's go back to the tavern to clean up, and we'll bother you at your house later."

Goodman said, "Well, Molly will be glad to know you're back."


"Next, I want to live in the tavern. Do you want to live in the tavern or continue to live on the Amber?" Zhang Da also asked for everyone's opinions.

"We want to live on the island!" The lolis replied in unison. This is an island with bubbles floating everywhere like a fairy tale. Of course, I want to try living here.

They all said so, so Jackie Chan will naturally follow, he is also very interested in the 'bubble culture' here.

Shark Pepper said: "Let's live in a pub, I miss this place a little bit."

Artoria didn't say anything, she felt that Tatsuya understood, Tom was going back to the tavern, and of course she was too.

Rui Mengmeng said, "I'm with everyone."

Ye Yan said: "Then I'll be with you too. I'm curious what the tavern looks like."

"Okay, let's move the luggage."

Everyone went back to their rooms and packed all kinds of necessities and carried them off the boat. Then, under the guidance of Zhang Daye, Tom, Arturia, Rui Mengmeng and Shark Pepper, those who had never been to Chambord put their things into the bubbles. Paoli, novelty, is holding the 'bubble bag' with a rope.

"This is so convenient, I can pick up something that the black-hearted boss weighs more!" Perona showed off holding Bubble in surprise.

Zhang Da also applauded perfunctorily: "Then you are really amazing, why don't I leave my luggage to you as well."

"Good idea!" Perona suddenly remembered something, and stopped in front of Zhang Daye, "Did you say that as long as I can lift you up with one hand, you will let me beat you up?" (Chapter 343)

"You don't want to use these bubbles, do you?" Zhang Da also said, "Cheating is not okay, don't forget Uncle Long's teaching, 'The wise seek strength from within, and the unwise seek outward', you have to be unwise ?"

Jackie Chan was a little moved suddenly, someone could actually remember what he said.

"Hey, what a wise man is not a wise man, use this aggressive method of deceiving children to perfuse me." Having said that, Perona didn't bother anymore, but turned around and continued walking.

Walking on the familiar street again after more than half a year, Zhang Da actually felt like returning to his hometown, obviously he didn't live here for a long time.

Shark Pepper was introducing things like geography, climate, and humanities here to Jackie Chan and Ye Yan, while Rui Mengmeng was telling the little girls about the interesting places here, such as Shamboldi Park.

Occasionally, someone would interject that this used to be a dessert shop, and the cold dishes in the restaurant there were very good.

I also met some acquaintances on the road, and Zhang Da also greeted them as before. Some people quickly responded enthusiastically, while others were obviously a little dazed.

"Here we are, this is our tavern!" Zhang Da also introduced while standing in front of the door.

Everyone stopped and looked at this unremarkable small building. It didn't look as big as expected, but fortunately it wasn't old.

There is no signboard at the door, because the sign that says "Tatsuya's Tavern" was made by Goodman, and Zhang Daye took it with him as a souvenir when he went out to sea, and hung it in the small bar of the Amber.

"Go in and have a look... Well, wait a minute." Zhang Da searched for a while before finding the key and opening the door of the tavern.

With the squeak of the door hinge, the sunlight shone in along the door, and the shadow of the waist door fell on the ground, and fine dust particles could be vaguely seen flying up and down in the air illuminated by the sunlight.

This thing seems to be called the Tyndall effect, right? Zhang Da also inexplicably thought of something strange, and then quickly noticed the dust on the ground and the table: "It seems that we need to do a big cleaning first."

"Cleaning up? It's easy." Ye Yan threw out the eight banners, and the eight banners made a handsome pose, then realized their situation, and immediately understood their mission.

Zhang Da also gave Ye Yan a thumbs up. This time, Tom doesn't need to do the work of a group of people by himself: "I suddenly remembered that our upstairs rooms are not enough, let's squeeze together today?"

There were originally only three bedrooms on the second floor of the tavern, but when Shark Pepper came, Zhang Da also asked Goodman to expand the utility room and shrink the master bedroom where he and Tom lived. bedrooms.

Now everyone has to live in, and the room is not enough anymore.

There is no objection to the point of lodging. It is not always possible to stay in a hotel alone when you go out to play. Sometimes it is very interesting to share a room.

Everyone discussed it, and finally Artoria and Rui Mengmeng lived together in Artoria's original room.

The three lolis and Xia Lulu live in one room. In Rui Mengmeng's original room, Karoo Duck's kennel can also be placed on the ground.

Shark Pepper and Jackie Chan live in a room, Zhang Da also lives in a room with Tom, and the rest of Ye Yan stays up at night, so they can sleep at staggered peak hours.

The Banner Demons worked very efficiently and cleaned the first floor very quickly. When I was about to go to the second floor to clean, Suifenger suddenly stopped;

"Report the owner, and the boss, I found traces of people sneaking into the tavern, and more than once. Some traces seem to be from a few months ago, and some are just recently! I request to go to everyone's room to investigate before cleaning. "

"Maybe some petty thieves come in. After all, there is a legend in Chambord that we have a golden folding stool in our hands. It is normal to touch it in while we are away." Zhang Da also said, "You have to investigate. also."

Sui Feng Er happily ran upstairs, and the other seven banner demons resented: "Sui Feng Er, that bastard, found an excuse to be lazy again!"

"And by the way, I can satisfy my little hobbies."

"Why don't we dawdle for a while, and wait for him to come back and work together."

Ye Yan kicked Banner Demon's ass trying to encourage everyone to be lazy: "Hurry up and go to work!"

Tom was leading the loli team to visit the tavern. They ran all over the kitchen, the underground wine cellar, and the small yard outside.

And Zhang Da was wandering around in the lobby, thinking about whether to turn the first floor into a living area as well.

After hearing about his plan, Weiwei said: "It's a pity to change them all into dormitories. I thought I would open a tavern for a while."

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't open, right? It will be very noisy." Perona and Weiwei disagreed, and whispered in Weiwei's ear, "Besides, you have to work to open the store, and then you won't have time to go out and play."

Weiwei had a troubled expression on her little face. Opening a tavern was fun, but it was hard to find such a fun island, so she wanted to go out and see more.

"Why not follow the example on the Amber, one part is reserved as a room and the other as a small bar, which can be used for rest or for business." Jackie Chan suggested, "If you want to stay here for a while, you should find some things to do."

"That's fine, but the money we can earn from opening a tavern is good enough to make ends meet." Zhang Da also talked about his own experience, completely unaware that he didn't earn much before because the business hours were too short , the rest of the time is either exercising or playing around.

The matter is settled like this, the tavern will keep a part first, everyone will play on the island for a few days, and then see if you want to open a shop to see how you feel.

"Conclusion!" Sui Feng'er ran down the stairs with a magnifying glass, the timing was very precise, just after the other banner demons had finished cleaning.

The other seven banner demons gritted their teeth and beat him up if they had a chance.

Zhang Da also said, "Tell me."

Sui Fenger said: "There are roughly three types of people who infiltrate here. One is the less professional thieves who come here to steal things. If you have nothing to steal but you still have to take something away, you will be caught sooner or later.”

Zhang Da also nodded, this kind of person is probably here to try his luck, and these people would not dare to come here before they go to sea.

Sui Fenger continued: "The second type is more professional thieves, who leave few traces and simply sneak away without finding anything valuable. It should be considered a more difficult type, but this kind of person is skilled and courageous. Big, I heard that we may come back when we come back."

Zhang Da has also encountered this kind of people. To deal with them, he probably needs a mousetrap or a rake. If Tom is asked to set traps, the more skilled people are, the higher the probability of being caught.

"The third one is a bit troublesome. I smell the same kind of smell. It's not that it's evil, but it means that the other party may be as professional as me and is engaged in intelligence. They are not here to steal, but to investigate." Sui Feng Er curiously asked, "Boss, have you committed any crimes before, or have you offended anyone?"

"That's a bit much." Zhang Daye used to be a bounty hunter, a violent gangster, and a sneaky rescuer of slaves. He must have offended many people. It is not unheard of to blow up the population auction house and add obstacles to the world government.

"But I feel that they shouldn't be here for this." Zhang Da also said, "Didn't they invite us to become Qiwuhai some time ago, maybe they got the bottom of it before inviting them."

Anyway, they couldn't find anything. All the traces left by Zhang Da in this world started in May last year. If you want to check, just check it.

But since the people of the World Government are so enthusiastic and like to investigate so much, why not do something for them to investigate?

Zhang Da also secretly thought about how to make things difficult for them.

It's time for the college entrance examination. I wish all the candidates get satisfactory results and get admitted to the college of their choice!

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